Universität Wien

Bachelor’s programme in History of Art and Architecture (635 [3] - Version 2018)

Das Studium ist abgeschlossen, wenn 120 ECTS-Punkte gemäß den Bestimmungen in den Pflichtmodulen erworben und Erweiterungscurricula im Ausmaß von 60 ECTS-Punkten erfolgreich absolviert wurden.

080019 PS Case Study II/III: "Art in the Revolution and the Revolution in Art" - Avant-gardes in Russia after 1917
080024 PS Case Study II/III: Intersections between narration and identity, fiction and factuality - Case studies based on contemporary docu-fictional works
080019 PS Case Study II/III: "Art in the Revolution and the Revolution in Art" - Avant-gardes in Russia after 1917
080024 PS Case Study II/III: Intersections between narration and identity, fiction and factuality - Case studies based on contemporary docu-fictional works
080051 SE The Arnold-Collection at Stift Altenburg - Selected Austrian and German baroque Paintings
080051 SE The Arnold-Collection at Stift Altenburg - Selected Austrian and German baroque Paintings

Last modified: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01