Universität Wien

PM5 Specialisation (20 ECTS)

070159 UE Guided Reading Contemporary History - The Politics of Regret
070225 UE Guided Reading Contemporary History - Self-testimonies as historical sources - The transmission of the Holocaust in autobiographical writing
070070 UE Guided Reading East European History - Prussia's Glory, Poland's Decline? - The Hohenzollern Monarchy as an East-Central European Power
070007 UE Guided Reading East European History - Cultural History of Poland - from the Middle Age to the 21st Century
070008 UE Guided Reading East European History - Images of the East - Concepts and Imaginations of Eastern Europe since the Enlightenment
070309 UE [en] Guided Reading Women's and Gender History - Women and Gender in Socialism during the Second Half of the Twentieth Century
070311 UE Guided Reading Women's and Gender History - life course & gender - social and global history readings
070094 UE Guided Reading History of Science - Theodor Porter, Genetics in the Madhouse - Paper and Insanity in the History of Psychiatry
070028 UE Guided Reading Austrian History 2 - GR to "Austrian History II"
070077 UE [en] Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Slaves and War Captives - in the Early Modern Habsburg and Ottoman Empires
070010 UE [en] Guided Reading Economic and Social History - An exceptional country? - An exceptional country? Capitalism, war and social conflict in American history
070056 UE Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Key texts on European economic and social history. Guided reading accompanying the lecture "Economic and Social History from The Middle Ages to Present" (Jobst/Landsteiner)
070238 UE [en] Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Trading in Biomaterials - Material, Socio-Political, and Economic Engagements in the Circulation of Science, 1800 to Today
070147 UE Guided Reading Economic and Social History (Middle Ages) - Social and Economic History of Central and East-Central European Regions in Comparison (1000-1600)

Last modified: Th 28.03.2024 13:33