M-13 Social Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Gender Theory (10 ECTS)
- 180051 SE Media Workshop: hospitality
- 180064 SE ( REMOTE ) Epistemic Relativism and Feminist Standpoint Theory
- 180082 VO-L Current Aspects of Gender Ethics - Introduction to Philosophical Ethics in Gender Context
- 180084 SE Exclusion, Racism, Violence - Philosophical Perspectives
- 180085 SE Michel Foucault - The Will to Knowledge. History of Sexuality 1
- 180086 KU Corporeality and body discourses
- 180087 KU Subjectification processes as an occurrence - Unterwerfung, Beleidigung, Verantwortung
- 180088 SE Fundamental Questions of Existential Analysis - Overwhelming freedom - psychotherapy in the field of tension between responsibility and duty
- 180089 SE [ en ] Contemporary Feminist Philosophy
- 180097 KU ( REMOTE ) HIV / AIDS - Philosophical, Historical and Sociological Perspectives
- 180164 SE Theories of Democracy of the Present - Diagnose, Theorie und Entwicklung
- 180178 SE Phenomenology and sociology of the body - Merleau-Ponty and Bourdieu
- 180193 KU Enlightenment as criticism
- 210064 SE BAK9: Political Theories and Research on Theories - Anti-Semitism and middle East Conflict: Political Theories of Modern Antimodernism and Zionism
Last modified: We 11.12.2024 00:51