Universität Wien

Master Advanced Theological Studies (795 [2] - Version 2015)

010050 SE Parting of the Ways - When did the Ways of Jews and Christians separate? A Contribution to Jewish-Christian Dialogue and a Reminder to the Jewish Roots of Christianity
010071 SE (ON-SITE) Intercultural Theology
020060 KU (ON-SITE) Course Medicine and Nursing Ethics - Zwischen Einzelfallberatung und Organisationsethik. Praxismodelle klinischer Ethikarbeit.
060029 SE [en] (REMOTE) Antisemitism in the Arab World
060032 SE (REMOTE) Images of Antisemitism
010086 SE [en] Eastern Orthodox Liturgics - Issues of orthodox liturgics and sacramental theology
010091 VO Orthodox Liturgy and Sacramental Theology - Heaven and Earth? Interpretation of the Byzantine liturgy, yesterday and today
010092 VU (REMOTE) Practical Theology - Orthodox Approach - Pastoral Challenges in the Context of Migration. The Orthodox Church(es) in Austria and Germany
060029 SE [en] (REMOTE) Antisemitism in the Arab World
060032 SE (REMOTE) Images of Antisemitism

Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44