M-14 Contemporary Philosophy (10 ECTS)
- 010094 VO ( MIXED ) Intercultural Philosophy
- 010107 SE Karl Jaspers Philosophy (of Existence) in the mid 20th century
- 010351 VO Contemporary Philosophy - Heidegger and Early Greek Philosophy
- 180064 SE ( REMOTE ) Epistemic Relativism and Feminist Standpoint Theory
- 180071 KU Philosophy of Film - Thinking with Hitchcock
- 180073 SE Aesthetics of the atmosphere
- 180076 KU ( REMOTE ) Nature and climate ethics
- 180080 SE Critique of White Reason - Immanuel Kant in the Context of Contemporary Debates
- 180082 VO-L Current Aspects of Gender Ethics - Introduction to Philosophical Ethics in Gender Context
- 180087 KU Subjectification processes as an occurrence - Unterwerfung, Beleidigung, Verantwortung
- 180089 SE [ en ] Contemporary Feminist Philosophy
- 180090 SE [ en ] Slavoj Zizek and the Arts
- 180091 VO-L Psychosomatics today - Psychoanalytic Perspectives
- 180092 KU Modern Action theory
- 180097 KU ( REMOTE ) HIV / AIDS - Philosophical, Historical and Sociological Perspectives
- 180099 VO-L ( REMOTE ) Biological theories of aging - philosophical aspects of aging research
- 180164 SE Theories of Democracy of the Present - Diagnose, Theorie und Entwicklung
- 180175 SE [ en ] Introduction to Philosophy of Biology
- 180178 SE Phenomenology and sociology of the body - Merleau-Ponty and Bourdieu
- 180186 VO [ en ] ( MIXED ) Current Developments in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Sciene
- 230020 SE Selected Paradigms: Social Constructivism. Classical and Current Perspectives
Last modified: We 11.12.2024 00:51