A. Diplomstudium Mathematik
Erster Studienabschnitt
1.1. Pflichtfächer
- 250356 VO Analysis 2 - Analysis 2
- 250307 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 2 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 2
- 250372 VO Lineare Algebra and Geometry 2 - Lineare Algebra and Geometry 2
- 250308 PS Introd. Seminar to Linear Algebra and Geometry 2 - Introductory Seminar to Linear Algebra and Geometry 2
- 250404 VO Algebra 1 - Algebra 1
- 250316 VO Complex Analysis 1 - Complex Analysis 1
- 250342 PS Introductory Seminar to Complex Analysis 1 - Introductory Seminar to Complex Analysis 1
- 250377 VO Ordinary Differential Equations 1 - Ordinary Differential Equations 1
- 250315 PS Introductory Seminar to Ord. Diff. Equations 1 - Introductory Seminar to Ordinary Differential Equations 1
- 250334 PS Introductory Seminar to Algebra 1 - Introductory Seminar to Algebra 1
1.2. Freie Wahlfächer
- 250319 VO Introduction into Mathematical Methodology - Introduction into Mathematical Methodology
- 250375 UE Repetition course to Analysis 2 - Repetition course to Analysis 2
- 250374 UE Repetition course to Lin. Algebra and Geometry 2 - Repetition course to Lineare Algebra and Geometry 2
- 250419 UE Introduction in Using the computerrrooms - Introduction in Using the computerrrooms
- 250371 KO English for Mathematicians - English for Mathematicians
- 250327 UE Repetition course to Analysis 1 - Repetition course to Analysis 1
1.3. Abendstudium
- 250325 VO Analysis 1 - Analysis 1
- 250327 UE Repetition course to Analysis 1 - Repetition course to Analysis 1
- 250345 VO Lineare Algebra and Geometry 1 - Lineare Algebra and Geometry 1
- 250431 UE Repetition course to Linear Algebra and Geometry 1 - Repetition course to Linear Algebra and Geometry 1
- 250322 VO Analysis 3 - Analysis 3
- 250321 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 3 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 3
- 250323 UE Repetition course to Analysis 3 - Repetition course to Analysis 3
- 250326 PS Introductory Seminar to Analysis 1 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis 1
- 250344 PS Intro. Seminar to Lineare Algebra and Geometry 1 - Introductory Seminar to Lineare Algebra and Geometry 1
1.4. Mathematik für Physik
- 260096 VO Analysis for physics II - Analysis for physics and related sciences II
- 260110 PS Introductory seminar to Analysis for physics 2 - Introductory Seminar to Analysis for Physics and related fields 2
Zweiter Studienabschnitt
2.1. Vorlesungen, Proseminare, Konversatorien
- 250402 VO Numerical Mathematics and Modelling 1 - Numerical Mathematics and Modelling 1
- 250312 PS Introductory Seminar to Numerical Mathematics 1 - Introductory Seminar to Numerical Mathematics 1
- 250412 VO Algebra 2 - Algebra 2
- 250413 PS Introductory Seminar to Algebra 2 - Introductory Seminar to Algebra 2
- 250360 VO Differential Geometry 1 - Differential Geometry 1
- 250361 PS Introductory Seminar to Differential Geometry 1 - Introductory Seminar to Differential Geometry 1
- 250370 KO EDP and Mathematics - Data Processing and Mathematics
- 250381 VO Combinatorics - Combinatorics
- 250382 PS Introductory Seminar to Combinatorics - Introductory Seminar to Combinatorics
- 250310 VO Graph theory - Graph theory
- 250311 PS Introductory Seminar to Graph theory - Introductory Seminar to Graph theory
- 250309 VO Lie algebras and representation theory - Lie algebras and representation theory
- 250405 VO Selected topics in Algebra - Selected topics in Algebra
- 250363 VO Selected topics in Algebraic Geometry - Selected topics in Algebraic Geometry
- 250424 VO Selected topics in combinatorics - Selected topics in combinatorics
- 250414 VO Selected topics in Number Theory - Selected topics in Number Theory
- 250423 VO Selected topics in Number Theory - Selected topics in Number Theory
- 250318 VO [ en ] Selec. chapt. in Lie gr. a. Lie Alg. (repr. theo.) - Selected chapters in Lie groups and Lie Algebras (representation theory)
- 250353 VO Partial Differential Equations 2 - Partial Differential Equations 2
- 250354 PS Intro. Seminar to Partial Differential Equations 2 - Introductory Seminar to Partial Differential Equations 2
- 250389 VO Applied Analysis - Applied Analysis
- 250313 PS Introductory Seminar to Applied Analysis - Introductory Seminar to Applied Analysis
- 250392 VO Maß - und Integrationstheorie - Maß - und Integrationstheorie
- 250393 PS Proseminar zu Maß - und Integrationstheorie - Proseminar zu Maß - und Integrationstheorie
- 250376 VO Distributionentheorie - Distributionentheorie
- 250348 VO Selected topics in Functionalanalysis - Selected topics in Functionalanalysis
- 250349 VO Selected topics in Complex Analysis - Selected topics in Complex Analysis
- 250324 VO Selected topics in Partial Differential Equations - Selected topics in Partial Differential Equations: "Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations"
- 250395 VO Selected Topics in nonlinear PDE - Selected Topics in nonlinear PDE
- 250422 VO [ en ] Attractors of Nonlinear PDES - Attractors of Nonlinear PDES
- 250329 KO Mathematics of finance - Mathematics of finance
- 250365 VO Combinatorial Optimization - Combinatorial Optimization
- 250367 VO Mathematische Methoden des CAD - Mathematische Methoden des CAD
- 250403 VO Numeric from Differentialequations - Numeric from Differentialequations
- 250399 VO Selected topics in Optimization (optimal Control) - Selected topics in Optimization (optimal Control)
- 250338 VO Mathematical Population genetic - Mathematical Population genetic
- 250339 PS Intr. Seminar to Mathematical Population genetic - Introductory Seminar to Mathematical Population genetic
- 250357 VO Algebraic Topology - Algebraic Topology
- 250358 PS Introductory Seminar to Algebraic Topology - Introductory Seminar to Algebraic Topology
- 250441 VO Global Analysis (univ. Teichmüller-space) - Global Analysis (the universal Teichmüller-space)
- 250369 VO Geometry - Geometry
- 250351 VO Probability Theory 1 - Probability Theory 1
- 250352 PS Introductory Seminar to Probability Theory 1 - Introductory Seminar to Probability Theory 1
- 250409 VO Ergodentheorie - Ergodentheorie
- 250430 VO Selected topics in statistics - Selected topics in statistics
- 040546 VO Ausgewählte Kapitel der Statistik - Ausgewählte Kapitel der Statistik
2.2. Mathematisches Kolloquium, Seminare und Arbeitsgemeinschaften
- 250408 KO Conversation (Mathematical Colloquium) - Conversation (Mathematical Colloquium)
- 250336 SE Seminar (Algebra) - Seminar (Algebra)
- 250383 SE Seminar (Algebra) - Seminar (Algebra)
- 250394 SE Seminar (Algebra) für LAK und Diplomanden - Seminar (Algebra) für LAK und Diplomanden
- 250396 SE Seminar (Algebra) für LAK und Diplomanden - Seminar (Algebra) für LAK und Diplomanden
- 250406 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Algebra) - Project Seminar (Algebra)
- 250415 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Algebra) - Project Seminar (Algebra)
- 250335 SE Seminar (Number Theory) - Seminar (Number Theory)
- 250328 SE Project Seminar (Number Theory) - Project Seminar (Number Theory)
- 250384 SE AG (Discrete Mathematics) - AG (Discrete Mathematics)
- 250362 SE Seminar (Analysis) - Seminar (Analysis) Generalized Functions: Theory and Applications
- 250355 PJ+SE Projectseminar (Analysis-Differential Equations) - Projectseminar (Analysis - Differential Equations)
- 250391 SE Seminar (Time-Frequency-Analyse) - Seminar (Selected topics in Analyisis: Time-Frequency-Analyse)
- 250385 SE Pauli Seminar for Applied and Nonlinear Analysis - Pauli Seminar for Applied and Nonlinear Analysis
- 250425 SE Seminar (Applied Analysis) - Seminar (Applied Analysis)
- 250390 SE Seminar (PDE) - Seminar (PDE)
- 250387 SE Seminar (Differential Equations) - Seminar (Differential Equations)
- 250407 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Analysis) - Project Seminar (Analysis)
- 250386 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Partial Differential Equations) - Project Seminar (Partial Differential Equations)
- 250350 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Complex Analysis) - Project Seminar (Complex Analysis)
- 250346 SE Projectseminar (Numeric Harmonic Analyse) - Projectseminar (Numeric Harmonic Analyse)
- 250366 SE Seminar (Optimization) - Seminar (Optimization)
- 250388 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Applied Mathematics) - Project Seminar (Applied Mathematics)
- 250400 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Applied Mathematics) - Project Seminar (Applied Mathematics)
- 250401 SE Privatissimum (Applied Mathematics) - Privatissimum (Applied Mathematics)
- 250347 SE Seminar (Differential Geometry) - Seminar (Differential Geometry)
- 250359 SE Seminar (Differential Geometry) - Seminar (Differential Geometry)
- 250343 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Lie-groups) - Project Seminar (Lie-groups)
- 250340 PJ+SE Project Seminar (Biomathematics) - Project Seminar (Biomathematics)
- 250337 SE Seminar (Mathematical Population genetic) - Seminar (Mathematical Population genetic)
- 250410 PJ+SE Projektseminar (Ergodentheorie) - Projektseminar (Ergodentheorie)
- 250411 SE Dynamic Systems - Dynamic Systems
2.3. Freie Wahlfächer (Zweiter Studienabschnitt)
- 050074 VO Mathematics for Computer Science Ed. - Mathematics for Computer Science Ed.
- 050078 PS IS Math. 2 for Comp.Sc. for the SST Accr. Pr. - Introductory seminar Mathematics 2 for Computer Science for the Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme
- 050031 VO Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming 1 - Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming 1
- 050032 UE Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming 1 - Algorithms, Data Structures and Programming 1
- 050030 VO Unix System Administration 2 - Unix System Administration 2
- 050076 UE Problem Session: Unix System Administration 2 - Problem Session: Introduction to Unix System Administration 2
- 050028 VU Internet Applications - Internet Applications
- 050029 VU Interdisciplinary Course Planning - Interdisciplinary Course Planning
- 050071 PR Praktikum zur Fachdidaktik - Praktikum zur Fachdidaktik
- 050098 VU Computersupported Teaching - Computersupported Teaching
- 250419 UE Introduction in Using the computerrrooms - Introduction in Using the computerrrooms
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34