Universität Wien

Additional Scientific Qualifications for Biologists (30 ECTS)

300437 SE+UE [de en] (ON-SITE) Medical-parasitological practice and seminar - (nach Bedarf werden Stunden zu Blöcken zusammengelegt.) Vermittlung von parasitologischen Grundkenntnissen und Praxis in der Mikroskopie
301273 VO+UE [en] (ON-SITE) Live imaging course
301281 SE [en] (ON-SITE) Planning your Master project
301400 VU [en] (ON-SITE) Fundamentals of Quantitative Biology
301656 UE [en] (ON-SITE) Practical Course in Cyto- and Developmental Genetics - Eukaryotic Model Systems in Chromosome Biology
301907 VO [en] (MIXED) Development of novel cancer immunotherapies - from target identification through target validation to clinical trials
300021 VO (ON-SITE) Bioacoustics - theory, equipment
300058 VO (ON-SITE) Urban Ecology
300102 VO [en] Research Ethics - A hands-on approach - What do I have to consider when writing proposals and working in the laboratory?
300156 SE (ON-SITE) Current topics in philosophy, theology and biology - Interdisciplinary discussions of current topics in Philosophy, Theology and Biology
300168 VO (ON-SITE) Introduction to Biomimetics
300180 SE [en] (ON-SITE) Biology of tropical amphibians
300314 VO (ON-SITE) Renewable Energies
300351 VO Algae in Freshwaters - Ecophysiology with implications for the bio-assessment of aquatic systems and the response to climate change.
300387 SE+EX (ON-SITE) Field Trips in Microbiology
300394 VO [en] (ON-SITE) Introduction to molecular techniques
300433 VO (ON-SITE) Medical parasitology - Transfer of basic knowledge
300462 SE (ON-SITE) Phylogenetics actually - Actual problems and results in Phylogeny
300469 UE [en] (MIXED) Management and analysis of spatial Data - GIS III - Programming in ArcGIS, QGIS and R (Spatial Analysis)
300531 UE [en] (ON-SITE) Writing Theses and Articles in English - (parallel courses)
300669 VO (ON-SITE) Management of endangered species - practical species protection in marine and terrestrial ecosystems
301267 VO [en] (ON-SITE) Business in Biotech

Last modified: Tu 21.03.2023 09:34