Universität Wien

Additional Elective Modules - may be chosen instead of extension curricula (up to 45 ECTS)

070272 VO Global History
070153 VO (MIXED) Eastern European History
070229 VO Further Historical Approaches - The other gaze - women and gender relations in social and economic history c. 1500-1800
070272 VO Global History
070153 VO (MIXED) Eastern European History
070229 VO Further Historical Approaches - The other gaze - women and gender relations in social and economic history c. 1500-1800
070077 UE [en] Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Slaves and War Captives - in the Early Modern Habsburg and Ottoman Empires
070259 UE Peer Mentoring
070310 UE [en] Foreign Languages in Historical Science - Herstory - Reading English-language sources on Queen Victoria and the Chinese Empress Dowager Cixi
070077 UE [en] Guided Reading Economic and Social History - Slaves and War Captives - in the Early Modern Habsburg and Ottoman Empires

Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44