Master Philosophy (941 [2] - Version 2012)
- 180120 SE [ en ] Introduction to Philosophy of Biology
M1 Mind - World - Language
- 040264 SE [ en ] Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Non-justificationism: The Rationality of Policy Measures
- 180004 SE [ en ] Values in Science
- 180005 SE Trust in Science
- 180006 SE [ en ] Contexts: Semantic and Pragmatic Perspectives
- 180007 SE [ en ] Fiction: From Semantics to Narrative
- 180078 SE Philosophy of Geometry
- 180081 SE Platon: Sophistes
- 180082 SE Cassirer - Philosophy of Symbolic Forms
- 180083 SE Collective Intentionality - Combining Philosophy and Cognitive Science
- 180084 SE [ en ] Words and Concepts: Normative Issues
- 180091 VO-L John Dee - Magic, Science, and Philosophy
- 180101 SE Critical Hermeneutics
- 180103 SE Work of Art as Challenge - Heidegger, Benjamin and Intercultural Perspectives
- 180105 SE In Search of a Philosophical Explanation of Movement
- 180119 SE Philosophy of Science
- 180142 SE [ en ] Jacques Ranciere: Aesthetics, Literature, Film
- 180158 SE [ en ] Philosophy of Science Colloquium
- 180167 SE [ en ] Francis Bacon, and the Art of Writing Philosophy
M2 Practice - Society - Culture
- 010098 SE Jürgen Habermas: Faith and Knowledge - on the genealogy of postmetaphysical thinking
- 041010 UK [ en ] Keynes for Beginners (BA)
- 090036 VO Byzantine Studies (VO) - Geistesleben in Byzanz nach den arabischen Eroberungen (7. bis 8. Jahrhundert)
- 180002 SE Feminist ethics
- 180003 SE Theories of self-esteem
- 180030 VO-L [ en ] Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
- 180031 VO Roboethics
- 180033 SE Critical Posthumanism - in-depth Analysis
- 180034 VO-L Philosophies of the Heart - an Intercultural Perspective
- 180035 VO-L Honneth's theory of justice from an intercultural perspective
- 180048 SE Hegel: Elements of the Philosophy of Right II
- 180049 VO Methods of Philosophical Practice II
- 180079 SE Animal & Technology
- 180088 SE Philosophy of the Baroque
- 180089 FS Wittgenstein on Religious Belief
- 180096 SE [ en ] Economic Models and Reality: Topics in Philosophy of Economics
- 180100 SE [ en ] Practical Rationality
- 180129 SE [ en ] History and Aging, Loss and Reclamation - Améry, Beauvoir, Cioran, Alexievich
- 180157 SE [ en ] climate ethics
M3 Advanced Module (25 ECTS)
M3 A. Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Media Theory and Philosophy of Technology
- 040264 SE [ en ] Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Non-justificationism: The Rationality of Policy Measures
- 180004 SE [ en ] Values in Science
- 180005 SE Trust in Science
- 180078 SE Philosophy of Geometry
- 180079 SE Animal & Technology
- 180096 SE [ en ] Economic Models and Reality: Topics in Philosophy of Economics
- 180113 FS [ en ] Ethics of Robotics
- 180167 SE [ en ] Francis Bacon, and the Art of Writing Philosophy
M3 B. Metaphysics/Ontology, Phenomenology, Philosophy of Mind
- 180081 SE Platon: Sophistes
- 180082 SE Cassirer - Philosophy of Symbolic Forms
- 180083 SE Collective Intentionality - Combining Philosophy and Cognitive Science
- 180091 VO-L John Dee - Magic, Science, and Philosophy
- 180100 SE [ en ] Practical Rationality
M3 C. Philosophy of Language/Hermeneutics, Logic
- 040264 SE [ en ] Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Non-justificationism: The Rationality of Policy Measures
- 180007 SE [ en ] Fiction: From Semantics to Narrative
- 180078 SE Philosophy of Geometry
- 180084 SE [ en ] Words and Concepts: Normative Issues
M3 D. Ethics/Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Politics, Social Philosophy
- 070019 VO Women's and Gender History
- 180003 SE Theories of self-esteem
- 180022 SE State and Society in Marx and Deleuze/Guattari
- 180023 SE Foucault’s Genealogy of (Neo) Liberalism
- 180079 SE Animal & Technology
- 180085 SE Biopolitics
- 180086 SE [ en ] Metaethics on Margaret Gilbert, Rights and Demands - A Foundational Inquiry
- 180097 SE [ en ] Ethics and Money: A History of Ideas
- 180163 SE [ en ] Rabbit-Ducks in Ethics - Animal Ethics in the Wake of Wittgenstein
- 240078 SE VM4 / VM7 - Recent feminist, queer, post- and decolonial debates - in international development research
M3 E. Aesthetics, Philosophy of Culture, Intercultural Philosophy/Philosophy in a Global World
- 010055 FS Hölderlin: At the Edge of Logic and Language
- 060040 SE Modern Jewish Thought - An Introduction
- 180022 SE State and Society in Marx and Deleuze/Guattari
- 180084 SE [ en ] Words and Concepts: Normative Issues
- 180088 SE Philosophy of the Baroque
- 180089 FS Wittgenstein on Religious Belief
- 180090 FS Kant and Reinhold in the Context of Rationalistic and Empiricistic Aethetics
- 180091 VO-L John Dee - Magic, Science, and Philosophy
M4 Individual Specialization (15 ECTS)
- 180040 SE Introduction to Formal Semantics
- 180096 SE [ en ] Economic Models and Reality: Topics in Philosophy of Economics
M5 Project- and Research Module (25 ECTS)
- 180052 SE Exclusion, Racism, Violence: Philosophical Issues and Problems
- 180084 SE [ en ] Words and Concepts: Normative Issues
- 180089 FS Wittgenstein on Religious Belief
- 180090 FS Kant and Reinhold in the Context of Rationalistic and Empiricistic Aethetics
- 180125 SE [ en ] Master Thesis Seminar in Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Science and Knowledge Technologies
- 180156 SE-MA Seminar for Master Candidates
- 180165 SE Project
- 430004 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430005 SE-MA Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430006 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430007 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430008 SE [ en ] Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430009 SE [ en ] Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430010 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
Last modified: Fr 26.06.2020 00:49
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