Basic Modules (82 ECTS)
M-02 Basic Skills in Philosophy (12 ECTS)
M-02.1 Introduction to Academic Writing in Philosophy
- 180006 VU [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) M-02 Introduction to Academic Writing in Philosophy
M-02.2 Supervised Reading Course
- 180008 PS [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Self & Other in the Phenomenological Tradition
- 180010 PS ( REMOTE ) Oh friends there are no friends! - Philosophies of Friendship
- 180011 PS ( REMOTE ) Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations - Selected text passages
- 180022 PS [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Thomas Kuhn: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
- 180166 PS ( REMOTE ) Schopenhauer's "The World as Will and Idea"
M-03 Thought and Language (20 ECTS)
M-03.1 Fundamentals of Logic
- 180012 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to logic
M-03.2 Exercise Course in Logic
- 180013 UE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Basic course in logic
M-03.3 Reasoning in Philosophy
- 180014 VU [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) M-03 Reasoning in Philosophy
M-03.4 Lecture Course with Readings on the Philosophy of Language
- 180015 VO-L ( REMOTE ) VO Lecture with reading on the philosophy of language (VO-L)
M-04 History of Philosophy until the End of the 19th Century (20 ECTS)
M-04.1 Lecture Course with Readings on Greek Terminology
- 180016 VO ( REMOTE ) Greek Terminology
M-04.2 Lecture Course with Readings on the History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180017 VO-L ( REMOTE ) History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
M-04.3 Lecture Course with Readings on History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modernity)
- 180018 VO-L ( REMOTE ) History of Philosophy II
M-04.4 Lecture Course with Readings on the History of Philosophy III (Modern Philosophy)
- 180134 VO-L ( REMOTE ) History of Philosophy III - Klassische Neuzeit bis Ende 19 Jh. Von Locke zu Kant und darüber hinaus. Alois Riehls Philosophischer Kritizismus aus dem Jahr 1876.
M-05 Fundamentals of Theoretical Philosophy (15 ECTS)
M-05.1 Metaphysics and Ontology
- 180020 PS ( REMOTE ) Descartes - The Passions of the Soul
- 180158 PS ( REMOTE ) Giordano Bruno: Metaphysics and Infinite, Material Universe
M-05.2 Lecture Course with Readings on Metaphysics and Ontology
- 180023 VO-L ( REMOTE ) Modern First Philosophy 17.-21. century
- 180160 VO ( REMOTE ) VO-L Introduction to Analytical Metaphysics
M-05.3 Epistemology
- 180025 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Epistemology
M-05.4 Theory of Science
- 180021 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to the philosophy of science
- 180024 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Philosophy of Science
M-06 Fundamentals of Practical Philosophy (15 ECTS)
M-06.1 Ethics
- 180026 PS ( REMOTE ) Nature and climate ethics
- 180027 PS ( REMOTE ) Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics
- 180028 PS ( REMOTE ) Ethics of Vulnerability
- 180029 PS ( REMOTE ) Theories of justice
- 180165 PS ( REMOTE ) Ethics, Applied Ethics - Einführung in die feministische politische Philosophie
M-06.2 Lecture Course with Reading on Ethics
- 180030 VO-L ( REMOTE ) The blind spot of morality
M-06.3 Philosophy and Society
- 180031 VO ( REMOTE ) Public theories
M-06.4 Elements of Applied Ethics
- 180032 VO ( REMOTE ) Foundations of Applied Ethics
Last modified: Fr 25.06.2021 02:04