Universität Wien

B.2.3. Wahl-Lehrveranstaltungen

320018 VO Pharmazeutische Biotechnologie - Pharmazeutische Biotechnologie am Beispiel der Blut- und Plasmaderivate
320019 VO Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehung - Chemische Struktur-Biologische Aktualität, Methoden zur Korrelierung
320025 SE Plant tissue culture in pharmacognosy - Plant tissue culture in pharmacognosy
320026 UE Excersises: Molecular Modelling - Excersises: Molecular Modelling
320034 VO Cosmetics - Natural Cosmetics - Cosmetics - Natural Cosmetics
320039 SE Selected chapters of clinical pharmacy - Selected chapters of clinical pharmacy
320045 VO Food Safety in the European Union - Food Safety in the European Union
320073 VO Special Methods in Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3 - Special Methods in Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3
320086 VO Pharm. Inform: Datenbanken i. d. Pharm. (Theorie) - Pharmazeutische Informatik: Datenbanken in der Pharmazie (Theorie)
320087 PR Pharm. Inform: Datenbanken i.d. Pharm. (Praxis) - Pharmazeutische Informatik: Datenbanken in der Pharmazie (Praxis)
320089 SE Systematic plant anatomy - Systematic plant anatomy
320090 SE Demonstrations to fundamentals of anatomie - Demonstrations to fundamentals of anatomie
320113 VO Homoeopathic Aspects of Pharmacy - Homoeopathic Aspects of Pharmacy
320114 VO Radiopharmaceuticals I - Radiopharmaceuticals I
320121 SE Conception optim. of methods pharm.-biol. invest.2 - Conception and optimization of methods for pharmaceutical-biological investigations 2
320124 SE Conception, optim. of methods in pharmacognosy - Conception and optimization of methods in pharmacognosy
320128 VO+UE Drugs of abuse and their analysis - Drugs of abuse and their analysis
320130 EX Tropical medicinal, poisonous plants, etc., EX - Tropical medicinal plants, poisonous plants and vegetable food, field trip
320131 SE Tropical medicinal, poisonous plants, etc., SE - Tropical medicinal plants, poisonous plants and vegetable food, SE
320135 SE+EX Proseminar aus Pharmakognosie, mit Exkursionen - Proseminar aus Pharmakognosie, mit Exkursionen

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34