Compulsory Modules (100 ECTS)
M01: Key Issues in the History of Religion (9 ECTS)
1. Judaism
- 010051 VO [ en ] Contemporary Judaism
2. Christianity
- 010027 VO Basic Course Patrology
- 010065 VO Introduction to the Eastern Churches - Focus: The Orthodox Church
3. Islam
4. Religions of Indian Origin
5. East-Asian Religions
6. Historical Religions
- 010050 VO [ en ] Religions of Greek and Roman Antiquity
7. Others
M02: Special Courses in History of Religion (9 ECTS)
1. Judaism
2. Christianity
3. Islam
- 144034 SE Gender Studies and Islam
4. Religions of Indian Origin
- 010115 VU [ en ] Buddhism in Central Asia
5. East-Asian Religions
6. Historical Religions
- 010114 VU Germanic Religion(s)
- 060098 VU Egyptian Religion II
7. Others
- 010112 VU Religion under National Socialism
M03: Comparative Religion (9 ECTS)
- 010041 VO [ en ] Becoming God: Deification from Antiquity to the Present
- 010043 VO Coming of Age in Religious Traditions - Concepts of Childhood, Youth and Adulthood in Comparison
M04: Comparative Religion Applied (5 ECTS)
- 010113 SE New Skin for the Old Mythology - Mythological Motifs in Fairy-Tales, Folklore and Popular Culture
M05: Religion and Society (5 ECTS)
- 020045 SE ( KPH Krems ) Seminar on Sociology and/or Ethnology of Religion - The point of view of 'Critical Theory'
M06: Psychology of Religion (7 ECTS)
M07: Additional Subject Areas (6 ECTS)
1. Missiology, Theology of Religion
- 010021 VO Jews, Christians, Muslims (Special Pastoral Theologies) - Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspectives on the interfaith dialogue between the Abrahamic Traditions
2. Political Dimensions of Religions
3. Didactics of Religions
4. Aesthetics of Religions
5. Anthropology of Religion
6. Philosophy of Religion
7. Law of Religions
- 010025 VO Basic Course Canon Law I - Introduction into the fundamental problems of Canon Law: constituitional law, law on the Teaching Office of the Church, law on the Sacraments, state ecclesiastical law (in particular religious education in the school system)
M08: Reading Course: Sacred Texts (8 ECTS)
- 010018 PS Exegetical methods
- 010100 SE Key Works in the Sociology of Religion
M09: Recent Research Approaches (5 ECTS)
- 010113 SE New Skin for the Old Mythology - Mythological Motifs in Fairy-Tales, Folklore and Popular Culture
M10: Applied Study of Religion (7 ECTS)
Last modified: Fr 08.01.2021 00:45