Universität Wien

Master CREOLE - Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes (656)

For further information, please, check our webpage: spl-ksa.univie.ac.at

IMPORTANT: Due to the current COVID-19 situation, short-term changes in teaching and exam modalities may become necessary. Be sure to check the relevant infomation in the course directory even after your registration.

240501 PR [de en] (MIXED) Waterworlds Philippines - Austria (P1)
240504 SE [de en] (MIXED) Waterworlds Philippines - Austria (P1)
240505 SE [en] (MIXED) Expert and Narrative Interviews and their audio-visual documentation (P1) - Methodology Seminar in connection to field practice
240506 SE (MIXED) Methodological preparation of the FP - Intangible Cultural Heritage (UNESCO) in Austria (P1) - Categorisations, Negotiation Processes and Sociocritical Perspectives
240507 VO (MIXED) Indigenous Methodologies in the context of post- / decolonial research approaches (P2) - Post- und dekoloniale Ansätze in anthropologischen Forschungszusammenhängen
240521 SE [en] (MIXED) Selling/Consuming Identities (P4)
240515 SE [en] (ON-SITE) Anthropology of Remoteness (P4)
240516 SE [en] (MIXED) Transnational Migration (P4)
240523 SE [en] (REMOTE) Home, Habitat and Belonging (P4)
240524 SE [en] (MIXED) Digital identities (P4)
240530 AL [en] (MIXED) Anthro Lab (P6)
240531 AL (REMOTE) Anthro Lab (P6)

Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03