Bachelor Mathematics (621 [3] - Version 2014)
Informationsveranstaltung für Erstsemestrige findet am 01.10.2021 um 09:45 Digital statt. Mehr Infos dazu unter
GHM Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)
- 250001 KO ( REMOTE ) Tutorial for first semester students
EHM Introduction to university level mathematics (18 ECTS)
ANA Analysis (11 ECTS)
LAG Linear algebra and analytical geometry (12 ECTS)
- 250037 VO ( MIXED ) Linear algebra and geometry 2
ZTH Number theory (5 ECTS)
PRO Programming (5 ECTS)
HAN Advanced analysis (10 ECTS)
- 250017 VO ( REMOTE ) Advanced analysis and elementary differential geometry
- 250018 UE [ en de ] ( MIXED ) Tutorials on advanced analysis and differential geometry
- 250039 UE ( MIXED ) Tutorials for "Introduction to linear algebra and geometry"
NUM Numerical analysis (10 ECTS)
- 250023 VO ( MIXED ) Numeric mathematics 1
- 250024 UE [ en de ] ( MIXED ) Tutorials for "Numeric mathematics 1"
KAN Complex analysis (5 ECTS)
- 250019 VO ( REMOTE ) Complex analysis
- 250020 UE ( REMOTE ON-SITE ) Tutorials on complex analysis
PTS Probability and statistics (10 ECTS)
DMA Discrete mathematics (5 ECTS)
DGL Differential equations (14 ECTS)
- 250009 VO ( MIXED ) Partial differential equations
- 250010 UE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Tutorials on partial differential equations
ALG Algebra (14 ECTS)
- 250002 UE [ en de ] ( ON-SITE ) UE Übung zu Algebra 2
- 250003 VO ( ON-SITE ) Algebra 2
MIK Mathematics in the sciences and society (3 ECTS)
- 250022 VO ( ON-SITE ) Mathematics meets Philosophy
- 250113 KO ( ON-SITE ) The art of problem solving
- 250131 KO ( MIXED ) Gender aspects of mathematics
TFA Topology and functional analysis (12 ECTS)
- 250025 VO ( MIXED ) Introduction to topology
- 250026 UE [ de en ] ( REMOTE ) Tutorials "Introduction to topology"
BAS Bachelor seminar with thesis (10 ECTS)
- 250004 SE ( MIXED PH-NÖ ) Bachelor seminar
WLO Mathematical logic (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WFM Applied mathematics: finance (optional module) (7 ECTS)
- 250005 UE ( ON-SITE ) Tutorials on financial mathematics
- 250006 VO ( MIXED ) Financial mathematics
WST Stochastics (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WAS Applied mathematics: statistics (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WGO Applied mathematics: graph theory and discrete optimization (optional module) (7 ECTS)
- 250057 VO ( MIXED ) VO Graphentheorie und diskrete Optimierung
- 250074 UE ( MIXED ) UE Übung zu Graphentheorie und diskrete Optimierung
WBS Applied mathematics: biomathematics and game theory (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WDG Classical differential geometry (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WCG Applied mathematics: algorithmic geometry (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WOP Applied mathematics: optimization (optional module) (7 ECTS)
- 250044 VO ( MIXED ) Applied optimization
- 250046 UE ( MIXED ) Tutorials on applied opimization
WKR Applied mathematics: cryptography (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WMO Applied mathematics: modelling (optional module) (7 ECTS)
WND Applied mathematics: numerical methods for differential equations (optional module) (7 ECTS)
Additional Optional module (7 ECTS)
- 250047 VU ( MIXED ) Applied machine learning
Non curricula lecture
Last modified: Fr 14.01.2022 01:03