UF D 05 In-Depth Studies: Field of Action in Text and Media (7 ECTS)
UE Fachdidaktik: Texte und Medien im Deutschunterricht
- 100044 UE ( MIXED KPH Krems ) UE Teaching Methodology: Text and Media in the Instruction of German
- 100045 UE ( ON-SITE ) UE Teaching Methodology: Text and Media in the Instruction of German
- 100046 UE ( PH-NÖ ON-SITE ) UE Teaching Methodology: Text and Media in the Instruction of German
- 100047 UE ( ON-SITE ) UE Teaching Methodology: Text and Media in the Instruction of German
- 100048 UE ( ON-SITE ) UE Teaching Methodology: Text and Media in the Instruction of German
- 100049 UE ( MIXED PH-WIEN ) UE Teaching Methodology: Text and Media in the Instruction of German
UV Mediengeschichte der Literatur
- 100029 UV ( ON-SITE ) UV Media History of Literature
UV Text- und Medienlinguistik
- 100030 UV ( ON-SITE ) UV Text and Media Linguistics
Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03
- UV Mediengeschichte der Literatur, 2 ECTS, 2 SSt (npi)
- UV Text- und Medienlinguistik, 2 ECTS, 2 SSt (npi)
- UE Fachdidaktik: Texte und Medien im Deutschunterricht, 3 ECTS, 2 SSt (pi)