Master Global History and Global Studies (805 [3] - Version 2019)
PM1 Introduction to the Research Area (15 ECTS)
- 070292 UE [ en ] Reading Course Global History - Commodities and Global History in the Modern Era
- 070256 UE [ en ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science
- 070075 UE [ es ] Foreign Languages in Historical Science - Fases y facetas de la Revolución Cubana
- 070118 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Studies - French - Thinking Democracy: famous texts of French political thought (18th-21st c.)
- 070208 UE Foreign Languages in Historical Studies - Czech
PM2 Research Process and Methods (14 ECTS)
- 070315 VO [ en ] Theories and Methods of Global History
- 070044 UE [ en ] Course on Methodology - Theory and Methods of Global History and Global Studies - Rethinking Global History in 2023
- 070298 UE [ en ] Course on Methodology - Theories and Methods of Global History und Global Studies
- 070216 UE [ en ] Working Skills in Global History
PM3 Advanced Topics (36 ECTS)
PM3/1 Advanced Topics 1 (13 ECTS)
- 010097 SE Religion and Politics in Europe
- 030006 SE ( REMOTE ) Law of the Christian East - War and Peace from the point of view of Orthodoxy
- 090072 VO History of Byzantium, 10th-15th century
- 090073 VO [ de en ] Byzantium and the Caucasus
- 090078 VO The Ottomans and Byzantium
- 090087 SE [ en ] Women in Byzantium
- 142041 VO Art, culture and interaction in the Himalayas through the ages
- 142042 VO [ en ] A Global History of Drugs in Modern South Asia
- 142157 SE [ en ] An Environmental History of Modern South Asia
- 142159 VO [ en ] Cultural evolution: three case studies from South Asia - scripts, tales and classical dance styles
- 143042 SE [ de en ] Tracing Colonial Continuities - Approaches to Decolonizing Knowledge Systems in International Research Collaborations
- 143043 VO The Empire of the Black Pharaohs: Kush and the Ancient World
- 143044 SE Anti-racist and Decolonial Education in the "Weltmuseum Vienna"
- 143149 VO Critical Social Commentary and Historical Reflections in 20th Century West African Cinema - Ousmane Sembène & Co.
- 143176 VO History of West Africa 2: Early Modern Developments, Colonial History and Independence Era
- 143180 SE Between Decolonisation and Neocolonialism - The Dissolution of European Colonial Empires and Early Independences in Africa
- 143254 SE International solidarity in the struggle against apartheid - an examination of the memoirs of the International Brigade against Apartheid
- 143283 VO On the trails of Amadou Hampâté Bâ - Oral Traditions, Local Knowledge and the Cultural Heritage of Humanity
- 143316 VO The Sudan in the 19th Century - Hegemonial Intentions, European Colonialism and the "Discovery" of Africa
- 143346 VO History of North Africa 2 - Periphery and Centre: New Order(s) of the Mediterranean World
- 143385 VO The Burial of Dennis the Goat - Politics, Satire, Life, Death and Humanity in South Africa's Transition Years
- 150006 SE Seminar (Politics, Economy, Law) (EC)
- 150025 SE Social Sciences Seminar: Family and Work Life in Rural Japan
- 150065 VO ( REMOTE ) China and East Asia (M4)
- 150070 SE [ en ] Historical memory and social transformation in China (M3 ISE) - Reading Yu Rongjun's The Crowd
- 150122 VO Japanese Literature since 1945
- 210121 VO M5: SpezialVO EU and Europeanisation - The Europeanization of the Member States of the EU and its External Dimension
- 240053 SE [ en ] VM1 / VM5 - (Disputed) places of national memories and commemorative cultures in East Asia - Their Significance for global geopolitics
- 240056 SE VM5 / VM1 - Systems of domination and structures of dependence in Africa - Colonialism, neocolonialism, neoliberalism and globalization: Impact on policy, economy and society
PM3/2 Advanced Topics 2 (13 ECTS)
- 010094 VO Intercultural Philosophy
- 010097 SE Religion and Politics in Europe
- 010107 SE The dawn of (colonial?) modernity. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke
- 010108 FS In Search of a moral and political World Order: Cosmopolitism in History and the Modern Age
- 010119 SE "Querdenker", Science Deniers, Enemies of Democracy- a political-ethical challenge. - Reading and socio-ethical discussion of the book "Gekränkte Freiheit - Aspekte des libertären Autoritarismus
- 030078 SE Mapping Legal Systems - A Critical Reading of John H. Wigmore's "Panorama of the Legal Systems of the World"
- 030393 SE Seminar of legal history: Colonial injustice, postcolonial restitution? - Provenance Research between History, Law and Politics
- 040707 SE International Cooperative Management (MA)
- 060026 SE ( REMOTE ) The National Strategy against Antisemitism - Two Years of Combating Antisemitism in Austria
- 070156 SE Seminar - Women in Early Modern Europe - Peasant Women, Commoners, Nobles, Rulers
- 080020 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Heritage and Hybridity
- 080050 VO Contemporary Art in Interplay with Politics, Society, and Economy
- 080065 SE Negotiations, Summits, Forums: Contemporary Art in Global Political Contexts
- 180037 VO [ en ] The Story of Economic Ideas: Macroeconomic theories
- 210131 VO M8: SpezialVO Gender and Politics - Masculinities in Politics
- 210136 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) M10: SpezialVO Culture and Politics - (engl.)
- 230124 SE [ en ] Reading Seminar: What is Power? Approaches in Social Theory
- 230125 SE [ en ] Reading Seminar: Global Social Theory
- 230142 VO [ en ] Introduction to urban sociology
- 230143 VO [ de en ] Political Sociology
- 230144 SE Migration and Labour
- 230145 SE Sociology of crisis and status anxieties
- 230146 SE Urban care and social inequality - Strangers / * / LGBTQ / * / Precarious Residential Areas / * / Caring and Materialities
- 230150 VO Cultural Sociology of Inclusion/Exclusion - Symbolische Grenzziehungen im Fokus der Ungleichheitsforschung
- 230151 SE Construction of Identity and Ethnicity in the Context of War and (forced) Migration
- 230180 VO History of Sociology as Urban History: Chicago, Paris, London, Berlin, Vienna
- 230181 VO Interdisciplinary urban research - Methodologies and Research Methods - Lecture series
- 240032 VO What is Legal Pluralism? (3.3.2)
- 240045 VO KG1 - International Development in Historical Context
- 240057 VO Commodities and Development: Current Issues and Historical Context - Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung
- 240116 SE [ en ] VM5 / VM1 - Refugees and Forced Displacement in a Global Historical Perspective
- 240125 VO [ en ] VM3 / VM6 - Borders and development: concepts, practices, struggles
- 290063 SE [ en ] Migration and Population Dynamics in the Context of Global Change and Development I
- 330002 SE [ en ] Nutrition in Developing Countries - Nutrition, Development & Gender
- 330016 VO ( MIXED ) Econutrition (Population, Environment and Nutrition) - Nutrient ecology in research
- 330033 VO [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Global Nutrition
PM3/3 Advanced Topics 3 (10 ECTS)
- 010057 EX Religion and Politics in Europe - Excursion Brussels
- 010099 FS "Doing Justice to the Social" - Sally Haslanger and Social Justice
- 030033 VO Postwar Justice and Nazi Crimes. Austria in International Comparison
- 030052 KU [ en ] International Humanitarian Law
- 030072 KU [ en ] Law Crossing Borders
- 030078 SE Mapping Legal Systems - A Critical Reading of John H. Wigmore's "Panorama of the Legal Systems of the World"
- 030194 KU Islam in Europe - (Issues from) Legal history and contemporory legal developments
- 030218 KU [ en ] Transitional Justice
- 030359 KU [ en ] International Law and Development
- 030559 KU Globalisation and Legal Pluralism (Specialisation) - Multiculturalism and Multilingualism
- 030702 KU ( REMOTE ) Introduction into the Philosophy of Law and State of the Modern Age - Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law II
- 030808 KU ( MIXED ) Human Rights, Democracy and Peacekeeping
- 040013 KU [ en ] Financial History (MA)
- 040166 KU Solidary Economic (MA) - Cooperative economy and Cooperatives
- 040707 SE International Cooperative Management (MA)
- 041010 UK [ en ] Keynes for Beginners (BA)
- 070054 UE Methodological Workshop - Colonial injustice, postcolonial restitution? - Provenance research between history, law and politics
- 070114 UE [ en ] ( MIXED ) Guided Reading Global History - History of Public Health
- 070137 UE Methodological Course - History of Science and Gender History
- 070160 EX Excursion - International Organizations and NGOs in Vienna
- 070194 EX Field Trip - The authenticity of the space - Berlin as a digital and analogue place
- 070245 UE [ en ] Methodological Workshop - Political and Decolonial Epistemologies
- 080102 PS [ en ] Case Study II/III: Destruction of cultural heritage in warfare - Syria, Iraq and Ukraine
- 090080 VU Byzantine Art in Africa
- 090091 VU Greek Literature in Venetian Territories 1204-1797
- 090092 UE [ en ] Lyric Poetry and its metamorphoses in twentieth century Greece - Lektüre (Sprachvertiefung) Neogräzistik
- 142077 PS Beef Biryani or Pure-Veg Thali: Food, Religion and Politics in South Asia
- 142125 PS Visualised medicine exemplified from Tibet and neighbouring regions
- 142137 PS Ayurveda past and present - a historical survey of the theory and practice of an indigenous Indian medical system
- 142165 PS Buddhist Life Forms in Tibet: Monastics, Lay Practitioners, Yogis and Yoginis
- 142169 PS Mantras: an introduction
- 143082 KU Guided Reading: Olúfemi Táíwò - "Against Decolonisation" and/ or "Taking African Agency Seriously"?
- 143227 KU Guided Reading: Images of Africa in contemporary travel writing (text and film)
- 150067 PS [ en ] Cultures of Chinese Postsocialism
- 150098 UE National Identities in East Asia - Historical Perspectives on Nationalism in China and Japan
- 150124 UE Economic Foundations of Religious Communities in Japan, Past and Present
- 150135 VU [ en ] ( MIXED ) History of East Asia
- 150150 UE Japan in the Year of Crisis 1923 and its Impacts
- 290064 UE [ en ] Key Methods in Analysing Migration and Population Dynamics - In the Context of Global Change and Development I
PM4 Research Module (25 ECTS)
- 070258 SE [ en ] Research Seminar Global History and Global Studies - Settler Colonialism and Indigenous Peoples
- 070143 SE [ en ] Research Seminar Applied Global History and Global Studies - Mapping the World. Knowledge about the Other in Pre-Modernity
- 070259 UE [ en ] Proposal Workshop Global History and Global Studies (Graduate College I)
- 070250 UE Proposal Workshop - Master Thesis Writing Workshop
- 070046 UE Proposal-Workshop
PM5 Master's Module (5 ECTS)
- 070012 SE [ de en ] Master's Thesis Seminar Global History and Global Studies (Graduate College II) - EMGS Master Seminar
- 070019 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070048 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070053 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070011 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
- 070279 SE Master Seminar
- 070253 SE Master's Thesis Seminar
Additional Courses
- 070287 UE Coaching: Finding my Topic - Preparing a MA Thesis in History - Extracurriculares Angebot
- 070320 UE Die letzte Hürde nehmen: Schreibcoaching für Masterarbeiten
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53