Universität Wien

Specialization in Cultural Sciences (40 ECTS)

143178 VU [en] Zulu: Exercises 1
143209 VU Zulu: Grammar 1
143146 KU Hausa: Texts 1
143177 KU [en] Hausa: Conversation 1
143237 VO History of East Africa 1: The Cradle of Mankind? Early Historical Developments in East Africa - Frühe historische Entwicklungen im ostafrikanischen Raum
143256 VO Feminist Africa
070230 VO Lecture course
070344 VO [en] Introduction to the Medieval field in the MA - Lecture on themes of research
240046 VO (EC - EZA) Transdisziplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
240064 VO (BDG) Education and International Development - Globale Konvergenzen & Divergenzen in der Bildungswelt
040316 SE [en] Policy in the EU
110124 VO [es] Media Studies Lecture - Spanish - Historia del cine español
240046 VO (EC - EZA) Transdisziplinary Development Research - Problemformulierung, Problembearbeitung, Umsetzung
240064 VO (BDG) Education and International Development - Globale Konvergenzen & Divergenzen in der Bildungswelt
240096 VO VM3 / VM4 - Introduction to Latin American Studies - mit Schwerpunkt auf Intersektionalität und natürliche Ressourcen
240111 VO+UE (SGU) VM1 / VM4 - Political Authenticity of the South - The New Latin American Constitutionalism
240118 VO+UE [en] (ISK) VM4 / VM6 - Post-development theories and the question of alternatives - a view from Latin America
150107 UE [en ja] Japanese Communication
150108 UE [en ja] Japanese Grammar I
150019 VO [en] Intercultural negotiation patterns - (WiSe)
040077 KU [zh] Modern Chinese 1a - für WIWI Master-Studierende
040089 KU [zh] Speaking Lab 1a - für WiWi Studierende
040093 KU [zh] Speaking Practice 1a - für WiWi Studierende
150072 KU [de zh] Modern Chinese 1b
150075 KU [zh] Written Chinese 1b
150120 KU [zh] Speaking Lab 1b (M1)
040309 KU [ru] Basic Russian 1
480048 VO (OVSTEOP) Basics of Slavonic Studies
142038 VO Dogen: shobo genzo (Reflections in the True Dharma of Buddha). - Characteristic of the language and the culture of Zen-Buddhism

Last modified: Fr 08.01.2021 00:45