Universität Wien

Teacher Training Programme Psychology and Philosophy (190 299) - discontinued

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180080 SE Fundamental Questions of Existential Analysis - Selbstsein und Mitsein-Phänomenologie von Beziehungen und psychotherapeutische Praxis
180109 LPS Hannah Arendt - für Lehramt und MA Ethik
180110 LPS Adorno's The Authoritarian Personality - für Lehramt und MA Ethik
180111 LPS Meaning/less - Readings on the Meaning of Life
180227 LPS Meaning/less - Readings on the Meaning of Life
180057 VO-L History of Philosophy III - Modern Period Until the End of the 19th Cent.
180082 KU Animal cognition and minimal cognition - Thought, Language, and Social Cognition
180083 SE Beeing - Developing - Thinking - Philosophical Anthropology, Dialectic and Ontology
180082 KU Animal cognition and minimal cognition - Thought, Language, and Social Cognition
180091 VO Roboethics
180097 VO Marx: History from below - The forced labour modes of production
180082 KU Animal cognition and minimal cognition - Thought, Language, and Social Cognition
180211 SE (KPH) Didactics of Ethics - Bessere Menschen durch den Ethikunterricht?
180228 SE Writing Workshop - for Theses in Philosophy

Last modified: Th 02.07.2020 09:32