Interdisciplinary Master in History and Philosophy of Science - HPS (944 - Version 2013)
M01 Compensation Module
- 010080 FS Hegels's Science of Logic
M1.1 Philosophy (20 ECTS)
- 040049 SE [ en ] Austrian Economics and the Economics of Austromarxism (MA)
- 180045 VO Knowledge Creation: Epistemological Foundations
- 180050 VO M-03 Fundamentals of Logic
- 180051 UE [ de en ] M-03 Exercise Course in Logic
- 180052 VU [ de en ] M-03 Reasoning in Philosophy
- 180085 SE Philosophy of Religion
- 180169 VO Introduction to Epistemology
- 180219 SE [ en ] Introduction to Philosophy of Science
- 233020 VO [ en ] Science, Technology, Society (STS): Key Questions and Concepts
- 233021 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Key-questions and Concepts
M1.2 History (20 ECTS)
- 040049 SE [ en ] Austrian Economics and the Economics of Austromarxism (MA)
- 070008 UE Guided Reading Women's and Gender History - History of Sexuality: An Introduction
- 070013 PS Proseminar - Theory and Practice of Analog and Digital Game Culture
- 070014 PS Proseminar - Digitalization and Lifeworld
- 070032 UE [ en ] Guided Reading Global History - Medieval Eurasia: Western Europe, Japan, China, Central Asia
- 070043 UE Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Economic Modernization in the Habsburg Monarchy in the long 19th Century
- 070049 UE Methodological Workshop - Analysing objects in history of science - Methodische Zugänge
- 070050 SE BA-Seminar - Knowing metals in the early modern world
- 070080 UE Guided Reading Modern Times - Die Aufklärung und die politischen, kulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen Ost- und Westeuropa
- 070085 UE Guided Reading - Contemporary History - International Student Mobility during the Cold War - Global South Students between East and West
- 070088 UE Workshop on Methods
- 070115 UE Methodological course - Social Groups, Networks and Forms of Belonging in medieval cities
- 070137 PS BA-Proseminar - Anarchism and Gender Relations
- 070149 UE Reading Historiography
- 070154 PS BA-Proseminar - The History of International Organizations
- 070158 SE BA-Seminar - War Economy. Perspectives from the History of Science
- 070162 PS BA Proseminar - Medieval University of Viena and History of Education in medieval Europe
- 070171 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070174 UE Methodological workshop History of science - Related to Nature. Research on Totemistic Societies from Pater W. Schmidt to Descola
- 070175 UE [ en ] Methodological workshop - Prosopography and Social Network Analysis
- 070191 SE BA-Seminar - Science for everyone? (Nature) research, the state, and the public sphere (1800-1918)
- 070199 UE [ en ] Guided Reading Medieval History - Plague and Climate Change in the Middle Ages
- 070213 PS BA Proseminar - Silence and Remembrance: The Heritage of the Nationalsocialism in Austria aftre 1945
- 070257 UE Guided Reading History of Science - The cell as the 'fundamental unit of life' - Approaches in the history of science to a biological entity as research object, pivotal conceptual point, and projection screen for biopolitics in the 19th and 20th century
- 070273 PS Proseminar - Space and Gender - Politische Bewegungen in der Habsburgermonarchie (19./20. Jahrhundert)
- 070275 UE Methodological Course
- 070283 UE Guided Reading Political History - Political Participation and Autonomous Rights - A History of Democracy
- 070291 UE Guided Reading Global History - Hetero- and Self-Perceptions of the "Orient in the Occident" - (18th - 20th c.) - selected text sources
- 180163 VO [ en ] A History of Economic Thought: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions - Part I: the 19th and beginning 20 th century
- 233020 VO [ en ] Science, Technology, Society (STS): Key Questions and Concepts
- 233021 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Key-questions and Concepts
M1.3 Special Branch of Science (20 ECTS)
- 040049 SE [ en ] Austrian Economics and the Economics of Austromarxism (MA)
- 070088 UE Workshop on Methods
- 070115 UE Methodological course - Social Groups, Networks and Forms of Belonging in medieval cities
- 070171 VO Theories in History and Theory of Science
- 070257 UE Guided Reading History of Science - The cell as the 'fundamental unit of life' - Approaches in the history of science to a biological entity as research object, pivotal conceptual point, and projection screen for biopolitics in the 19th and 20th century
- 070275 UE Methodological Course
- 180045 VO Knowledge Creation: Epistemological Foundations
- 180050 VO M-03 Fundamentals of Logic
- 180051 UE [ de en ] M-03 Exercise Course in Logic
- 180052 VU [ de en ] M-03 Reasoning in Philosophy
- 180169 VO Introduction to Epistemology
- 180219 SE [ en ] Introduction to Philosophy of Science
- 233020 VO [ en ] Science, Technology, Society (STS): Key Questions and Concepts
- 233021 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Key-questions and Concepts
M02 Methods and Problems
- 180156 EK ( OV ) Methods and Problems
M03 History of Science (20 ECTS)
- 040049 SE [ en ] Austrian Economics and the Economics of Austromarxism (MA)
- 070026 VO Introduction to European Studies
- 070049 UE Methodological Workshop - Analysing objects in history of science - Methodische Zugänge
- 070068 SE Research Seminar - From Cholera to Corona: Historicizing Covid-19
- 070125 SE SE Seminar (PM 3) - History of Transformations
- 070174 UE Methodological workshop History of science - Related to Nature. Research on Totemistic Societies from Pater W. Schmidt to Descola
- 070222 VO Focus area history of science
- 070224 UE Reading course History of science - Geschichte der Fakten
- 070227 VO [ en ] Introduction to Digital Humanities
- 070263 UE [ en ] Reading course - Theory and Concepts in the Digital Humanities
- 070281 SE Research Seminar - an der Universität Wien (ca. 1750 - 1900)
- 180120 SE [ en ] Philosophy of the Social Sciences
- 180163 VO [ en ] A History of Economic Thought: Economic Theories and Methodological Positions - Part I: the 19th and beginning 20 th century
- 180176 VO-L The knowledge problem of quantum physics
- 220006 VO INSOWI A: VO WITHEGI Theory and History of Science
M04 Philosophy of Science (20 ECTS)
- 010080 FS Hegels's Science of Logic
- 040049 SE [ en ] Austrian Economics and the Economics of Austromarxism (MA)
- 070263 UE [ en ] Reading course - Theory and Concepts in the Digital Humanities
- 090088 VO Byzantine Studies (VO)
- 180045 VO Knowledge Creation: Epistemological Foundations
- 180097 VO Marx: History from below - The forced labour modes of production
- 180116 SE Scientific Structuralism
- 180118 VO [ en ] Cognitive Science - Introduction and Basic Concepts
- 180120 SE [ en ] Philosophy of the Social Sciences
- 180122 VO-L Karen Barad: Philosophy-Physics - Time / Process / Mattering / Relationality
- 180124 SE Basic Thoughts of Idealism
- 180125 SE [ en ] Language and Thought
- 180137 SE [ en ] Quantum Ontology
- 180138 SE [ en ] Introduction to Quantum Foundations
- 180162 SE [ en ] Philosophy of Science
- 180176 VO-L The knowledge problem of quantum physics
- 180213 SE [ en ] Emergence in Sciences
- 220006 VO INSOWI A: VO WITHEGI Theory and History of Science
M05 Specialization
M06 Master Module (5 ECTS)
- 180136 SE Master College
- 180202 SE-MA Seminar for Doctoral Candidates
- 430008 SE Seminar for Doctoral Candidates - Teil 1
Last modified: Fr 08.01.2021 00:46
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