Master Languages and Cultures of South Asia (697)
Compulsory Modules (20 ECTS)
M1 SLRV Language, Literature, and Religion of the Vedic Cultural Period (10 ECTS)
M2 ASLRP Aspects of the History of Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy in South Asia (10 ECTS)
Alternative Compulsory Modules Philology and Textual Hermeneutics (10 ECTS)
APM3a PT1 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics in the Field of the Philosophical-Religious Traditions of South Asia I (10 ECTS)
APM3b PT2 Ancient Indian Language Varieties and Literary Genres (10 ECTS)
Compulsory Modules (20 ECTS)
M4 SLRPV Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of the non-Brahmanical Traditions of Premedieval South Asia (10 ECTS)
- 142175 SE [ en ] Classification of living beings in Jain thought: The doctrine of 8.4 million embodiments
M5 SLRPKM Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of the Classical and Medieval Cultural Periods of South Asia (10 ECTS)
- 142540 SE [ en ] Verbal communication as a means of knowledge in classical Nyaya
Elective Module Groups (10 ECTS)
M6 PR Philology, Textual Hermeneutics, and Cultural History for the Focus Philosophies and Religions of South Asia (10 ECTS)
- 142151 UE [ en ] Classical Samkhya: - Selected readings in the Samkhyakarika with the Matharavrtti and excerpts from further commentaries
- 142158 VO [ en ] Sanskrit poetics and rhetoric: the elements of metaphor
M6a PTK1 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics in the Field of the Philosophical-Religious Traditions of South Asia II (10 ECTS)
M6c PTK3 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics of Modern Indian Texts (10 ECTS)
M6d PTK4 Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of South Asia in their Historical Development (10 ECTS)
M6 SL Philology, Textual Hermeneutics, and Cultural History for the Focus Languages and Literatures of South Asia (10 ECTS)
- 142508 UE The mythological origin of ancient Indian theater: - Reading of selected texts from the Natyasastra's natyotpatti-chapter
M6b PTK2 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics of Middle Indic and Hybrid/Classical Texts (10 ECTS)
M6c PTK3 Philology and Textual Hermeneutics of Modern Indian Texts (10 ECTS)
- 142132 UE [ en hi ] Hindi in the Press A: 20th Century Hindi Newspapers
- 142300 UE [ en hi ] Hindi in the Press B: 21st Century Hindi Newspapers
M6d PTK4 Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of South Asia in their Historical Development (10 ECTS)
- 160136 PS Proseminar to the Historical Grammar of Old Indic - Lektüre ausgewählter Hymnen aus dem Rgveda
Compulsory Module (10 ECTS)
M7 SLRPN Language, Literature, Religion, and Philosophy of Modern South Asia (10 ECTS)
Alternative Compusory Modules Master's Colloquium (10 ECTS)
M8a MKPR Master's Colloquium on Philosophy and Religion of South Asia (10 ECTS)
M8b MKSL Master’s Colloquium on Language and Literature of South Asia (10 ECTS)
Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:49