Universität Wien

Medieval, Early Modern and Modern History of Art

Bachelor’s programme in History of Art and Architecture (635 [3] - Version 2018)

Introductory and Orientation Period (15 ECTS)

PM 1 Introduction to History of Art: Selected Studies (5 ECTS)

PM 2 Introduction to Iconography (5 ECTS)

PM 3 Introduction to Architectural Terminology and Morphology (5 ECTS)

History of Art Survey (20 ECTS)

PM 4 History of Art Survey I (5 ECTS)

PM 5 History of Art Survey II (5 ECTS)

PM 6 History of Art Survey III (5 ECTS)

PM 7 History of Art Survey IV (5 ECTS)

Case Studies (20 ECTS)

PM 8 Case Study I (10 ECTS)

PM 9 Case Study II (5 ECTS)

PM 10 Case Study III (5 ECTS)

Special Topics (30 ECTS)

PM 11 Special Topics (30 ECTS)

Emphasis (10 ECTS)

PM 12 Methods in History of Art and Architecture / Art Theory (5 ECTS)

PM 13 Practical Applications of History of Art and Architecture (5 ECTS)

Final Phase (25 ECTS)

PM 14 Art in Vienna (5 ECTS)

PM 15 Seminar I (10 ECTS)

PM 16 Seminar II (10 ECTS)

Master’s programme in History of Art and Architecture (835)

M 1: Specialisation I (10 ECTS)

M 2: Specialisation II (10 ECTS)

M 3: Specialisation III (10 ECTS)

M 4: Field Trip: Austria in its Historical Context (5 ECTS)

M 5: Field Trip: Beyond Austria

M 6: Preparation for the Master’s Thesis (5 ECTS)

M 7: Practical Applications of History of Art and Architecture (5 ECTS)

M 8: Methods/ Theory (5 ECTS)

M 9: Emphasis: History of Art and Architecture (15 ECTS)

M 10: Individual Focus (15 ECTS)

M 11: Master’s Thesis (5 ECTS)

Recommendet Lectures from other Departments

Extension curriculum: History of Art and Architecture - Basics (...)

PM1 - History of Art and Architecture - Basics (15 ECTS)

Extension curriculum: History of Art and Architecture - Emphasis (087)

PM1 History of Art and Architecture - Emphasis (15 ECTS)

Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53