9. Bulgarisch
- 130050 UE Bulgarian II, Part 2 - Bulgarian II, Part 2 ( to be taken simultaneously with Part 1) 130246
- 130062 UE Bulgarian-German Translation Exercises - Bulgarian-German Translation Exercises
- 130065 UE Bulgarian IV - Bulgarian IV
- 130124 PS Area and Cultural Science Proseminar: Bulgaria - Area and Cultural Science Proseminar: Bulgaria
- 130192 UE Bulgarian Language Practice - Bulgarian Language Practice
- 130246 UE Bulgarian II, Part 1 - Bulgarian II, Part 1 ( to be taken simultaneously with Part 2) 130050
- 130346 SE Sprachwiss. Seminar:Das südslawische Verbalsystem - Sprachwissenschaftliches Seminar: Das südslawische Verbalsystem
- 130367 VO Ost- und Westslawisch kontrastiv - Ost- und Westslawisch kontrastiv
- 130381 VO Symbolism in Bulgarian Literature - Symbolism in Bulgarian Literature
- 130382 VO Model of Development for Bulgarian Literature - Model of Development for Bulgarian Literature
- 130383 SE Contemporary Bulgarian Poetry - Contemporary Bulgarian Poetry
- 130437 KO Bulgarische Morphologie ( kontrastiv) - Bulgarische Morphologie (kontrastiv)
- 130488 VO Grundlagen der südslawischen Philologie - Grundlagen der südslawischen Philologie und der Balkanologie
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34