Postgraduate Programmes
Education and Social Care
Early Care Counselling: Early Intervention, Family Support, Parent Counselling (315)
- 251070 SE ( ON-SITE ) C.2.3 Förderung, Begleitung und Beratung in Arbeitsfeldern der Elementarpädagogik und des Systems Fr
- 251071 SE ( ON-SITE ) C.2.4 Förderung, Begleitung und Beratung in Arbeitsfeldern der Elementarpädagogik und des Systems Fr
- 251072 SE ( ON-SITE ) C.2.5 Förderdiagnostik und verwandte diagnostische Verfahren I
- 251073 SE ( ON-SITE ) D.2.2 Empirisch-quantitative Methoden
- 251074 SE ( MIXED ) E.2.5 Kasuistikseminar
Developing Human Resources, Teams and Organizations by Experiential Learning following the IOA® Concept (academic education and training program) (850)
- 251336 UE Basislehrveranstaltung Integrative Outdoor-Aktivitäten®
- 251337 UE Gruppenprozesse wahrnehmen und gestalten
- 251338 UE Naturerfahrung im Ansatz der Integrativen Outdoor-Aktivitäten® mit Schwerpunkt Führung und Beratung
- 251339 VO Psychologische und organisationstheoretische Grundbegriffe
- 251342 VO Konzept 1: Basistheorien der Integrativen Outdoor-Aktivitäten®
- 251343 VO Konzept 2: Handlungsorientiertes Lernen in unterschiedlichen Berufsfeldern
Developing Human Resources, Teams and Organizations by Experiential Learning following the IOA® Concept (Master course) (854)
- 251345 UE Basislehrveranstaltung Integrative Outdoor-Aktivitäten®
- 251346 UE Gruppenprozesse wahrnehmen und gestalten
- 251347 UE Naturerfahrung im Ansatz der Integrativen Outdoor-Aktivitäten® mit Schwerpunkt Führung und Beratung
- 251348 VO Psychologische und organisationstheoretische Grundbegriffe
- 251349 VO Konzept 1: Basistheorien der Integrativen Outdoor-Aktivitäten®
- 251350 VO Konzept 2: Handlungsorientiertes Lernen in unterschiedlichen Berufsfeldern
Integration of Children and Adolescents (867)
Philosophical Practice (051 [2] - Version 2016)
- 251059 UE M 6.2 Die Gesellschaft: Philosophieren als Bildungsarbeit
- 251061 KU M 3.1 Berufsbild, ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen, Recht und Präsentationstechnik
Studium Generale - a post-professional programme of the University of Vienna (adacemic graduate) (498)
- 251135 KU ( MIXED ) KU Principles, Foundations, Structures and Procedures in European Constitutional States from the Per
- 251136 KU ( MIXED ) KU European Union, Council of Europe and OSCE as Guardians of Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Right
- 251177 KU ( MIXED ) KU Principles of Law of Succession
- 251178 KU ( ON-SITE ) KU Self-Determination in Personal Matters
- 251180 KU ( ON-SITE ) KU Introduction to the Analysis of Societal Phenomena by Means of Selected Topics
- 251181 VU ( MIXED ) VU Pharmakobotanik - Theorie und Praxis der Arzneiplanzennutzung
- 251185 VU ( MIXED ) VU Introduction, Sources, Methods and Debates in Contemporary History
- 251186 KU ( MIXED ) KU Practical Exercises - Archive, Library, Museum
- 251197 VU ( MIXED ) VU Introduction to Political Science and the Political System in Austria
- 251200 KU ( ON-SITE ) KU Selected Aspects of the European Union
- 251335 VU ( ON-SITE ) VU Physics - introduction to the fundamentals of physics
- 251340 KU ( MIXED ) KU Introduction to the Basics of Social and Cultural Anthropology by Means of Selected Topics
- 251341 VU ( MIXED ) VU Molekularbiologie
Studium Generale - a post-professional programme of the University of Vienna (MA) (499)
Studium Generale - a post-professional programme of the University of Vienna (497)
- 251135 KU ( MIXED ) KU Principles, Foundations, Structures and Procedures in European Constitutional States from the Per
- 251136 KU ( MIXED ) KU European Union, Council of Europe and OSCE as Guardians of Democracy, Rule of Law and Human Right
- 251177 KU ( MIXED ) KU Principles of Law of Succession
- 251178 KU ( ON-SITE ) KU Self-Determination in Personal Matters
- 251180 KU ( ON-SITE ) KU Introduction to the Analysis of Societal Phenomena by Means of Selected Topics
- 251181 VU ( MIXED ) VU Pharmakobotanik - Theorie und Praxis der Arzneiplanzennutzung
- 251185 VU ( MIXED ) VU Introduction, Sources, Methods and Debates in Contemporary History
- 251186 KU ( MIXED ) KU Practical Exercises - Archive, Library, Museum
- 251197 VU ( MIXED ) VU Introduction to Political Science and the Political System in Austria
- 251200 KU ( ON-SITE ) KU Selected Aspects of the European Union
- 251335 VU ( ON-SITE ) VU Physics - introduction to the fundamentals of physics
- 251340 KU ( MIXED ) KU Introduction to the Basics of Social and Cultural Anthropology by Means of Selected Topics
- 251341 VU ( MIXED ) VU Molekularbiologie
- 251356 VU ( ON-SITE ) VU Introduction to Political Science and the Political System in Austria - Schloss Hofen
- 251357 KU ( ON-SITE ) KU Selected Aspects of the European Union - Schloss Hofen
- 251406 VU VU Introduction, Sources, Methods and Debates in Contemporary History - Schloss Hofen
- 251407 KU KU Practical Exercises - Archive, Library, Museum - Schloss Hofen
- 251410 KU ( ON-SITE ) KU Basic Concepts of Human Geography Using Examples from Tourism and Leisure Research, Spatial - an Beispielen der Tourismus- und Freizeitforschung, der räumlichen Bevölkerungsforschung und der Stadtgeographie
Supervision and Coaching (acadamic supervisor and coach) (802 [2] - Version 2016)
- 251146 SE ( ON-SITE ) M4.2 Teams und Teamprozesse in Organisationen / Mehrpersonensetting
- 251149 SE ( ON-SITE ) M4.3 Gesundheit und Stress als Themen in Supervision & Coaching
- 251150 UE ( ON-SITE ) M7.1 Schreibwerkstatt 1
- 251152 SE ( ON-SITE ) M4.1 Entwicklungen in Arbeitswelt und Organisation
- 251411 SE ( ON-SITE ) M3.2 Der psychodynamische Ansatz in Supervision und Coaching
- 950001 UE M6b.2 Vertiefende Lehrsupervision 1
Supervision and Coaching (MSc) (820 [2] - Version 2016)
- 251145 SE ( ON-SITE ) M4.2 Teams und Teamprozesse in Organisationen / Mehrpersonensetting
- 251147 SE ( ON-SITE ) M8.2 Forschungsseminar 1
- 251148 SE ( ON-SITE ) M4.3 Gesundheit und Stress als Themen in Supervision & Coaching
- 251151 SE ( ON-SITE ) M4.1 Entwicklungen in Arbeitswelt und Organisation
- 251412 SE ( ON-SITE ) M3.2 Der psychodynamische Ansatz in Supervision und Coaching
- 251419 UE M6b.2 Vertiefende Lehrsupervision 1
- 251420 UE M6b.4 Vertiefende Lehrsupervision 2
- 251421 UE M6a.2 Lehrsupervision 1
- 251422 UE M6a.4 Lehrsupervision 2
Health and Natural Sciences
Personzentrierte Psychotherapie (810)
Pharmaceutical Quality Management (580)
- 251372 VO ( REMOTE ) Rechtliche Grundlagen - vertiefend
- 251374 VO ( REMOTE ) Mikrobiologie - vertiefend
- 251376 VO ( REMOTE ) Biogene Arzneistoffe
Pharmaceutical Quality Management (971)
- 251084 VO ( REMOTE ) Legal basics
- 251363 VO ( REMOTE ) Microbiology (VO)
- 251365 VO ( REMOTE ) Physiology
- 251367 VO ( REMOTE ) Organic chemistry
- 251368 VO Analytic chemistry (VO)
- 251369 VU ( REMOTE ) Analytic chemistry (VU)
- 251378 VO ( REMOTE ) Toxicology
- 251391 VO ( REMOTE ) General and inorganic chemistry
- 251393 VO Pharmaceutical chemistry (VO)
- 251394 VU ( REMOTE ) Pharmaceutical-chemical analytics (VU)
- 251395 VU Microbiology (VU)
- 251397 VO ( REMOTE ) Experimental physics
Psychomotricity (MA) (795)
- 251105 UE ( ON-SITE ) Körper- und Sozialerfahrung I: Grundkurs Erlebnispädagogik
- 251106 KU ( ON-SITE ) Anatomie und Neurophysiologie / kindliche Entwicklungs- und Bewegungsstörungen I
- 251107 UE ( ON-SITE ) Psychomotorik in der Frühförderung und im Kindergarten
- 251109 UE ( ON-SITE ) Körpererfahrung, Körpergestaltung, Selbsterfahrung: Bewegung Atmung Kommunikation I
- 251118 KU ( ON-SITE ) Grundlagen der motorischen und kognitiven Entwicklung im Kindes- und Jugendalter
- 251119 UE ( ON-SITE ) Körper- und Sozialerfahrung II: Erlebnispädagogik Outdooraktivitäten
- 251121 UE ( ON-SITE ) Psychomotorik in der Sekundarstufe
- 251122 UE ( ON-SITE ) Psychomotorik im Alter
- 251123 UE ( ON-SITE ) Körpererfahrung, Körpergestaltung, Selbsterfahrung: Bewegung Atmung Kommunikation II
- 251124 VU ( ON-SITE ) Motodiagnostik
- 251125 VU ( ON-SITE ) Graphomotorik
- 251126 KU ( ON-SITE ) Gutachtenerstellung
- 251127 UE ( ON-SITE ) Psychomotorik mit Erwachsenen
- 251128 KU ( ON-SITE ) Allgemeine Psychomotorik I
- 251153 KU ( ON-SITE ) Allgemeine Psychomotorik II
- 251399 SE Wiss. Arbeiten
Advanced Study in Psychotherapy: Individual Psychology and Self Psychology (817)
- 251129 SE ( ON-SITE ) .
- 251130 SE ( ON-SITE ) Emphasis on Assessment and Treatment Techniques in Psychoanalysis (PA/PsaPth)
- 251131 UE ( ON-SITE ) B5.2 Writer's Workshop III
- 251133 SE ( ON-SITE ) Teaching of Treatment and Initial Interview (IP)
- 251134 SE ( ON-SITE ) Teaching of Treatment and Initial Interview (PA/PsaPth)
- 251137 UE ( ON-SITE ) B3.2 Writer's Workshop I
- 251138 SE ( ON-SITE ) B2.2 Work Discussion IV
Propedeutic Programme in Psychotherapy (818)
- 251043 SE B.2.4 Geriatric Psychotherapy - Gruppe 2
- 251044 VU B.1 Introduction to Medical Terminology - Gruppe 2
- 251045 UE A.6.3 Psychosocial Counselling as a Core Intervention - Gruppe 2
- 251046 VU A.6.1 Theory of Forms of Psychosocial Intervention - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251047 VU B.2.2.1 Basics of Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Gruppe 1
- 251048 VU B.2.2.2 Specific Disorders in Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Gruppe 2
- 251170 SE A.5.2 Psychological and Method-Specific Assessment and Appraisal - Children and Adolescents - Gruppe 1
- 251171 SE A.5.2 Psychological and Method-Specific Assessment and Appraisal - Children and Adolescents - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251172 VU B.2.1 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Gruppe 1
- 251173 VU A.6.2 Experts from the Field of Forms of Psychosocial Intervention - Gruppe 1
- 251174 SE B.2.4 Geriatric Psychotherapy - Gruppe 1
- 251175 VU B.3 Pharmacology (Theory and Practice) - Gruppe 1
- 251176 SE E.1.1 Professional Ethics for Psychotherapists - Gruppe 1
- 251179 SE E.1.2 Framework Conditions in Health Promotion - Gruppe 1
- 251182 VU E.2.1 Psychotherapy Law - Gruppe 2
- 251183 VU A.1.1 Concepts of Depth Psychology - Gruppe 1
- 251184 VU B.1 Introduction to Medical Terminology - Gruppe 1
- 251187 SE B.2.3 Psychosomatics - Gruppe 2
- 251188 SE E.1.3 Psychotherapy Provision - Gruppe 1
- 251189 VU A.4 Rehabilitation and Special Needs and Inclusive Education - Gruppe 1
- 251190 VU A.3.2 Developmental Psychology - Gruppe 1
- 251191 SE A.5.1 Psychological and Method-Specific Assessment and Appraisal - Adults - Gruppe 1
- 251192 SE A.5.1 Psychological and Method-Specific Assessment and Appraisal - Adults - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251193 UE A.6.3 Psychosocial Counselling as a Core Intervention - Gruppe 1
- 251194 VU B.2.2.1 Basics of Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Gruppe 2
- 251199 VU B.2.2.1 Basics of Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251201 VU B.2.2.2 Specific Disorders in Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Gruppe 1
- 251202 VU B.2.2.2 Specific Disorders in Psychiatry, Psychopathology - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251204 SE E.2.2 Social Security Law - Gruppe 1
- 251205 SE E.2.3 Further Laws on Health Care and Social Services - Gruppe 1
- 251206 VU A.6.1 Theory of Forms of Psychosocial Intervention - Gruppe 2
- 251207 VU B.4 First Aid in Psychotherapy Practice - Gruppe 1
- 251208 VU E.2.1 Psychotherapy Law - Gruppe 1
- 251209 SE B.2.3 Psychosomatics - Gruppe 1
- 251210 SE E.2.3 Further Laws on Health Care and Social Services - Gruppe 2
- 251211 SE C.3 Philosphy of Science - Gruppe 1
- 251212 SE C.4 Psychotherapy Research - Gruppe 1
- 251213 SE E.2.2 Social Security Law - Gruppe 2
- 251214 SE A.2 Personality Theories - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251215 VU B.3 Pharmacology (Theory and Practice) - Gruppe 2
- 251216 SE C.2 Qualitative Research - Gruppe 1
- 251239 VU A.1.2 Humanistic Concepts - Gruppe 1
- 251240 VU A.1.1 Concepts of Depth Psychology - Gruppe 2
- 251241 VU A.1.3 Systemic Concepts - Gruppe 1
- 251242 VU A.1.4 Concepts of Learning Theory - Gruppe 2
- 251243 VU A.1.4 Concepts of Learning Theory - Gruppe 1
- 251244 SE A.2 Personality Theories - Gruppe 1
- 251246 VU A.3.1 General Psychology - Gruppe 1
- 251247 VU A.3.2 Developmental Psychology - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251251 VU A.6.1 Theory of Forms of Psychosocial Intervention - Gruppe 1
- 251253 VU A.6.2 Experts from the Field of Forms of Psychosocial Intervention - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251254 UE A.6.3 Psychosocial Counselling as a Core Intervention - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251255 VU A.1.2 Humanistic Concepts - Gruppe 2
- 251256 VU A.1.3 Systemic Concepts - Gruppe 2
- 251258 VU B.1 Introduction to Medical Terminology - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251259 VU B.2.1 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251262 SE B.2.3 Psychosomatics - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251263 SE B.2.4 Geriatric Psychotherapy - Intensiv-ULG #7
- 251264 SE C.4 Psychotherapy Research - Gruppe 2
- 251265 SE D Ethics - Gruppe 2
- 251266 VU B.3 Pharmacology (Theory and Practice) - Gruppe 2
- 251267 VU B.4 First Aid in Psychotherapy Practice - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251268 VU B.4 First Aid in Psychotherapy Practice - Gruppe 2
- 251270 VU C.1 Statistics - Gruppe 1
- 251274 SE D Ethics - Gruppe 1
- 251275 SE E.1.1 Professional Ethics for Psychotherapists - Gruppe 2
- 251276 SE E.1.2 Framework Conditions in Health Promotion - Intensiv-ULG #6
- 251277 SE E.1.3 Psychotherapy Provision - Gruppe 2
- 251281 VU A.1.1 Concepts of Depth Psychology - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251284 VU A.1.2 Humanistic Concepts - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251287 VU A.1.3 Systemic Concepts - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251289 VU C.1 Statistics - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251290 VU A.1.4 Concepts of Learning Theory - Intensiv-ULG #8
- 251291 SE A.2 Personality Theories - Gruppe 2
- 251292 VU A.3.1 General Psychology - Intensiv-ULG #8
Risk Prevention and Disaster Management (242 [2] - Version 2019)
- 251230 VU ( ON-SITE ) Socio-Economic Aspects of Vulnerability and Resilience
- 251283 VU ( ON-SITE ) Sociological and Other Hazards
- 251285 UE ( ON-SITE ) Risk Communication
- 251286 SE ( ON-SITE ) Models and Control of State Disaster Preparedness and Risk Governance
- 251288 VO ( ON-SITE ) Strategic, Operational and Tactical Disaster Management on a National and International Level
- 251302 UE ( ON-SITE ) European Civil Protection Mechanism
- 251303 UE ( ON-SITE ) Crisis Communication
- 251304 VO ( ON-SITE ) Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Disaster Aid
- 251305 VU ( ON-SITE ) Risk Management for Organisations and Systems
- 251316 UE ( ON-SITE ) Integrated Staff Work and Simulation
International Affairs and Business
European Studies (959)
- 251062 VO+UE Karriereperspektiven in den Institutionen der Europäischen Union
- 251063 SE EU-Gesetzgebung
- 251095 VO+SE Die EU als internationale Akteurin
- 251096 VO+UE Zukunftsdebatten und aktuelle Entwicklungen in der EU
- 251098 VO+SE Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen nach 1945 II
- 251099 VO+UE Nationalsprachlichkeit, Minderheiten
- 251100 VO+UE Menschenrechte
- 251101 VO+UE [ en ] Sicherheitspolitik
- 251103 VO+UE Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
- 251104 VO+SE [ en ] Legal Aspects of Globalization of World Trade
Cooperative Urban and Regional Development (864)
- 251257 VU Introduction to Sustainable Urban and Regional Development
- 251260 VU Advanced Concepts and Dimensions of a Sustainable Region
- 251261 VU Methodological Approaches to Sustainable Urban and Regional Development
- 251278 UE Methodological Approaches to Sustainable Urban and Regional Development
- 251279 UE Cooperative Implementation of Sustainable Urban and Regional Development
- 251280 UE Interaction and Communication in Participatory Processes of Sustainable Urban and Regional Developme
Cooperative Urban and Regional Development (MA) (865)
- 251257 VU Introduction to Sustainable Urban and Regional Development
- 251260 VU Advanced Concepts and Dimensions of a Sustainable Region
- 251261 VU Methodological Approaches to Sustainable Urban and Regional Development
- 251278 UE Methodological Approaches to Sustainable Urban and Regional Development
- 251279 UE Cooperative Implementation of Sustainable Urban and Regional Development
- 251280 UE Interaction and Communication in Participatory Processes of Sustainable Urban and Regional Developme
- 251324 SE Academic Research and Writing Methods
International Studies (940)
Communication and Media
Court and Public Service Interpreting (academic court and public service interpreter) (462)
- 251294 UE Dolmetschen in Asylverfahren 1
- 251295 UE Dolmetschen in polizeilichen und gerichtlichen Verfahren 1
- 251296 UE Institutionelles Übersetzen 1
- 251297 UE Dolmetschen im Gesundheits- und Bildungswesen 1
- 251298 UE Institutionelles Übersetzen 2
- 251299 UE Dolmetschen in Asylverfahren 2
- 251300 UE Dolmetschen in polizeilichen und gerichtlichen Verfahren 2
- 251301 UE Dolmetschen im Gesundheits- und Bildungswesen 2
Court and Public Service Interpreting (MA) (883)
Library and Information Studies (MSc) (600 [3] - Version 2019)
- 251326 SE PF 8.4 Management Factory
- 251327 SE M 10.1.2 Master's Thesis Seminar II
- 251328 VU PF 9.1 Research Process in a Library Context
- 251329 VU PF 9.2 Academic Publishing
- 251330 VU PF 9.3 Research Data Management
- 251331 VU WF 11.5.1 Quantitative Methods in User Research
- 251332 VU WF 11.5.2 Qualitative Methods in User Research
Library and Information Studies (academic library and information expert) (857 [3] - Version 2019)
- 251050 VU WF 7.5.1 OPL: Theory and Typology
- 251075 VU PF 1.4 Legal Framework
- 251076 VU PF 4.1 Information Resources and Information Retrieval
- 251077 VU PF 1.1 Principles of Management
- 251078 VU PF 4.2 Service Orientation and Profile Development
- 251079 VU PF 4.3 Information Literacy
- 251080 VU PF 3.1 IT Infrastructure
- 251081 VU PF 3.4 E-Collaboration
- 251082 VU WF 7.1.2 Subject Cataloguing and Data Modelling: Emphasis
- 251085 VU PF 3.4 E-Collaboration
- 251087 VU PF 1.4 Legal Framework
- 251089 VU PF 4.3 Information Literacy
- 251090 VU PT 5.1 Project Management
- 251091 VU PF 4.1 Information Resources and Information Retrieval
- 251092 VU WF 7.3.1 Basic Legal Information for Libraries
- 251093 VU WF 7.3.2 Information Ethics
- 251220 VU WF 7.5.2 OPL: Best Practice
- 251228 VU WF 7.2.1 Information Literacy: Developments and Trends
- 251229 VU WF 7.2.2 Information Literacy: Best Practice
- 251404 VU PF 1.1 Principles of Management
- 251405 VU PF 4.2 Service Orientation and Profile Development
- 251414 VU WF 7.10.1 Open Science Support
- 251415 VU WF 7.10.2 Generation and Organisation of Knowledge Based on Data
- 251416 VU WF 7.10.3 System Architectures and Workflow Management
- 251417 VU WF 7.7.2 Public Relations
- 251418 VU WF 7.7.2 Marketing and Advertising Communications
University Library
- 251075 VU PF 1.4 Legal Framework
- 251076 VU PF 4.1 Information Resources and Information Retrieval
- 251077 VU PF 1.1 Principles of Management
- 251078 VU PF 4.2 Service Orientation and Profile Development
- 251079 VU PF 4.3 Information Literacy
- 251080 VU PF 3.1 IT Infrastructure
- 251081 VU PF 3.4 E-Collaboration
- 251400 VU WF 7.6.2 Special Collections
Austrian National Library
- 251085 VU PF 3.4 E-Collaboration
- 251087 VU PF 1.4 Legal Framework
- 251089 VU PF 4.3 Information Literacy
- 251091 VU PF 4.1 Information Resources and Information Retrieval
- 251400 VU WF 7.6.2 Special Collections
European and International Business Law (548)
- 251110 KU ( MIXED ) Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU in an Economic Context
- 251111 KU ( MIXED ) European and International Intellectual Property and Technology Law
- 251112 KU ( MIXED ) International Commercial Arbitration
- 251113 KU ( MIXED ) European Privacy Law
- 251114 KU ( MIXED ) European and international Civil Procedure and Litigation
- 251115 KU ( MIXED ) Internationales Investitionsrecht
- 251116 KU ( MIXED ) European and international Tax Law
- 251117 KU ( MIXED ) European Private International Law
- 251139 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Dispute Resolution
- 251140 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) EU State Aid Law
- 251141 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Tax Law
- 251142 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) EU Intellectual Property Law
- 251143 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Investment Law
- 251144 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European Private International Law
- 251154 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Introduction to European Union Law: The Legal System of the European Union
- 251155 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) WTO Law
- 251156 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) European Internal Market Law
- 251157 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) European Competition Law
- 251158 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Drafting and Negotiating Cross-border M&A Contracts
- 251159 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) European and International Communications Law
- 251160 KU ( MIXED ) European Labour and Social Security Law
- 251161 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) European and International E-Commerce Law
- 251162 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) European Private International Law
- 251163 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) IP Licensing and Technology Transfer in Europe and International
- 251164 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) The Law and Business of Start-Ups international: Silicon Valley's Approach and Strategies
- 251165 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) European and International Corporate Law
- 251166 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) European Consumer Law
- 251167 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) European and International Copyright Law
- 251168 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) EU State Aid Law
- 251169 KU [ en ] ( MIXED ) Introduction to U.S. Intellectual Property Law
- 251322 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) International Business Negotiation Seminar
- 251325 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European Privacy Law
- 251351 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar I
- 251352 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Master Thesis Seminar
- 251353 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar II
- 251354 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar III
- 251355 KU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar I
- 251358 KU ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar I
- 251359 KU ( REMOTE ) European and International Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, and Technology Law Seminar II
- 251360 SE ( REMOTE ) Master Thesis Seminar
- 251409 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Master Thesis Seminar
- 251413 SE [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Master Thesis Seminar
European and International Business Law (MLS) (549)
- 251398 SE ( MIXED ) Presentation of the Master's Thesis Topic
- 251408 SE ( REMOTE ) Master's Thesis Seminar
Family Business and Estate Planning (LL.M.) (044 [2] - Version 2020)
Human Rights (LL.M.) (891)
- 251064 KU [ en ] Human Rights Generations and Dimensions
- 251065 KU [ en ] Persons in vulnerable situations, equality and diversity
- 251066 KU [ en ] New challenges for human rights
- 251067 KU [ en ] Human rights in an organisational context, monitoring and advocacy
- 251068 KU [ en ] Human rights litigation, legal mediation and advice
- 251069 UE [ en ] Moot Court
M1 Human Rights - General Theory and Legal Approaches (10 ECTS)
M2 Human Rights as a Multi-Level Approach (Human Rights Systems) (8 ECTS)
M3 Specific Human Rights and Special Human Rights Challenges (10 ECTS)
M4 Practical Aspects of Human Rights (7 ECTS)
M5 Moot Court Competition (8 ECTS)
Human Rights (MLS) (892)
M1 Introduction to Legal Studies for Non-Lawyers (8 ECTS)
M2 Human Rights - General Theory and Legal Approaches (10 ECTS)
M3 Human Rights as a Multi-Level Approach (Human Rights Systems) (8 ECTS)
M4 Specific Human Rights and Special Human Rights Challenges (10 ECTS)
M5 Practical Aspects of Human Rights (7 ECTS)
Information and Media Law (942)
- 251051 SE ( REMOTE ) Technische Grundlagen der Rechtsinformation
International Law (628)
- 251195 SE [ en ] Accountability of International Organizations (pi)
- 251196 SE [ en ] EU as an International Actor (pi)
- 251198 SE [ en ] Crisis Management and Conflict Settlement (pi)
Canon Law for Lawyers (619)
- 251317 VO Aktuelle Fragen: Staat-Kirche II
- 251318 VO Katholische Ostkirchen
- 251319 VO Kirchenrechtsvergleichung I: Protestantismus
- 251320 VO Kirchenrechtsvergleichung II: Orthodoxie
- 251321 VO Master-Thesis-Seminar
Tax Law and Accounting (LL.M.) (984)
- 251041 UE ( MIXED ) Umgründungssteuerrecht - Fallbeispiele
- 251042 VO ( MIXED ) Umgründungssteuerrecht - Grundlagen
- 251381 SE ( REMOTE ) Master Thesis-Seminar
- 251382 VU ( MIXED ) Rechnungslegung nach den IFRS
- 251383 VU ( MIXED ) Konzernrechnungslegung nach österreichischem Recht
- 251384 VU ( REMOTE ) Unternehmensbewertung
- 251385 VU ( REMOTE ) Unternehmensplanung
- 251386 VO ( MIXED ) Umgründungen im Unternehmensrecht
- 251387 VU ( MIXED ) Internationales Steuerrecht
- 251388 VU ( MIXED ) Analyse von Jahres- und Konzernabschlüssen
Real Estate and Residential Property Law (LL.M.) (361)
- 251217 UE UE Verfassen einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit - Methodik
- 251218 VO VO Wohnungseigentumsrecht
- 251219 SE SE Wohnungseigentumsrecht
- 251221 VU VU Schadenersatz- und Gewährleistung
- 251222 VU VU Immobilienmaklerrecht
- 251223 VU VU Vertragsgestaltung beim Liegenschaftskauf
- 251224 VU VU Wohnungsgemeinnützigkeitsrecht
- 251225 VU VU Versicherungsrecht
- 251226 VU VU Grundbuchs- und Katasterrecht
- 251227 SE SE Masterarbeit-Seminar
Real Estate and Residential Property Law (MLS) (362)
- 251306 VU VU Wohnungsgemeinnützigkeitsrecht
- 251307 VO VO Wohnungseigentumsrecht
- 251308 SE SE Wohnungseigentumsrecht
- 251309 VU VU Immobilienmaklerrecht
- 251310 SE SE Masterarbeit-Seminar
- 251311 VU VU Vertragsgestaltung beim Liegenschaftskauf
- 251312 VU VU Schadenersatz- und Gewährleistung
- 251313 VU VU Versicherungsrecht
- 251314 VU VU Grundbuchs- und Katasterrecht
- 251315 UE UE Verfassen einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit - Methodik
Last modified: Fr 24.06.2022 00:57