MZO W-2 Biodiversity and Systematics of Animals (15 ECTS)
- 300037 VO ( REMOTE ) Biology and Ecology of alpine animals
- 300049 VO ( REMOTE ) Biology, ecology and conservation biology of bats
- 300050 EX ( ON-SITE ) EX to voices of Austrian birds
- 300068 UE ( ON-SITE ) Diversity of marine zooplankton and the evolution of animal life cycles
- 300102 VU ( ON-SITE ) Introduction to the ecology, classification and determination of wild bees
- 300103 UE ( REMOTE ) Dragonflies- ecology, taxonomy and bioindication
- 300108 UE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Macroecology and spatial phylogenetics of animals
- 300128 UE [ en ] Marine Microbial Symbiosis Course
- 300153 UE ( ON-SITE ) Ecology and biodiversity of moths
- 300230 UE ( MIXED ) Animal Behaviour Observation - Practical Course
- 300244 UE [ de en ] Advanced field course fish ecology
- 300250 VO ( REMOTE ) Bryozoa - Morphology, biology, phylogeny and ecology
- 300257 VO [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Primates and their societies
- 300283 UE+EX Identification of amphibian larvae in lab and field
- 300295 UE [ en ] Field course "Biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems" - advanced level
- 300387 UE [ en ] Biodiversity of Stream Ecosystems
- 300466 UE Rotifers from Europe - Systematic, biology and ecology of the limnetic, marine and semi-terrestrial rotifers of Europe
- 300499 VO ( REMOTE ) Voices of Austrian birds - Introduction to the songs and calls of Austrian birds
Last modified: Fr 25.06.2021 02:04