Specialisation in Areas of Data Science (34 ECTS)
Please note the instructions for the SAD module
Module SAD Specialisation in Areas of Data Science (34 ECTS)
- 040222 SE [ en ] Seminar in Statistics for Master Studies
- 040972 UK [ de en ] Probabiltiy Theory 2
- 040973 UK Multivariate Time Series Analysis
- 040974 UK [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Methods of Decision Support
- 052100 VU [ en ] Algorithms and Data Structures 2
- 052101 VU [ en ] Numerical Algorithms
- 052113 VU [ en ] Software Tools for Computational and Data Science
- 052114 VU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Distributed and Parallel Algorithms
- 052400 VU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Information Management & Systems Engineering
- 052600 VU [ en ] Signal and Image Processing
- 052800 VU [ en ] Parallel Computing
- 052811 VU [ en ] Program Optimisations and Runtime Systems
- 052812 VU [ en ] High Performance Computing
- 052813 VU [ en ] Scientific Data Management
- 136041 SE [ en ] Topics in Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing
- 250031 VU [ en ] Modelling Interacting Particle Systems in Science
- 250039 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Artificial Intelligence
- 250078 VO [ en ] Advanced numerical analysis
- 250110 VO [ en ] Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
- 040975 UK Biometrics 1
- 052113 VU [ en ] Software Tools for Computational and Data Science
- 052315 VU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Natural Language Processing
- 052611 VU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Multimedia Content Management
- 053520 VU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Algorithmic bioinformatics
- 053521 VU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Bioinformatics of sequences and structures
- 136020 VO [ de en ] Lecture Series: Introduction to Digital Humanities
- 136021 UE ( MIXED ) Reading Course for the Lecture Series (Digital Humanities)
- 180007 VO [ en ] Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
- 269019 VO [ en ] Computational Concepts in Chemistry II
- 269020 VO [ en ] Computational Concepts in Biology II
- 270007 SE Current Aspects of Environmental and Radio Chemistry
- 270028 SE+UE Research examples in theoretical materials chemistry, polymer science and characterisation
- 270034 PR Computer Course for Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
- 270037 VO Cheminformatics
- 270038 UE Computer Course for Cheminformatics
- 270054 VO Bioinformatics of Nucleic Acids
- 270089 UE [ de en ] Research Examples from Theoretical Chemistry
- 270117 VO [ en ] Modern Quantum Chemistry
- 270127 VU [ en ] Introduction to metabolic modelling
- 270135 VU *omics Integration
- 270164 VO Bioinformatic Strategies for Data Evaluation
- 270274 UE Computer laboratory: Computersimulation of Biopolymeres
- 270275 VO Computer Simulation of Biopolymeres
- 300026 SE [ en ] Computational methods in microbial ecology
- 301186 VO [ en ] Structural Bioinformatics II
Last modified: Fr 24.06.2022 00:56