Interdisciplinary Master Ethics for Teachers and Professionals (641)
WICHTIGER HINWEIS:Bitte achten Sie in Ihrer Semesterplanung und bei der Anmeldung zu Lehrveranstaltungen / Prüfungen unbedingt auf die Studienplancodes der Veranstaltungen im Vorlesungsverzeichnis u:find.Die Studienplancodes geben Ihnen Auskunft darüber, für welche Modulpunkte Ihres Curriculums die jeweilige Lehrveranstaltung anrechenbar ist. Studienplancodes gelten verbindlich: D.h. nur, wenn eine Veranstaltung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis u:find auch tatsächlich für den bestimmten Modulpunkt Ihres Curriculums kodiert war, können Sie sie für Ihren Studienabschluss für diesen Modulpunkt verwenden.Sie finden die Studienplancodes, wenn Sie in u:find auf die einzelne Veranstaltung klicken, unter den Angaben zur Veranstaltung, unter dem Punkt "Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis".Bitte achten Sie unbedingt auch darauf: Wenn Sie sich zu einer LV / Prüfung über u:space anmelden, müssen Sie bei der Anmeldung den richtigen Studienplanpunkt aussuchen und auswählen!
M00 Information event on the master's programme Ethics
M01 Foundational Module (20 ECTS)
M01.1 Philosophical Anthropology (Lecture Course)
- 010023 VO ( REMOTE ) Basic Course Philosophical Anthropology
M01.2 Basic Questions of Ethics (VO or VO-L)
- 010021 VO ( REMOTE ) Ethics I -Introduction into ethics
- 180111 VO-L ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Practical Philosophy - for EC
M01.3 Introductory Seminar: Classics of Ethics and Philosophy of Politics
- 010019 PS ( ON-SITE ) Basic Texts: Anthropology and Ethics
- 180067 PS [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Topics in Moral Philosophy
- 180068 PS ( REMOTE ) Theory and phenomenology of the class
- 180069 PS ( REMOTE ) Plato: Politeia
- 180070 PS ( ON-SITE ) Collective responsibility
- 180142 PS ( MIXED ) Hans Jonas: Life and Responsibility
M01.4 Ethics in Theory and Practise (Seminar)
- 180151 SE ( REMOTE MIXED ) Area Ethics: Additions, Objects, Methods
M01.5 Introductory Seminar with Close Readings
- 180050 LPS ( MIXED ) Reading seminar: Giordano Bruno - Philosophical Dialog on theInfinite
- 180051 LPS ( REMOTE ) Reading seminar: Texts by Simone Weil
- 180130 LPS ( REMOTE ) Reading proseminar: Our unled lives
- 180131 LPS ( REMOTE ) Reading seminar: Texts by Simone Weil
- 180132 LPS ( MIXED ) Reading seminar: The Philosophy of the Cultural Sciences around 1900
M02 Module of Electives from Subcategories in Ethics (40 ECTS)
M02 A Ethics in the Context of Politics and Law
- 030053 KU ( REMOTE ) Political basic rights
- 030109 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Human Rights II - Special Issues
- 030205 VO ( REMOTE ) Justice
- 030246 SE ( REMOTE ) Dimensions of the Political: Questions of the Common Good - Seminar for diploma and doctoral students
- 030287 SE ( MIXED ) Law and Literature: Dani Shapiro, Inheritance: A Memoir of Genealogy, Paternity, and Love (2019)
- 030401 KU ( REMOTE ) Foundations of an Idealistic Legal Ethics: Plato's Gorgias
- 030426 KU ( REMOTE ) Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law - First Part: Antiquity and Middle Ages
- 030502 KU [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Law and Liberalism I: From Hobbes to Mill - also for diploma and doctoral students
- 060018 VO ( REMOTE ) The Ideology of Jew-Hatred - Antisemitism Then and Now
- 070015 VO ( REMOTE ) Lecture of the Sir-Peter-Ustinov-Visiting-Professorship
- 180076 VO ( REMOTE ) Fields of tension between intercultural, post- and decolonial positions and discourses - Lecture with reading
- 180077 VO ( REMOTE ) The philosophical foundations of civilizational analysis - Lecture with reading
- 180104 VO ( ON-SITE ) Assisted Suicide - Lecture with reading
- 180106 VO-L ( REMOTE ) Theories of violence - Philosophical and interdisciplinary perspectives - Lecture with reading
- 180117 FS ( REMOTE ) Basic texts on intercultural, post-colonial and decolonial debates
- 180162 SE ( REMOTE ) To the idea of freedom - Writings by Kant, Arendt, Fromm and Adorno
- 180170 SE ( REMOTE ) Neoliberalism
- 180172 SE ( MIXED ) On Eternal Peace - Ways of Conflict Managment - Rousseau, Kant, Nussbaum
- 180173 FS ( MIXED ) War and peace ethics
- 180182 KU ( REMOTE ) Philosophy in Hellenism - Anthropology, ethics and politics
- 180211 VO ( MIXED ) Social philosophy - Basic concepts and positions
- 180228 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Language and discrimination
- 210101 VO ( REMOTE ) M3: SpezialVO Political Theories and Research on Theory - Democratic principles: freedom, equality, solidarity, popular sovereignty
- 240099 VO ( REMOTE SGU ) Inequality and Development
- 240107 VO ( ON-SITE ) VM7 - One out of Five - Interdisciplinary lecture series focusing on Violence on Women and Children
M02 B Ethics in the Context of Life and Health
- 010033 VO [ en ] ( ON-SITE ) Advanced Course Theological Ethics II : Sexual Ethics
- 010078 VO ( ON-SITE ) Advanced Course Theological Ethics III: Medical ethics and Bioethics
- 030205 VO ( REMOTE ) Justice
- 070262 VO ( REMOTE ) Lecture series - Corona as an interdisciplinary challenge
- 180092 KU ( REMOTE ) Cavell / Thoreau: Round about Walden
- 180095 SE ( MIXED ) Jean-Paul Sartre: philosopher and writer
- 180101 SE ( MIXED ) Bioethics - Evolutionary Ethics
- 180104 VO ( ON-SITE ) Assisted Suicide - Lecture with reading
- 180162 SE ( REMOTE ) To the idea of freedom - Writings by Kant, Arendt, Fromm and Adorno
- 180172 SE ( MIXED ) On Eternal Peace - Ways of Conflict Managment - Rousseau, Kant, Nussbaum
- 180173 FS ( MIXED ) War and peace ethics
- 180174 VO-L ( REMOTE ) Introduction to animal ethics
- 180182 KU ( REMOTE ) Philosophy in Hellenism - Anthropology, ethics and politics
- 180183 VO ( MIXED ) Introduction to the Feminist Ethics of Alterity - Lecture with reading
- 180227 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to psychoanalytic perspective on cultural & social phenomena - Depth psychology I
- 230142 VO ( MIXED ) Racism in contemporary society - Problems, concepts and empirical research
- 230217 SE ( ON-SITE ) Dissertation Seminar - Vulnerability in the context of Research Ethics
- 240107 VO ( ON-SITE ) VM7 - One out of Five - Interdisciplinary lecture series focusing on Violence on Women and Children
- 350194 VO ( MIXED ) Introduction to Sport Ethics
M02 C Ethics in the Context of Media and Technics
- 010080 FS ( ON-SITE ) Artificial Intelligence
- 010116 VO ( MIXED ) Communication and Media Ethics - Practical Media Philosophy in Digital Times
- 010119 SE ( ON-SITE ) Applied ethics in film
- 070015 VO ( REMOTE ) Lecture of the Sir-Peter-Ustinov-Visiting-Professorship
- 180091 KU ( REMOTE ) The Philosophy of Film Noir
- 180166 FS [ en ] ( MIXED ) Philosophy of Technology and Performance
- 490400 VU ( MIXED ) PM1 Digital Transformations
M02 D Ethics in the Context of Religions and Cultures
- 010074 FS ( MIXED ) Gilles Deleuze. Difference and Repetition
- 010101 FS ( ON-SITE ) God and morals. Ethical and interreligious approaches
- 020001 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Islam - History of Islam from Muhammad to the epoch of the Abbasides
- 030205 VO ( REMOTE ) Justice
- 060013 VO ( MIXED ) Introduction to Judaism
- 060018 VO ( REMOTE ) The Ideology of Jew-Hatred - Antisemitism Then and Now
- 090035 VO ( MIXED ) Sins, Vices and Virtues in Byzantine Thought
- 180076 VO ( REMOTE ) Fields of tension between intercultural, post- and decolonial positions and discourses - Lecture with reading
- 180077 VO ( REMOTE ) The philosophical foundations of civilizational analysis - Lecture with reading
- 180094 SE ( REMOTE ) Philosophy and Old Testament
- 180117 FS ( REMOTE ) Basic texts on intercultural, post-colonial and decolonial debates
- 180180 VO ( REMOTE ) Religion, worldview, spirituality - philosophische Orientierungen zur Einführung in die Religionsphilosophie
- 180183 VO ( MIXED ) Introduction to the Feminist Ethics of Alterity - Lecture with reading
- 180227 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to psychoanalytic perspective on cultural & social phenomena - Depth psychology I
- 230142 VO ( MIXED ) Racism in contemporary society - Problems, concepts and empirical research
- 240107 VO ( ON-SITE ) VM7 - One out of Five - Interdisciplinary lecture series focusing on Violence on Women and Children
M02 E Ethics in the Context of Economics and Ecology
- 030205 VO ( REMOTE ) Justice
- 180101 SE ( MIXED ) Bioethics - Evolutionary Ethics
- 180103 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Climate Ethics
- 180170 SE ( REMOTE ) Neoliberalism
- 180174 VO-L ( REMOTE ) Introduction to animal ethics
- 180207 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Ethics and Capital Markets
- 240099 VO ( REMOTE SGU ) Inequality and Development
- 270177 VO+SE Ethics in Natural Sciences
- 290105 VO [ en ] ( MIXED ) Climate Change and Climate Crisis - Transformative Concepts and Innovations
- 300420 VO ( REMOTE ) Ethical aspects of nature- and species protection - (Bioethics)
M03 or M04 Alternative Mandatory Modules (25 ECTS)
M03 Ethics in the Context of Education
M03.1 Didactics in Ethics
- 180187 SE ( REMOTE MIXED KPH Krems ) Didactics of Ethics
M03.2 Further Classes for Module M03
- 180136 SE ( REMOTE ) Philosophical Didactics
- 180146 SE ( REMOTE MIXED ) Subject Didactics Psychology, Philosophy and Ethics
- 180187 SE ( REMOTE ) Didactics of Ethics
- 190005 VO ( MIXED ) BM 5 Theory Development in Education Science (AHP+EW+SP) - Bildung im Lebenslauf, Biographie, Sozialisation. Einführung in theoretische Perspektiven.
- 190015 VO ( REMOTE ) Basics of Inclusive Education
- 190025 VO ( MIXED ) Philosophy of Science and Educational Research Methods - Wissenschaftstheorie und Epistemologie der Bildungswissenschaft
- 190063 SE [ de en ] ( MIXED ) Education, Socialisation and Society - Curriculum, textbooks and the fabrication of loyal national citizens
- 190081 SE ( ON-SITE ) Concepts of Humans and Theories of Education - Empirismus und Sensualismus als pädagogische Konzepte
- 190084 SE ( ON-SITE ) Special Ethical Questions - Pädagogik und Bildungswissenschaft im Gespinst normativer Ordnungen.
- 190089 SE ( MIXED ) Education and Gender - Wessen Wissen? Situiertes Wissen und Bildung.
- 190129 VO ( REMOTE ) Module 3: Current Issues in Adult Education - Erwachsenenbildung und Kunst
- 240021 VO ( REMOTE ) Introduction to Anthropology of Education (3.2.4)
- 240064 VO ( BDG MIXED ) Education and International Development - Bildung für Befreiung. Eine kritische Bilanz revolutionärer Bildungskonzepte anlässlich des 100. Geburtstages von Paulo Freire und 60 Jahren Alphabetisierungskampagne in Kuba
- 490002 VO ( REMOTE ) Historical and Systematic Principles of Educational Theory and Educational Research
- 490010 VO ( REMOTE ) VO Design and Modes of Reflection of Education and Instruction
- 490024 PS ( MIXED ) Fostering Development - Pädagogische Lehrer*innenhaltung zwischen Ethik und Profession: Erfahrungsnahe Übungen zur Herausbildung eines pädagogischen Ethos
- 490234 PS ( KPH Krems ON-SITE ) Interkulturelles und Interreligiöses Lernen als Aufgabe aller Fächer
- 490235 SE ( REMOTE KPH Krems ) Wahlbereich aller Teilcurricula
M04 Individual Specialization (25 ECTS)
M05 Master Seminar (5 ECTS)
- 180118 SE-MA ( MIXED ) Seminar for Master Candidates
- 180119 SE-MA ( ON-SITE ) Seminar for Master Candidates
- 180152 SE-MA ( REMOTE ) Seminar for Master Candidates
- 180196 SE-MA ( ON-SITE ) Seminar for Master Candidates
- 180197 SE-MA ( ON-SITE ) Seminar for Master Candidates
Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03