UF MA PHYS 01a Subject specific Science (16 ECTS)
- 260004 SE [ en ] Physics and chemistry of clouds
- 260008 VO [ en ] Advanced Statistical Physics and Soft Matter Physics
- 260009 PUE [ en ] Advanced Statistical Physics and Soft Matter Physics
- 260010 VO [ en ] Experiments in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
- 260013 LP [ de en ] Lab-Course: Aerosolphysik
- 260014 VU [ en ] Statistical Methods of Data Analysis
- 260036 LP [ en ] Lab-Course: Classical and Quantum Optics
- 260037 PUE [ en ] Quantum Information
- 260038 VO [ en ] Condensed Matter Physics
- 260043 VO [ en ] Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- 260049 VU [ en ] Fundamentals of Photonics
- 260050 PUE [ en ] Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- 260051 PUE [ en ] Classical and Quantum Optics
- 260056 SE [ en ] Current Research in Experimental Materials Physics
- 260058 LP Lab-Course: Nanotechnology: Concepts, Methods, Materials
- 260059 VO [ en ] Introduction to Theory of Relativity
- 260061 PUE [ en de ] Introduction to Theory of Relativity
- 260064 VO [ en ] Advanced Electronic Structure
- 260066 PUE [ en ] Advanced Electronic Structure
- 260067 VO Computational Physics
- 260069 PUE Computational Physics
- 260072 VO [ en ] History of Physics - Supplemented with the development of Physics at the University Vienna
- 260074 LP Lab-Course: Nuclear Physics
- 260076 PUE [ en ] Experiments in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
- 260083 SE [ en ] Current topics in aerosol dynamics and optics
- 260085 VO [ en ] Quantum Information
- 260100 VO [ en ] Classical and Quantum Optics
- 260111 LP Lab-Course: Electronic Data Acquisition and Automation in Laboratories
- 260113 VO [ en ] Time and Clocks
- 260114 SE [ en ] Seminar Applied isotope physics
- 260115 VU [ en ] Complex Systems I: Foundations, Concepts and Phenomena
- 260121 PUE [ en ] Condensed Matter Physics
- 260122 VO [ de en ] Nanotechnology: Concepts, Methods, Materials
- 260123 PUE Nanotechnology: Concepts, Methods, Materials
- 260125 VO Introduction to Nuclear Physics
- 260126 PUE Introduction to Nuclear Physics
- 260133 VO [ en ] Atmospheric Aerosol Physics
- 260134 PUE [ en ] Atmospheric Aerosol Physics
- 260153 VO [ en ] Experimental Particle Physics I - Accelerators and Detectors
- 267128 PR Laboratory Nuclear and Isotope Physics - 14C dating with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry - for teacher students
Last modified: Sa 21.09.2024 01:35