Universität Wien

UF MA GP 01 Historical Science (6 ECTS)

070120 SE Seminar - Narration and Narrativity in Early Modern History - Narrativität in der Geschichtswissenschaft (Schwerpunkt Frühe Neuzeit)
070133 SE [en] Seminar Historical sources and critique - Economic ideas and public policies - Economists as a source for economic history
070189 SE Seminar Historical Sources and Critique - Photos of the Crime - Photos of the Crime. Coming to Terms with Nazism in the Mirror of Its Guiding Medium
070273 SE [en] Seminar Historical Sources and Critique - Feminist political thought - in Central, Eastern and Southeast Europe
070289 SE Seminar - The Reflection of the Past in the Sources - From Ignorance to Instrumentalization

Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44