Master Musicology (836)
Alternative Compulsory Modules (30 ECTS)
M01 Alternative Compulsory Module 1 (30 ECTS)
- 160006 VO Affects, Rhetoric and Symbology in the Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries - Problems of the 'Historical' Interpretation of Music
- 160007 SE Music and Memorial Culture in the 19th Century
- 160008 UE Concepts and Methods of Historical Musicology
- 160011 SE Music in Horror Movies
- 160012 VO Maurice Ravel: Problems of Research, Analysis and Interpretation
- 160015 SE Composing, Singing, Listening, Memorizing: Josquin's and Obrecht's Masses in Cultural Context
- 160028 UE Digital Humanities in Historical Musicology. Methods and Perspectives - Current Musicology
- 160029 SE Bravura, Soul and Devil’s Work - Instruments, Performers and Violinmakers in the 19th Century
- 160031 SE [ en ] Perspectives on Contemporary Music Aesthetics
- 160032 UE Richard Wagner - Writings on the Total Work of Art
- 160033 SE Popular Classic Music
- 160050 SE "The Sonata then is properly a grand free harmonious composition ..." - On the Variety and Change of Instrumental Forms in the Music of the 17th to 19th Centuries
- 160063 UE From the 'Affektenlehre' to the 'Emotional Turn' - Interdependencies Between Emotion, Affect, Passion and Music History
- 160068 VO The Hapsburgs - History of a Dynasty as Music History
- 160069 UE Music Exhibitions / Exhibitions About Musicians (in German-speaking Countries with Focus on Austria)
- 160072 SE Towards a Global History of Medieval Music
- 160073 UE Contrapunto alla mente and Hexachordal Solmization. A Hands-on Introduction
- 160079 UE Mass Repertoire of the "First Viennese School"
M02 Alternative Compulsory Module 2 (30 ECTS)
- 160006 VO Affects, Rhetoric and Symbology in the Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries - Problems of the 'Historical' Interpretation of Music
- 160007 SE Music and Memorial Culture in the 19th Century
- 160010 SE Music and the Brain
- 160011 SE Music in Horror Movies
- 160012 VO Maurice Ravel: Problems of Research, Analysis and Interpretation
- 160015 SE Composing, Singing, Listening, Memorizing: Josquin's and Obrecht's Masses in Cultural Context
- 160016 VO The Sound of the Pachamama: Music Traditions from the Peruvian Andes
- 160017 SE El Pueblo Unido. Protest and Political Song in Latin America
- 160018 EX Field Trip to Peru
- 160019 UE Methods of Technical Measurement in Research on Music
- 160021 SE Sounds of Independence - Music in Contexts of African Independence
- 160023 VO Music and Cognition - From Predictive Processing to Neurodiversity
- 160028 UE Digital Humanities in Historical Musicology. Methods and Perspectives - Current Musicology
- 160029 SE Bravura, Soul and Devil’s Work - Instruments, Performers and Violinmakers in the 19th Century
- 160033 SE Popular Classic Music
- 160034 UE Qualitative Research: Methods and Applications in Musicology
- 160050 SE "The Sonata then is properly a grand free harmonious composition ..." - On the Variety and Change of Instrumental Forms in the Music of the 17th to 19th Centuries
- 160051 VO ( MIXED ) Afro-American Music Forms
- 160063 UE From the 'Affektenlehre' to the 'Emotional Turn' - Interdependencies Between Emotion, Affect, Passion and Music History
- 160064 UE ( MIXED ) Music in Video Games: Developments, Functions for and Effects on Gaming Experiences
- 160066 VO Origins, Development, and Maintenance of Music Preferences
- 160068 VO The Hapsburgs - History of a Dynasty as Music History
- 160069 UE Music Exhibitions / Exhibitions About Musicians (in German-speaking Countries with Focus on Austria)
- 160072 SE Towards a Global History of Medieval Music
- 160076 UE Irish Music - Tradition, Identity, Nation
- 160078 SE Motion Capture - Music and Movement
- 160079 UE Mass Repertoire of the "First Viennese School"
M03 Alternative Compulsory Module 3 (30 ECTS)
- 160006 VO Affects, Rhetoric and Symbology in the Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries - Problems of the 'Historical' Interpretation of Music
- 160007 SE Music and Memorial Culture in the 19th Century
- 160008 UE Concepts and Methods of Historical Musicology
- 160010 SE Music and the Brain
- 160011 SE Music in Horror Movies
- 160012 VO Maurice Ravel: Problems of Research, Analysis and Interpretation
- 160016 VO The Sound of the Pachamama: Music Traditions from the Peruvian Andes
- 160017 SE El Pueblo Unido. Protest and Political Song in Latin America
- 160018 EX Field Trip to Peru
- 160019 UE Methods of Technical Measurement in Research on Music
- 160021 SE Sounds of Independence - Music in Contexts of African Independence
- 160023 VO Music and Cognition - From Predictive Processing to Neurodiversity
- 160028 UE Digital Humanities in Historical Musicology. Methods and Perspectives - Current Musicology
- 160029 SE Bravura, Soul and Devil’s Work - Instruments, Performers and Violinmakers in the 19th Century
- 160031 SE [ en ] Perspectives on Contemporary Music Aesthetics
- 160032 UE Richard Wagner - Writings on the Total Work of Art
- 160033 SE Popular Classic Music
- 160034 UE Qualitative Research: Methods and Applications in Musicology
- 160050 SE "The Sonata then is properly a grand free harmonious composition ..." - On the Variety and Change of Instrumental Forms in the Music of the 17th to 19th Centuries
- 160051 VO ( MIXED ) Afro-American Music Forms
- 160061 PR Information Management for Archives and Libraries
- 160063 UE From the 'Affektenlehre' to the 'Emotional Turn' - Interdependencies Between Emotion, Affect, Passion and Music History
- 160064 UE ( MIXED ) Music in Video Games: Developments, Functions for and Effects on Gaming Experiences
- 160065 PR Microphones and How to Use Them
- 160066 VO Origins, Development, and Maintenance of Music Preferences
- 160067 PR Room Acoustic Basics and Room Acoustics in Ordinary Rooms
- 160068 VO The Hapsburgs - History of a Dynasty as Music History
- 160069 UE Music Exhibitions / Exhibitions About Musicians (in German-speaking Countries with Focus on Austria)
- 160070 PR Introduction to Digital Music Editing
- 160071 PR Transkribus Tools and Text Paleography
- 160072 SE Towards a Global History of Medieval Music
- 160074 PR Introduction to Practical Music Journalism
- 160076 UE Irish Music - Tradition, Identity, Nation
- 160078 SE Motion Capture - Music and Movement
- 160079 UE Mass Repertoire of the "First Viennese School"
M04 Alternative Compulsory Module 4 (30 ECTS)
- 160006 VO Affects, Rhetoric and Symbology in the Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries - Problems of the 'Historical' Interpretation of Music
- 160007 SE Music and Memorial Culture in the 19th Century
- 160008 UE Concepts and Methods of Historical Musicology
- 160011 SE Music in Horror Movies
- 160012 VO Maurice Ravel: Problems of Research, Analysis and Interpretation
- 160015 SE Composing, Singing, Listening, Memorizing: Josquin's and Obrecht's Masses in Cultural Context
- 160016 VO The Sound of the Pachamama: Music Traditions from the Peruvian Andes
- 160017 SE El Pueblo Unido. Protest and Political Song in Latin America
- 160018 EX Field Trip to Peru
- 160021 SE Sounds of Independence - Music in Contexts of African Independence
- 160028 UE Digital Humanities in Historical Musicology. Methods and Perspectives - Current Musicology
- 160029 SE Bravura, Soul and Devil’s Work - Instruments, Performers and Violinmakers in the 19th Century
- 160031 SE [ en ] Perspectives on Contemporary Music Aesthetics
- 160032 UE Richard Wagner - Writings on the Total Work of Art
- 160033 SE Popular Classic Music
- 160034 UE Qualitative Research: Methods and Applications in Musicology
- 160050 SE "The Sonata then is properly a grand free harmonious composition ..." - On the Variety and Change of Instrumental Forms in the Music of the 17th to 19th Centuries
- 160051 VO ( MIXED ) Afro-American Music Forms
- 160063 UE From the 'Affektenlehre' to the 'Emotional Turn' - Interdependencies Between Emotion, Affect, Passion and Music History
- 160064 UE ( MIXED ) Music in Video Games: Developments, Functions for and Effects on Gaming Experiences
- 160068 VO The Hapsburgs - History of a Dynasty as Music History
- 160069 UE Music Exhibitions / Exhibitions About Musicians (in German-speaking Countries with Focus on Austria)
- 160072 SE Towards a Global History of Medieval Music
- 160073 UE Contrapunto alla mente and Hexachordal Solmization. A Hands-on Introduction
- 160076 UE Irish Music - Tradition, Identity, Nation
- 160079 UE Mass Repertoire of the "First Viennese School"
M05 Alternative Compulsory Module 5 (30 ECTS)
- 160006 VO Affects, Rhetoric and Symbology in the Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries - Problems of the 'Historical' Interpretation of Music
- 160007 SE Music and Memorial Culture in the 19th Century
- 160008 UE Concepts and Methods of Historical Musicology
- 160010 SE Music and the Brain
- 160011 SE Music in Horror Movies
- 160012 VO Maurice Ravel: Problems of Research, Analysis and Interpretation
- 160015 SE Composing, Singing, Listening, Memorizing: Josquin's and Obrecht's Masses in Cultural Context
- 160016 VO The Sound of the Pachamama: Music Traditions from the Peruvian Andes
- 160017 SE El Pueblo Unido. Protest and Political Song in Latin America
- 160018 EX Field Trip to Peru
- 160019 UE Methods of Technical Measurement in Research on Music
- 160021 SE Sounds of Independence - Music in Contexts of African Independence
- 160023 VO Music and Cognition - From Predictive Processing to Neurodiversity
- 160028 UE Digital Humanities in Historical Musicology. Methods and Perspectives - Current Musicology
- 160029 SE Bravura, Soul and Devil’s Work - Instruments, Performers and Violinmakers in the 19th Century
- 160031 SE [ en ] Perspectives on Contemporary Music Aesthetics
- 160032 UE Richard Wagner - Writings on the Total Work of Art
- 160033 SE Popular Classic Music
- 160034 UE Qualitative Research: Methods and Applications in Musicology
- 160050 SE "The Sonata then is properly a grand free harmonious composition ..." - On the Variety and Change of Instrumental Forms in the Music of the 17th to 19th Centuries
- 160051 VO ( MIXED ) Afro-American Music Forms
- 160061 PR Information Management for Archives and Libraries
- 160063 UE From the 'Affektenlehre' to the 'Emotional Turn' - Interdependencies Between Emotion, Affect, Passion and Music History
- 160064 UE ( MIXED ) Music in Video Games: Developments, Functions for and Effects on Gaming Experiences
- 160065 PR Microphones and How to Use Them
- 160066 VO Origins, Development, and Maintenance of Music Preferences
- 160067 PR Room Acoustic Basics and Room Acoustics in Ordinary Rooms
- 160068 VO The Hapsburgs - History of a Dynasty as Music History
- 160069 UE Music Exhibitions / Exhibitions About Musicians (in German-speaking Countries with Focus on Austria)
- 160070 PR Introduction to Digital Music Editing
- 160071 PR Transkribus Tools and Text Paleography
- 160072 SE Towards a Global History of Medieval Music
- 160073 UE Contrapunto alla mente and Hexachordal Solmization. A Hands-on Introduction
- 160074 PR Introduction to Practical Music Journalism
- 160076 UE Irish Music - Tradition, Identity, Nation
- 160078 SE Motion Capture - Music and Movement
- 160079 UE Mass Repertoire of the "First Viennese School"
Elective Modules (60 ECTS)
M06 History of European Music before 1600 (10 ECTS)
- 160008 UE Concepts and Methods of Historical Musicology
- 160015 SE Composing, Singing, Listening, Memorizing: Josquin's and Obrecht's Masses in Cultural Context
- 160072 SE Towards a Global History of Medieval Music
- 160073 UE Contrapunto alla mente and Hexachordal Solmization. A Hands-on Introduction
M07 History of European Music after 1600 (10 ECTS)
- 160006 VO Affects, Rhetoric and Symbology in the Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries - Problems of the 'Historical' Interpretation of Music
- 160007 SE Music and Memorial Culture in the 19th Century
- 160008 UE Concepts and Methods of Historical Musicology
- 160012 VO Maurice Ravel: Problems of Research, Analysis and Interpretation
- 160028 UE Digital Humanities in Historical Musicology. Methods and Perspectives - Current Musicology
- 160029 SE Bravura, Soul and Devil’s Work - Instruments, Performers and Violinmakers in the 19th Century
- 160032 UE Richard Wagner - Writings on the Total Work of Art
- 160050 SE "The Sonata then is properly a grand free harmonious composition ..." - On the Variety and Change of Instrumental Forms in the Music of the 17th to 19th Centuries
- 160063 UE From the 'Affektenlehre' to the 'Emotional Turn' - Interdependencies Between Emotion, Affect, Passion and Music History
- 160068 VO The Hapsburgs - History of a Dynasty as Music History
- 160069 UE Music Exhibitions / Exhibitions About Musicians (in German-speaking Countries with Focus on Austria)
- 160079 UE Mass Repertoire of the "First Viennese School"
M08 Ethnomusicology (10 ECTS)
- 160016 VO The Sound of the Pachamama: Music Traditions from the Peruvian Andes
- 160017 SE El Pueblo Unido. Protest and Political Song in Latin America
- 160018 EX Field Trip to Peru
- 160021 SE Sounds of Independence - Music in Contexts of African Independence
- 160051 VO ( MIXED ) Afro-American Music Forms
- 160076 UE Irish Music - Tradition, Identity, Nation
M09 Systematic Musicology (10 ECTS)
- 160010 SE Music and the Brain
- 160019 UE Methods of Technical Measurement in Research on Music
- 160023 VO Music and Cognition - From Predictive Processing to Neurodiversity
- 160064 UE ( MIXED ) Music in Video Games: Developments, Functions for and Effects on Gaming Experiences
- 160066 VO Origins, Development, and Maintenance of Music Preferences
- 160078 SE Motion Capture - Music and Movement
M10 Contemporary Music (10 ECTS)
- 160011 SE Music in Horror Movies
- 160031 SE [ en ] Perspectives on Contemporary Music Aesthetics
M11 Popular Music (10 ECTS)
- 160011 SE Music in Horror Movies
- 160017 SE El Pueblo Unido. Protest and Political Song in Latin America
- 160021 SE Sounds of Independence - Music in Contexts of African Independence
- 160033 SE Popular Classic Music
- 160034 UE Qualitative Research: Methods and Applications in Musicology
- 160051 VO ( MIXED ) Afro-American Music Forms
- 160064 UE ( MIXED ) Music in Video Games: Developments, Functions for and Effects on Gaming Experiences
- 160076 UE Irish Music - Tradition, Identity, Nation
M12 Source Study, Source Work and Source Criticism (10 ECTS)
- 160015 SE Composing, Singing, Listening, Memorizing: Josquin's and Obrecht's Masses in Cultural Context
- 160029 SE Bravura, Soul and Devil’s Work - Instruments, Performers and Violinmakers in the 19th Century
- 160068 VO The Hapsburgs - History of a Dynasty as Music History
- 160072 SE Towards a Global History of Medieval Music
- 160073 UE Contrapunto alla mente and Hexachordal Solmization. A Hands-on Introduction
- 160079 UE Mass Repertoire of the "First Viennese School"
M13 Music and Society (10 ECTS)
- 160007 SE Music and Memorial Culture in the 19th Century
- 160015 SE Composing, Singing, Listening, Memorizing: Josquin's and Obrecht's Masses in Cultural Context
- 160016 VO The Sound of the Pachamama: Music Traditions from the Peruvian Andes
- 160017 SE El Pueblo Unido. Protest and Political Song in Latin America
- 160021 SE Sounds of Independence - Music in Contexts of African Independence
- 160029 SE Bravura, Soul and Devil’s Work - Instruments, Performers and Violinmakers in the 19th Century
- 160033 SE Popular Classic Music
- 160034 UE Qualitative Research: Methods and Applications in Musicology
- 160051 VO ( MIXED ) Afro-American Music Forms
- 160068 VO The Hapsburgs - History of a Dynasty as Music History
- 160069 UE Music Exhibitions / Exhibitions About Musicians (in German-speaking Countries with Focus on Austria)
- 160076 UE Irish Music - Tradition, Identity, Nation
M14 Analysis and Theoretical Interpretation of Music (10 ECTS)
- 160006 VO Affects, Rhetoric and Symbology in the Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries - Problems of the 'Historical' Interpretation of Music
- 160011 SE Music in Horror Movies
- 160012 VO Maurice Ravel: Problems of Research, Analysis and Interpretation
- 160015 SE Composing, Singing, Listening, Memorizing: Josquin's and Obrecht's Masses in Cultural Context
- 160028 UE Digital Humanities in Historical Musicology. Methods and Perspectives - Current Musicology
- 160033 SE Popular Classic Music
- 160050 SE "The Sonata then is properly a grand free harmonious composition ..." - On the Variety and Change of Instrumental Forms in the Music of the 17th to 19th Centuries
- 160063 UE From the 'Affektenlehre' to the 'Emotional Turn' - Interdependencies Between Emotion, Affect, Passion and Music History
- 160079 UE Mass Repertoire of the "First Viennese School"
M15 Music Philosophy, Music Aesthetics and Musical Hermeneutics (10 ECTS)
- 160006 VO Affects, Rhetoric and Symbology in the Music of the 17th and 18th Centuries - Problems of the 'Historical' Interpretation of Music
- 160007 SE Music and Memorial Culture in the 19th Century
- 160011 SE Music in Horror Movies
- 160012 VO Maurice Ravel: Problems of Research, Analysis and Interpretation
- 160031 SE [ en ] Perspectives on Contemporary Music Aesthetics
- 160032 UE Richard Wagner - Writings on the Total Work of Art
- 160063 UE From the 'Affektenlehre' to the 'Emotional Turn' - Interdependencies Between Emotion, Affect, Passion and Music History
M16 Current Musicology (10 ECTS)
- 160028 UE Digital Humanities in Historical Musicology. Methods and Perspectives - Current Musicology
- 160033 SE Popular Classic Music
- 160063 UE From the 'Affektenlehre' to the 'Emotional Turn' - Interdependencies Between Emotion, Affect, Passion and Music History
- 160064 UE ( MIXED ) Music in Video Games: Developments, Functions for and Effects on Gaming Experiences
- 160066 VO Origins, Development, and Maintenance of Music Preferences
- 160072 SE Towards a Global History of Medieval Music
- 160078 SE Motion Capture - Music and Movement
M17 Applied Musicology (10 ECTS)
- 160028 UE Digital Humanities in Historical Musicology. Methods and Perspectives - Current Musicology
- 160034 UE Qualitative Research: Methods and Applications in Musicology
- 160061 PR Information Management for Archives and Libraries
- 160065 PR Microphones and How to Use Them
- 160067 PR Room Acoustic Basics and Room Acoustics in Ordinary Rooms
- 160069 UE Music Exhibitions / Exhibitions About Musicians (in German-speaking Countries with Focus on Austria)
- 160070 PR Introduction to Digital Music Editing
- 160071 PR Transkribus Tools and Text Paleography
- 160074 PR Introduction to Practical Music Journalism
- 170122 UE Exercise Course "Performance and Staging Analysis"
- 170714 UE Discussing musical theatre
Master Seminar Module (3 ECTS)
M18 Master Seminar Module (3 ECTS)
- 160009 MA Master's Seminar
- 160020 MA Master's Seminar
- 160035 MA Master's Seminar
Last modified: Fr 30.06.2023 00:53