Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Specialisation in Inclusive Education (specialisation) (499)
SP IP 01 Orientation Module: Basics of Inclusive Education (7 ECTS)
Basics of Inclusive Education
Themes, Challenges and Questions in Inclusive Education, possibly in combination with occupational areas
- 490210 UE ( PH-WIEN ) Themes, Challenges and Questions in Inclusive Education
- 490214 UE ( KPH Krems ) Themes, Challenges and Questions in Inclusive Education
SP IP 02 Development and Learning under Difficult Conditions (incl. Transitions) (10 ECTS)
Analysis Theories for Learning and Development Processes, and their Impact on Inclusive Education
Observations in School Contexts and Analysis of the Connection between Present and Past
- 490098 SE Observations in School Contexts and Analysis of the Connection between Present and Past
- 490135 SE ( PH-WIEN ) Observations in School Contexts and Analysis of the Connection between Present and Past
- 490221 SE ( PH-NÖ ) Observations in School Contexts and Analysis of the Connection between Present and Past
Guided Reading
- 490142 KU ( PH-WIEN ) Guided Reading
- 490222 KU ( KPH Krems ) Guided Reading
- 490230 KU ( PH-NÖ ) Guided Reading
- 490231 KU ( PH-WIEN ) Guided Reading
SP IP 03 Basics of Fields of Activity: Linguistic and Sensory Development (10 ECTS)
Basics of Physiology of Vision, Hearing, and Speech
- 490101 VO ( KPH Krems ) Basics in Physiology of Vision, Hearing, and Speech
Specific Challenges of Learning with Sensory and Speech Impairments
- 490106 PS Specific Challenges of Learning with Sensory and Speech Impairments
- 490147 PS ( PH-WIEN ) Specific Challenges of Learning with Sensory and Speech Impairments
- 490239 PS ( PH-NÖ ) Specific Challenges of Learning with Sensory and Speech Impairments
SP IP 04 Basics of Fields of Activity: Emotional and Social Development (10 ECTS)
Emotional and Social Development: Influencing Factors, Interferences and Facilitators
Guided Reading: Emotional and Social Development
- 490242 UE ( KPH Krems ) Guided Reading: Emotional and Social Development
- 490249 UE ( PH-NÖ ) Guided Reading: Emotional and Social Development
Observing and Decoding of Interactions of Children and Young People with Severe Emotional and Social Problems
- 490250 UE ( PH-NÖ ) Observing a.Decoding of Interactions of Children a.Young People w. Severe Emot. a.Social Problems
- 490253 UE ( PH-WIEN ) Observing a.Decoding of Interactions of Children a.Young People w. Severe Emot. a.Social Problems
Guided practice in Schools: Foundation of fields of action
- 490280 PR ( PH-WIEN ) Guided practice in Schools: Foundation of fields of action
- 490281 PR ( KPH Krems ) Guided practice in Schools: Foundation of fields of action
- 490282 PR ( PH-NÖ ) Guided practice in Schools: Foundation of fields of action
SP IP 05 Basics of Fields of Activity: Cognitive and Motor Development (10 ECTS)
Limitations of Cognitive and Motor Development and Adapted Pedagogical and Didactical Methods
- 490104 VO Limitations of Cognitive and Motor Development and Adapted Pedagogical and Didactical Methods
Adapted Pedagogical Methods
- 490255 UE ( PH-WIEN ) Adapted Pedagogical Methods
Specific Challenges of Learning with Cognitive and Motor Impairments
- 490166 PS ( PH-WIEN ) Specific Challenges of Learning with Cognitive and Motor Impairments
- 490259 PS ( PH-NÖ ) Specific Challenges of Learning with Cognitive and Motor Impairments
SP IP 06 Pedagogical Diagnostics and Counselling (10 ECTS)
Pedagogical Diagnostics and Counselling
Elaboration of an Individual Education Plan, possibly in combination with occupational areas
- 490096 UE ( KPH Krems ) Elaboration of an Individual Education Plan; possibly in combination with occupational areas
- 490301 UE Elaboration of an Individual Education Plan; possibly in combination with occupational areas
Guided Reading
- 490196 KU Guided Reading
- 490204 KU ( PH-NÖ ) Guided Reading
Alternative Compulsory Modules: Advanced Study of Fields of Activity or Sign Language Education
SP IP 07a Alternative Compulsory Module: Advanced Study of Fields of Activity: Speech and Sensory Development (15 ECTS)
Communication in Situations of Complex Demands
- 490090 SE ( KPH Krems ) Communication in Situations of Complex Demands
Intervention in Situations of Complex Demands in Speech and Sensory Sectors
Pedagogy, Didactics, Methodology and Individual Support
- 490132 UE ( KPH Krems ) Pedagogy, Didactics, Methodology and Individual Support
Guided Practice in Schools (incl. KU)
- 490269 PR ( PH-NÖ ) Guided Practice in Schools - Schwerpunkt Sehbeeinträchtigung
SP IP 07b Alternative Compulsory Module Advanced Study of Fields of Activity: Emotional and Social Development (15 ECTS)
Educational Diagnostics und Interventions - Launch and Configuration
- 490091 SE ( KPH Krems ) Educational Diagnostics und Interventions - Launch and Configuration
Crisis Intervention and Counselling Processes - Launch and Configuration
- 490270 SE ( KPH Krems ) Crisis Intervention and Counselling Processes - Launch and Configuration
Dyad, Group-, and Organisational Processes, and Legal Framework for Working with Children and Young People with Severe Emotional and Social Problems
Documentation and Analysis of Interactions with Children and Young People with Severe Emotional and Social Problems
Guided Practice in Schools (incl. KU)
- 490273 PR ( PH-NÖ ) Guided Practice in Schools
SP IP 07c Alternative Compulsory Module Advanced Study of Fields of Activity: Intellectual and Motor Development (15 ECTS)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Furtherance of Basic Skills
Interventions in Cases of Complex Demands in the Cognitive and Motor Sectors
- 490274 UE ( KPH Krems ) Interventions in Cases of Complex Demands for Cognitive and Motor Sectors
Pedagogy, Didactics, and Individual Support
Guided Practice in Schools (incl. KU)
- 490275 PR ( KPH Krems ) Guided Practice in Schools
SP IP 07d Alternative Compulsory Module Sign Language Education (15 ECTS)
Bimodal-bilingual Language Acquisition, Communication and Language Learning with Hearing Impaired or Deaf Children
Bilingual Teaching in Austrian Sign Language and German: Models, Concepts, Didactics and Methods
- 490093 SE [ de sgn ] ( KPH Krems ) Bilingual Teaching in Austrian Sign Language and German: Models, Concepts, Didactics and Methods
Didactics of Written Language Acquisition and Contrastive Language Comparison German-Austrian Sign Language
Guided Practice in Schools (incl. KU)
SP IP 08 Inclusive Didactics and Inclusive Subject Didactics (15 ECTS)
Inclusive Didactics
- 490103 VU ( PH-NÖ ) Inclusive Didactics
Inclusive Subject Didactics 1: Focus on Speech, Reading and Writing
- 490083 SE Inclusive Subject Didactics 1: Focus on Speech, Reading and Writing
- 490261 SE ( PH-WIEN ) Inclusive Subject Didactics 1: Focus on Speech, Reading and Writing
Inclusive Subject Didactics 2: Focus on Basic Competencies in Mathematics
- 490263 SE ( PH-NÖ ) Inclusive Subject Didactics 2: Focus on Basic Competencies in Mathematics
Inclusive Approaches toTeaching
- 490177 SE Inclusive Approaches to Teaching - Individuelle Studierendenunterstützung (ISU)
- 490262 SE ( KPH Krems ) Inclusive Approaches to Teaching
Guided Practice in Schools (incl. KU)
- 490201 PR ( PH-NÖ ) Guided Practice in Schools - Individuelle Studierendenunterstützung
- 490299 PR ( PH-NÖ ) Guided Practice in Schools
Optional Subjects
SP IP 09 Optional Subjects (0-10 ECTS)
- 190106 VO Consultation, Diagnostics and Therapy - Inklusive Pädagogik und Medizin: Zur pädagogischen Relevanz medizinischen Denkens und Handelns im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
- 490084 UE ( KPH Krems ) Introduction to the Austrian sign language I
- 490086 UE Introduction to the Austrian sign language I
- 490087 UE ( KPH Krems ) Austrian sign language III
- 490088 UE Austrian sign language V
SP IP 10 Bachelor Module (10 ECTS)
Bachelor Papers Seminar
- 490102 SE Bachelor Papers Seminar
- 490195 SE Bachelor Papers Seminar
Last modified: We 21.04.2021 10:56
WICHTIG! Anmeldungen sind nur mit der korrekten Studienkennzahl (499) möglich! Alle Studierenden, die sich mit der falschen Studienkennzahl anmelden, werden abgemeldet!Die Online-Anmeldung (U:SPACE) wird durchgeführt von:
1. Phase: Mo, 03.02.2020, 09:00 bis Mo, 17.02.2020, 09:00
2. Phase Restplatzvergabe: Do, 20.02.2020, 09:00 bis Di, 25.02.2019, 09:00Die Registrierung zur STEOP und zu den npi Vorlesungen ist von 01.02.2020 bis 28.02.2021 möglich.
Weitere Infos zur Anmeldung: verbleibende Restplätze werden nach der 1. Anmeldephase veröffentlicht. wünschen einen erfolgreichen Start in das Sommersemester,
mit freundlichen Grüßen
die Studienprogrammleitung