Finno-Ugrian Studies
Bachelor Hungarian and Finnish Studies (484)
GCM Introductory and Orientation Period (STEOP) (16 ECTS)
BAHF01 Language and Society (StEOP) (8 ECTS)
- EXAM Module Examination Language and Society
- 132006 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
- 132377 VO ( OV STEOP ) StEOP: Language, Society, Culture
BAHF02 Literature and Culture (StEOP) (8 ECTS)
- EXAM Module Examination Literature and Culture
- 132104 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Cultural Studies
- 132205 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Literary Studies
GCM Language Acquisition (60 ECTS)
Language Acquisition (finnish studies) (60 ECTS)
BAHF100 (FE) Language Acquisition Basic Level (Finnish) (20 ECTS)
- 132440 UE [ de fi ] Finnish Language I
BAHF300 (FE) Language Acquisition Intermediate Level (Finnish) (20 ECTS)
- 132285 UE [ de fi ] ( MIXED ) Finnish Language III
BAHF500 (FE) Language Acquisition Advanced Level (Finnish) (20 ECTS)
- 132290 UE [ fi ] Finnish Language V
Language Acquisition (hungarian studies) (60 ECTS)
BAHF100 (HU) Language Acquisition Basic Level (Hungarian) (20 ECTS)
- EXAM Module Examination Language Learning 1+2
- 132101 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Language I
BAHF300 (HU) Language Acquisition Intermediate Level (Hungarian) (20 ECTS)
- EXAM Module Examination Language Learning 3+4
- 132301 UE [ de hu ] Hungarian Language III
BAHF500 (HU) Language Acquisition Advanced Level (Hungarian) (20 ECTS)
- EXAM Module Examination Language Learning 5+6
- 132501 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language V
CM Regional and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
BAHF110 Regional and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132219 VO Hungarian Regional and Cultural Studies 1
- 132446 VO Finland: History and Culture 1
GCM Introduction to Philology (7 ECTS)
BAHF210 Introduction to Philology: Linguistics (7 ECTS)
BAHF230 Introduction to Philology: Literature (7 ECTS)
GCM History of Literature (8 ECTS)
BAHU220 History of Hungarian Literature (8 ECTS)
- 132016 VO ( MIXED ) Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature 2
BAFE220 History of Finnish Literature (8 ECTS)
CM Practical Course (10 ECTS)
BAHF440 Practical Course (10 ECTS)
GCM Focus Linguistics (hungarian studies) (41 ECTS)
BAHU320 Foundations 1: Hungarian Linguistics (8 ECTS)
BAHF420 Foundations 2: Linguistics (8 ECTS)
- 132013 PS ( MIXED ) Typology and language contact
BAHU520 Consolidation of Linguistics: Hungarian (12 ECTS)
- 132024 VO ( MIXED ) History of Finno-Ugric Studies
- 132503 VO History of the Hungarian Language 1
BAHF610 Bachelor's Phase: Linguistics (13 ECTS)
GCM Focus Literature (hungarian studies) (41 ECTS)
BAHU330 Foundations 1: Literature (8 ECTS)
- 132026 VO ( MIXED ) Literary and Cultural History of the Rennaissance in Hungary
BAHF430 Foundations 2: Literature and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132018 PS ( MIXED ) Mediating Literature
BAHU530 Consolidation of Linguistics: Hungarian Literature (12 ECTS)
- 132020 VO [ hu ] "Little Masters" of Hungarian Short Prose
- 132026 VO ( MIXED ) Literary and Cultural History of the Rennaissance in Hungary
BAHU630 Bachelor's Phase: Literature (13 ECTS)
GCM Focus Finnish Linguistics (finnish studies) (41 ECTS)
BAFE310 Foundations 1: Finnish Linguistics (8 ECTS)
- 132202 VO [ de fi ] Descriptive Grammar of the Finnish Language 1
BAFE410 Foundations 2: Finnic Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132013 PS ( MIXED ) Typology and language contact
BAFE510 Consolidation of Linguistics: Estonian (12 ECTS)
- 132152 UE Language Learning Estonian 1
BAHF610 Bachelor's Phase: Linguistics (13 ECTS)
GCM Focus Finnish Literature and Linguistics (finnish studies) (41 ECTS)
BAFE310 Foundations 1: Finnish Linguistics (8 ECTS)
BAHF430 Foundations 2: Literature and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
BAFE510 Consolidation of Linguistics: Estonian (12 ECTS)
BAHF610 Bachelor's Phase: Linguistics (13 ECTS)
- 132024 VO ( MIXED ) History of Finno-Ugric Studies
Elective module (finnish studies) (16 ECTS)
ZWM HU1 Hungarian Literature and Culture (8 ECTS)
- 132016 VO ( MIXED ) Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature 2
- 132020 VO [ hu ] "Little Masters" of Hungarian Short Prose
- 132026 VO ( MIXED ) Literary and Cultural History of the Rennaissance in Hungary
- 132219 VO Hungarian Regional and Cultural Studies 1
Elective module (hungarian studies) (15-16 ECTS)
ZWM FI1 Finnish Literature and Culture (16 ECTS)
- 132007 VO Introduction to the History of Finnish Literature 2
- 132446 VO Finland: History and Culture 1
ZWM ES1 Learning and Understanding Estonian (15 ECTS)
- 132152 UE Language Learning Estonian 1
Bachelor Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian (193 066, 198 433)
Introductory and Orientation Period (8 ECTS)
UF UN 01 StEOP Subject Hungarian (8 ECTS)
- EXAM STEOP: Modulprüfung Unterrichtsfach Ungarisch
- 132377 VO ( OV STEOP ) StEOP: Language, Society, Culture
Compulsory Module Group Language Acquisition (30 ECTS)
UF UN 02 Language Acquisition Hungarian IV (10 ECTS)
UF UN 03 Language Acquisition Hungarian IV (10 ECTS)
- 132501 UE [ hu ] Hungarian Language V
UF UN 04 Language Acquisition Hungarian IV (10 ECTS)
UF UN 05 Basics of hungarian Linguistics (8 ECTS)
UF UN 06 Basics of hungarian Literary Studies and Scientific Work (10 ECTS)
- 132016 VO ( MIXED ) Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature 2
- 132205 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Literary Studies
UF UN 07 Basics of hungarian Regional Studies (8 ECTS)
UF UN 08 Subject Didactics (13 ECTS)
UF UN 09 In-Depth Studies: Linguistics or Literary Studies (4 ECTS)
- 132006 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
- 132026 VO ( MIXED ) Literary and Cultural History of the Rennaissance in Hungary
- 132503 VO History of the Hungarian Language 1
UF UN 10 Elective Module for Teacher Training Programme Students (0-10 ECTS)
- 132006 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Cultures of the Uralic Peoples
- 132025 SE ( MIXED ) The Interplay of Image and Text in Finno-Ugric Literature - - from children's and youth literature to adult literature
- 132104 VO ( STEOP ) StEOP: Introduction to Cultural Studies
- 132503 VO History of the Hungarian Language 1
- 490234 PS ( KPH Krems ) Interkulturelles und Interreligiöses Lernen als Aufgabe aller Fächer
- 490400 VU PM1 Digital Transformations
UF UN 11 Subject Related Training Placement at School - Hungarian (7 ECTS)
- 132012 UE [ de hu ] ( MIXED ) Pratical Exercises in Teaching
UF UN 12 Bachelor Module (9 ECTS)
Master Teacher Training Programme: Hungarian (533)
UF MA UN 01 Consolidation of Relevant Academic Subjects (15 ECTS)
- 132015 UE [ de hu ] ( MIXED ) Applied Hungarian - Critical Analysis and Interpretation of Theoretical Texts in Hungarian
- 132017 SE [ de hu ] Narratology in practice
- 132019 SE Imre Kertész in Kontext: Author Image and Reception History
UF MA UN 02 Subject Didactics (7 ECTS)
- 132010 UE [ de hu ] ( MIXED ) Hungarian in Secondary Education 2
UF MA UN 03 Didactical Supervision in the Practice Phase (4 ECTS)
UF MA UN 04 Master Seminar (6 ECTS)
Master Hungarian Studies and Finno-Ugric Studies (684)
CM1 Contact and Diversity (30 ECTS)
- 132020 VO [ hu ] "Little Masters" of Hungarian Short Prose
- 132022 SE ( MIXED ) Contrastive grammar German/Finno-Ugric
- 132023 VO Wordformation in Finno-Ugric
- 132024 VO ( MIXED ) History of Finno-Ugric Studies
- 132025 SE ( MIXED ) The Interplay of Image and Text in Finno-Ugric Literature - - from children's and youth literature to adult literature
- 132304 VO Regionality as a Category of Cultural Studies: Burgenland
MAHF01 Contact and Diversity (30 ECTS)
GCM2 Theoretical and Methodological issues (20 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF02a Literature (10 ECTS)
- 132017 SE [ de hu ] Narratology in practice
MAHF02b Cultural Studies (10 ECTS)
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF02c Comparative Uralic Studies (10 ECTS)
MAHF02d Structure of Finnish/Hungarian Language (10 ECTS)
- 132008 VO Structural Course Hungarian 1
- 132009 VO [ de en ] Structural Course Finnish 1
GCM3 Extending Knowledge of Philology (15 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF03a Hungarian Literature (15 ECTS)
- 132020 VO [ hu ] "Little Masters" of Hungarian Short Prose
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF03b Small Finno-Ugric Languages (15 ECTS)
- 132021 UE Mari
GCM4 Academic Emphasis (15 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF04a Academic Emphasis on Literature and Cultural Studies (15 ECTS)
- 132019 SE Imre Kertész in Kontext: Author Image and Reception History
- 132027 SE ( MIXED ) Drama and Theatre Culture in Hungary
- 132304 VO Regionality as a Category of Cultural Studies: Burgenland
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF04b Academic Emphasis on Finno-Ugrian Studies (15 ECTS)
- 132023 VO Wordformation in Finno-Ugric
- 132157 UE [ de et ] Estonian Language III
GCM5 Thematic Courses (10 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF05a Thematic Courses in Hungarian Studies (10 ECTS)
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF05b Thematic Courses in Finno-Ugrian Studies (10 ECTS)
- 132022 SE ( MIXED ) Contrastive grammar German/Finno-Ugric
GCM6 Master’s Module (6 ECTS)
Hungarian studies
MAHF06a Master’s Module Hungarian Studies (6 ECTS)
Finno-Ugrian studies
MAHF06b Master’s Module Finno-Ugrian Studies (6 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Finnish Literature and Culture (130)
EC Finn 1 Finnish Regional and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
- 132446 VO Finland: History and Culture 1
EC Finn 2 History of Finnish Literature (8 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Learning and Understanding Estonian (635)
EC Est 1 Estonian Language 1-2 (12 ECTS)
- 132152 UE Language Learning Estonian 1
EC Est 2 Finnic Linguistics (3 ECTS)
Extension Curriculum Hungarian Literature and Culture (636)
EC Ung 1Hungarian Regional and Cultural Studies (8 ECTS)
EC Ung 2 Hungarian Literature (8 ECTS)
- 132016 VO ( MIXED ) Introduction to the History of Hungarian Literature 2
- 132020 VO [ hu ] "Little Masters" of Hungarian Short Prose
- 132026 VO ( MIXED ) Literary and Cultural History of the Rennaissance in Hungary
Lehramtsstudium (Ungarisch): Fachdidaktik
Last modified: We 03.07.2024 14:52
Bachelorstudium Unterrichtsfach UngarischMitwoch, 04.10.2023 von 15:00 bis 16:30 Uhr, HS 1, in hybriden Format (an einem physischen Ort und Online).Teilnahme sehr empfehlenswert!WICHTIG: Informationen zur Zulassung und zur Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (StEOP) finden Sie hier: Online Anmeldung über u:find zu den prüfungsimmanten Lehrveranstaltungen der Finno-Ugristik ist von 01.09. bis 05.10.2023 möglich. Die Abmeldung von den prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen ist bis 31.10.2023 möglich.Die Anmeldung für die Begleitlehrveranstaltung zur Schulpraxis, UE, 132 012, 4 ECTS, erfolgt gemeinsam mit der Anmeldung zum fachbezogenen Praktikum über:ür die nicht prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen, welche durch das zentrale Anmeldesystem der Universität Wien verwaltet werden, ist die Anmeldung von 01.09.2023 bis 30.09.2025 möglich.