VM5 Historical Aspects of Development Research (15 ECTS)
- 240044 VO [ de en ] Doing Feminisms
- 240057 VO ( NR ) Commodities and Development: Current Issues and Historical Context - Rohstoffe und Entwicklung: Aktuelle Auseinandersetzungen im historischen Kontext
- 240088 SE [ en ] ( ISK ) VM5 / VM7 - Socialisms Engendered: Social Movements, Politics and the State
- 240093 SE ( SGU ) VM1 / VM5 - Social and Global Disparity as the Basis for Political Change and Revolution? - The Case of the Middle East
- 240089 SE ( SGU ) VM5 / VM6 - Islam as a Political Factor in African History
- 240095 VO+UE ( SGU ) VM5 / VM4 - ideologies of Emancipation and postcolonial Realitäten - political and economic difficulties in the former colonies
- 150017 VO China and East Asia (M4)
- 070132 SE Seminar - Inequality in the Long Run - Steuern, ihre Bedeutung für die Herausbildung von Staatlichkeit und ihr Einfluss auf die Verteilung von Vermögen und Einkommen
- 070154 VO Sir Peter Ustinov Lecture
- 070155 SE Sir Peter Ustinov Seminar
- 070295 SE [ en ] Seminar - Free and Unfree Labor Relations in Global Perspective, 17th Century to the Present
- 142157 SE Nationalism in Colonial India
- 143082 KU Guided Reading: African Contemporary History
- 143180 SE Decolonising Knowledge: - Libraries and Educational Institutions as Actors in the Field of Knowledge Production in African Studies
- 143255 KU Foreign Interventions in Africa: Historical Perspectives
- 143385 VO Religious Change and Fundamentalism in Islamic Regions in Africa and Asia
- 180098 VO [ en ] A History of Economic Thought: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions
Last modified: We 21.04.2021 11:28