Universität Wien

8.01. Medieval, Early Modern and Modern Art History

m.K. = mittlere Kunstgeschichte, n.K. = neuere Kunstgeschichte, nst.K = neueste Kunstgeschichte, ö.K. = österreichische Kunstgeschichte, au.K. = außereuropäische Kunstgeschichte, byz.K. = byzantinische Kunstgeschichte.
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080001 VO+KO Architectural Copy - Architectural Copy - From the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem (ca 326) to the reconstruction of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow (2000)
080054 VO The paintings of Oskar Kokoschka - The paintings of Oskar Kokoschka - Austrian and International Aspects
080084 VO Einblicke in die Museumspraxis - Einblicke in die Museumspraxis - Die Sammlung als Wissensforum. Exemplarische Studien zur Malerei des Barock
080086 VO French painting of the 19th c. - French painting of the 19th century
080088 VO Art in Central Europe from 15th to 18th century - Art in Central Europe from 15th to 18th century
080117 VO European baroque painting I - European baroque painting I: Caravaggio and his followers
080125 VO Introduction to the Christian Iconography - Introduction to the Christian Iconography (16th to 18th c.)
080131 VO The beginnings of landscape-painting 15th/16th c. - The beginnings of landscape-painting in the 15th and 16th centuries
080133 VO Introduction to building research - Introduction to building research and building archaeology of the middle ages
080149 VO Modern Chinese Painting in the 20th century - Modern Chinese Painting in the 20th century
080181 VO Sources and documents on artists - Sources and documents on artists, practice and theory
080217 VO Photography and Industrial Projects - Photography and Industrial Projects: The use of the New Media for Representation, Documentation and Advertisment 1855-1955
080227 VO European Gothic Art - European Gothic Art
080006 UE Tutorial: Facts: Mediated - Concepts of Reality - Tutorial: Facts: Mediated - Concepts of Reality and Mediation, and the Function of Social Phantasms
080050 UE Tutorial: Observation of Exhibitions in museums - Tutorial: Observation of Exhibitions in museums and galleries
080083 UE Tutorial:After Images. Hist. of Art Reproduction - Tutorial: After Images. On the History of Art Reproduction
080211 UE Tutorial: Process and gesture in paint. after 1945 - Tutorial: Process and gesture in painting after 1945
080222 UE [en] TU: Multiple Identities in Modern American Art - Tutorial: Multiple Identities in Modern American Art
080002 EX Excursion: Istanbul - Excursion: Istanbul
080028 EX Excursion: Veneto - Excursion: Veneto
080121 EX Excursion: Lower Austria - Excursion: Lower Austria
080159 EX Excursion: Graz - Excursion: Graz
080160 EX Excursion: Czech Republic - Excursion: Czech Republic
080167 EX Excursion: Upper-Austria - Excursion: Upper-Austria
080170 EX Excursion: Chicago/New York - Excursion: Chicago/New York
080106 PS Proseminar 1 - Proseminar 1 (Including Exercises in Front of Original Works)
080113 PS Proseminar 1 - Proseminar 1 (Including Exercises in Front of Original Works)
080120 UE Proseminar 1 - Proseminar 1 (Including Exercises in Front of Original Works)
080210 PS Proseminar 1 - Proseminar 1 (Including Exercises in Front of Original Works)
080228 PS Proseminar 1 - Proseminar 1 (Including Exercises in Front of Original Works)
080232 PS Proseminar 1 - Proseminar 1 (Including Exercises in Front of Original Works)
080020 PS PS 2: Austrian Art and Architec.of the 12th-13th c - Proseminar 2: Art and Architecture of the 12th-13th century in Austria
080022 PS PS 2: Hindu Architecture in Context - Proseminar 2: Hindu Architecture in Context
080023 PS PS 2: Altarpieces of the Late Middle Ages - Proseminar 2: Altarpieces of the Late Middle Ages north and south of the Alps
080112 PS PS 2:Painting and Sculpture in Post-war Austria - Proseminar 2: Painting and Sculpture in Post-war Austria 1945-1970
080134 PS PS 2: Key concepts of modernism I - Proseminar 2: Key concepts of modernism I: Progress, Originality
080135 PS PS 2: Key concepts of modernism II - Proseminar 2: Key concepts of modernism II: Autonomy and Transgression
080176 PS Proseminar 2: S. Francesco in Assisi - Proseminar 2: S. Francesco in Assisi. Papal and monastic residence
080231 PS Proseminar 2: Raffael's Architectonic Oeuvre - Proseminar 2: Raffael's Architectonic Oeuvre
080018 PS PS 3/4: Aristocratic Representation in Vienna - Proseminar 3/4: Aristocratic Representation in Vienna around 1700
080080 PS Limits of enlightenment. French art 18th c. - Proseminar 3/4: The limits of enlightenment. French art in the eighteenth century
080108 PS Proseminar 3/4: Santa Croce in Florence - Proseminar 3/4: Santa Croce in Florence
080206 PS Debates on feminist art and aesthetics 1970-1990 - Proseminar 2: Debates on feminist art and aesthetics 1970-1990
080218 UE PS 3/4: Aristocratic Residence in the Early Modern - Proseminar 3/4: Aristocratic Residence in the Early Modern Period
080221 PS [de en] PS 3/4: Thessaloniki - The Architecture of a City - Proseminar 3/4: Thessaloniki - The Architecture of a City from Late Antiquity through the Late Byzantine Period
080229 PS Proseminar 3/4: Image and Relic - Relic and Image - Proseminar 3/4: Image and Relic - Relic and Image
080230 PS Proseminar 3/4: Art of bookillumination 1419-1439 - Proseminar 3/4: In the name of God! Art of bookillumination at the time of the hussite wars
080151 UE Tutorial - Tutorial
080004 SE Seminar: Constantinople III - Seminar: Constantinople III: The development of a capital from 1204 until 1453 and its heritage
080039 SE Form & Function in the Arch.of the Early Mod.Age - Seminar: Form & Function in the Architecture of the Early Modern Age
080073 SE Narrative tendencies in contemporary painting - Seminar: Narrative tendencies in contemporary painting
080090 SE Artpatronage of the nobility in Central Europe - Artpatronage of the nobility in Central Europe during the Period of Baroque
080093 SE North Italian painting and drawing of the 14th c. - Seminar: North Italian painting and drawing of the 14th century
080094 SE Architecture of railway-stations 19th and 20th c. - Seminar: Architecture of railway-stations in 19th and 20th century
080123 SE Seminar: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo - Seminar. Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
080141 SE Seminar: Art and Fascism - Seminar: Art and Fascism
080144 SE Seminar: The Tortured Quadrate - Seminar: The Tortured Quadrate. Geometric tendencies in the nineteentwenties and nineteenfifties in Austria
080150 SE SE: Caravaggesque halffigure representations - Seminar: Caravaggesque halffigure representations
080174 SE SE: Modern Architecture in Chicago and New York - Seminar: Modern Architecture in Chicago and New York
080191 SE Seminar: Medium and Mysticism - Seminar: Medium and Mysticism
080200 SE Studies on mediaeval churches in the Danube valley - Seminar: Studies on mediaeval churches in the Danube valley
080203 SE SE: Buddhist Iconography - New research concerning the Art and Archaeology of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nordindia: Buddhist Iconography
080196 SE Viennese Fourth District & its architect.Structure - Seminar: The Architectural Structure of Viennese Fourth District - Specially Wien-Museum and Church St.Charles Borromäus
080110 AR Construct.of the Digital Research Archive Byz. - Construction of the Digital Research Archive Byzantium (with practical exercises)
080166 AR Work Group: Practical Working in Libraries - Work Group: Practical Working in Libraries
080198 AR Work Group: Methodology of field research - Work Group: Methodology of field research in the Indo-Tibetan cultural zone
080226 AR Work Group: RARA - treasures of a library - Work Group: RARA - treasures of a library (with practical exercises in the library of the institute)
080013 SE Privatissimum f.DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080030 SE Privatissimum f.DissertantInnen u.DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080032 SE Privatissimum f. DissertantInnen u. DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080042 SE Privatissimum f. DissertantInnen u. DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080043 SE Privatissimum f.DissertantInnen u.DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080091 SE Privatissimum f.DissertantInnen u.DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080096 SE Privatissimum f. DissertantInnen u. DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080097 SE Privatissimum f.DissertantInnen u. DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080100 SE Privatissimum f.DissertantInnen u.DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080119 SE Privatissimum f.DissertantInnen u.DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080163 SE Privatissimum f.DissertantInnen u.DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080164 SE Privatissimum f. DissertantInnen u. DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080165 SE Privatissimum zur Kunsttheorie - Privatissimum zur Kunsttheorie
080172 SE Privatissimum f.DissertantInnen u.DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080182 SE Privatissimum f.DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080188 SE Privatissimum f.DissertantInnen u.DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
080220 SE Privatissimum f.DissertantInnen u.DiplomandInnen - Privatissimum für DissertantInnen und DiplomandInnen
090099 SE Various aspects of repasts - Various aspects of repasts in Greco-Roman and Christian Culture
090303 VO Ancient Greek and Roman Mosaics - Ancient Greek and Roman Mosaics. From the Origins to Late Antiquity
090306 VO Archaeology and Art History of the Roman Catacombs - Archaeology and Art History of the Roman Catacombs
140329 VO+PR Introduction African Art: Concepts, style areas II - Introduction to African Art: Concepts and style areas II

Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34