M3 Advanced Module (25 ECTS)
M3 A. Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Media Theory and Philosophy of Technology
- 010071 FS ( MIXED ) Hegel's Science of Logic: The Absolute Idea
- 010074 FS ( MIXED ) Gilles Deleuze. Difference and Repetition
- 040049 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Truth, Precision and Certainty; Formal Methods in Economic Theory Seminar Masterprogramm
- 180061 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Ontological and Epistemological Emergence
- 180114 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Philosophy of Perception
- 180116 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Speculative Physics
- 180165 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Philosophy of the Social Sciences
- 180166 FS [ en ] ( MIXED ) Philosophy of Technology and Performance
- 180168 SE ( REMOTE ) What is speculative logic?
- 180169 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) History and Philosophy of Quantum Logic
- 180193 SE ( REMOTE ) Logic of Science
- 180201 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Philosophy of Science
- 260053 VO ( ON-SITE ) Physical research and epistemology - methodical paradigm shifts, current developments in funding and publication systems and how they influence our knowledge about the world
M3 B. Metaphysics/Ontology, Phenomenology, Philosophy of Mind
- 010071 FS ( MIXED ) Hegel's Science of Logic: The Absolute Idea
- 010074 FS ( MIXED ) Gilles Deleuze. Difference and Repetition
- 180113 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Topics of recent social ontology
- 180114 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Philosophy of Perception
- 180138 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Metaphysics of Agency
- 180168 SE ( REMOTE ) What is speculative logic?
- 180213 SE ( REMOTE ) Derrida 1967
M3 C. Philosophy of Language/Hermeneutics, Logic
- 180167 SE [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Definites and Indefinites
- 180168 SE ( REMOTE ) What is speculative logic?
- 180169 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) History and Philosophy of Quantum Logic
- 180193 SE ( REMOTE ) Logic of Science
M3 D. Ethics/Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Politics, Social Philosophy
- 030102 VO ( MIXED ) Hegel´s Philosophy of Law: An Introduction - Eine Ringvorlesung mit Gästen
- 040049 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Truth, Precision and Certainty; Formal Methods in Economic Theory Seminar Masterprogramm
- 180113 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Topics of recent social ontology
- 180117 FS ( REMOTE ) Basic texts on intercultural, post-colonial and decolonial debates
- 180165 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Philosophy of the Social Sciences
- 180170 SE ( REMOTE ) Neoliberalism
- 180171 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Metaethics - Constructivism and Constitutivism
- 180172 SE ( MIXED ) On Eternal Peace - Ways of Conflict Managment - Rousseau, Kant, Nussbaum
- 180173 FS ( MIXED ) War and peace ethics
- 180199 SE ( ON-SITE ) Neoliberal governmentality
- 180207 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Ethics and Capital Markets
- 210101 VO ( REMOTE ) M3: SpezialVO Political Theories and Research on Theory - Democratic principles: freedom, equality, solidarity, popular sovereignty
M3 E. Aesthetics, Philosophy of Culture, Intercultural Philosophy/Philosophy in a Global World
- 010106 SE ( MIXED ) Aesthetics of Presence. Reception of the poetry of Georg Trakl
- 090035 VO ( MIXED ) Sins, Vices and Virtues in Byzantine Thought
- 180115 SE ( REMOTE ) Philosophy and demonology
- 180116 SE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Speculative Physics
- 180117 FS ( REMOTE ) Basic texts on intercultural, post-colonial and decolonial debates
- 180219 SE ( MIXED ) Comparative Philosophy
Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03
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