Master Degree Programme Informatics Didactics (950 [1]) - discontinued
1. Group of Required Modules Pedagogics, Didactics and Communication (18 ECTS)
Module Pedagogics and Didactics (12 ECTS)
- 051988 VU ( PH-WIEN ) Teaching and Learning with Digital Media at School
- 490001 VO ( REMOTE OV STEOP ) Professionalism and School
Module Communication, Presentation and Moderation (6 ECTS)
- 051952 UE ( KPH Krems ) Communication and teamwork for computer scientists
2. Group of Required Modules Subject Didactics in Informatics (18 ECTS)
Module Basics of Subject Didactics in Informatics (6 ECTS)
- 051931 VU Subject didactics of computer science
- 051961 VU ( PH-WIEN ) Selected Topics in didactics of computer science
Module Media Didactics (6 ECTS)
- 051951 PR ( PH-WIEN ) Didactical design in computer science
- 220027 VO ( MIXED ) SPEZI: VO PAED Media Pedagogy
Module Planning the Teaching and Learning of Informatics in Schools (6 ECTS)
- 051932 VU ( PH-WIEN ) Organizational aspects of teaching and learning in computer science
3. Group of Required Modules Information Technologies for Imparting Knowledge (18 ECTS)
Module ICT for Education (6 ECTS)
Module Media Technologies (6 ECTS)
- 052211 VU [ en ] Cloud Gaming
Module ICT for Knowledge Management (6 ECTS)
4. Group of Modules In-Depth Studies in Informatics (18 ECTS)
a. Required Module (6 ECTS)
Module ICT-Infrastructure for Educational Tasks (6 ECTS)
- 051990 VU ( PH-NÖ ) Client/Server Operating Systems and Infrastructure for School Networks
b. Elective Modules (12 ECTS)
Module Advanced Software Engineering (6 ECTS)
Module Algorithms (6 ECTS)
Module Business Engineering (6 ECTS)
Module Computer Graphics (6 ECTS)
Module Data Analysis and Optimisation (6 ECTS)
Module Distributed and Mobile Computing (6 ECTS)
Module e-Business (6 ECTS)
- 052700 VU [ en ] Cooperative Systems
Module Information Visualisation (6 ECTS)
Module Knowledge Engineering (6 ECTS)
Module Multimedia Systems (6 ECTS)
- 052611 VU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Multimedia Content Management
- 052614 VU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Multimedia and Semantic Technologies
Module Networks and Security (6 ECTS)
Module Programming Languages (6 ECTS)
5. Teaching Practice (6 ECTS)
Module Teaching Practice (6 ECTS)
6. Seminars for Diploma Candidates (6 ECTS)
Module Seminars for Diploma Candidates (6 ECTS)
7. Optional Courses (6 ECTS)
- 050137 UE Kommunikation für MentorInnen 2
Last modified: Fr 08.01.2021 00:46
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