Universität Wien

Additional Elective Modules - may be chosen instead of extension curricula (up to 45 ECTS)

070166 VO Modern History
070283 VO History of Science - Wissenschaften, Kolonialismus und die Vermessung der Körper
070280 VO Global History
070099 VO Further Approaches - Eastern Europe in the Interwar Period - Between Democracy and Royal Dictatorship
070166 VO Modern History
070283 VO History of Science - Wissenschaften, Kolonialismus und die Vermessung der Körper
070280 VO Global History
070099 VO Further Approaches - Eastern Europe in the Interwar Period - Between Democracy and Royal Dictatorship
070118 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Studies - French - Thinking Democracy: famous texts of French political thought (18th-21st c.)
070118 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Studies - French - Thinking Democracy: famous texts of French political thought (18th-21st c.)
070134 UE Peer Mentoring
070118 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Studies - French - Thinking Democracy: famous texts of French political thought (18th-21st c.)
070123 UE [en] Guided Reading Global History - Narratives in Conflict - Nationalisms and State- and Nation-building in the Union of Burma/Myanmar
090043 VU Latin Epigraphy

Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53