BA-Evang 23.17 Fields of Theological Research
- 010021 VO Jews, Christians, Muslims (Special Pastoral Theologies) - Inter- and Transdisciplinary Perspectives on the interfaith dialogue between the Abrahamic Traditions
- 010026 SE Human dignity and human rights within the context of religious traditions an legal orders
- 010079 SE Scriptural hermeneutics in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (exemplified by prophecy)
- 010098 SE Scriptural Reasoning - Eine praktisch-theologische Methode interreligiöser Schriftauslegung
- 010106 SE Contexts of Sacral Music
- 010109 SE Ethical Challenges in the context of the Corona Pandemia
- 010119 SE Ethics as the forcus of the Christian-Islamic dialogue
- 020007 UE Conversation in modern Hebrew
- 020047 PS ( STEOP ) Introduction to scientific working
- 020052 KU Course Medicine and Nursing Ethics
- 060027 VO The Ideology of Jew-Hatred - Antisemitism then and now
- 060032 SE Images of Antisemitism
Last modified: Sa 24.12.2022 01:21
der Universität Wien.
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