Universität Wien

Zweiter Studienabschnitt

280022 VO Introduction to methods of working with statistics - Introduction to methods of working with statistics
280073 PR Advanced practical course - Advanced practical course
280152 SE Meteorological-Geophysical seminar - Meteorological-Geophysical seminar
280019 KO Weather Discussion I (advective processes) - Weather Discussion I (advective processes)
280020 VO Theoretical Meteorology I - Theoretical Meteorology I
280021 UE Exercises in Theoretical Meteorology I - Exercises in Theoretical Meteorology I
280023 VO Introduction to remote sensing - Introduction to remote sensing
280024 UE Exercises in Synoptic-dynamic Meteorology I - Exercises in Synoptic-dynamic Meteorology I
280025 VO Synoptic-dynamic Meteorology I (Analysis methods) - Synoptic-dynamic Meteorology I (Analysis methods)
280026 VO Methods for numerical prediction - Methods for numerical prediction
280027 UE Exercises in Methods for numerical prediction - Exercises in Methods for numerical prediction
280028 SE VERA-Seminar - VERA-Seminar
280063 VO Applied geostatistics - Applied geostatistics
280069 SE Meteorological Seminar - Meteorological Seminar
280070 PR Synoptic practical course I - Synoptic practical course I
280071 SE Literature-seminar (general meteorology) - Literature-seminar (general meteorology)
280072 SE Seminar Theoretical Meteorology - Seminar Theoretical Meteorology
280206 VO Climate II - Climate II
280207 UE Exercises in Climate II - Exercises in Climate II
280295 VO Energetics of atmospheric circulation - Energetics of atmospheric circulation
280297 KO Conversatory Theoretical Meteorology - Conversatory Theoretical Meteorology
280305 VO Meteorological aspects of environmental protection - Meteorological aspects of environmental protection
280311 SE Instructions for scientific work - Instructions for scientific work
280315 SE Privatissimum (Meteorology&environmental prot.) - Privatissimum (Meteorology and environmental protection)
280320 VO Planetary boundary layer - Planetary boundary layer
280322 UE Exercises in Planetary boundary layer - Exercises in Planetary boundary layer
280323 UE Exercises in General Meteorology I - Exercises in General Meteorology I
280324 VO General Meteorology I - General Meteorology I
280332 PR Meteorologisches Messpraktikum - Meteorologisches Messpraktikum
280341 VO Oceanography - Oceanography
280420 UE UE zu Energetik der atmosphärsichen Zirkulation - Übungen zu Energetik der atmosphärischen Zirkulation
280422 VO Hydrologische Modelle - Hydrologische Modelle
280423 VO Hydrologische Vorhersagen - Hydrologische Vorhersagen
280033 VO Applied gravimetry - Applied gravimetry
280034 UE Exercises in Applied gravimetry - Exercises in Applied gravimetry
280039 SE Forschungsseminar seismisches Processing - Forschungsseminar seismisches Processing
280067 VO Seismic instrumentation - Seismic instrumentation
280068 UE Exercises in Seismic instrumentation - Exercises in Seismic instrumentation
280073 PR Advanced practical course - Advanced practical course
280203 VO Datenprocessing I (Applied geophysics I) - Datenprocessing I (Applied geophysics I)
280205 UE Processing of seismic data (Applied geophysics I) - Processing of seismic data (Applied geophysics I)
280208 PR Computer-aided measuring systems - Computer-aided measuring systems
280328 VO Geothermics - Geothermics
280329 VO Seismology and the Structure of the Earth Interior - Seismology and the Structure of the Earth Interior
280330 VO Transformation and inversion of potential fields - Transformation and inversion of potential fields
280336 VO Hydrogeophysics and Hydrogeology I - Hydrogeophysics and Hydrogeology I
280421 PR Praktikum Erschütterungsanalyse - Praktikum Erschütterungsanalyse
280443 VO Magnetik und Geoelektrik - Magnetik und Geoelektrik
280444 UE Übungen zu Magnetik und Geoelektrik - Übungen zu Magnetik und Geoelektrik
280445 VO Petrophysik und Bohrlochgeophysik I - Petrophysik und Bohrlochgeophysik I

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34