Mandatory Modules in Philosophy (35 ECTS)
UF PP 06 Learning Philosophy
UF PP 06.1 Lecture Course: Intro to Academic Writing for Teachers (2 ECTS)
UF PP 06.2 Exercise Course: Rhetoric and Argumentation-Theory
UF PP 06.3 Introductory Seminar with Close Readings
- 180018 LPS Anselm's Proslogion
- 180019 LPS Plato: Theaetetus
- 180130 LPS Political epistemology
- 180131 LPS Kant's "Foundations for the Metaphysics of Morals"
- 180132 LPS Selected Topics from Henry Sidgwicks`s Methods of Ethics
- 180217 LPS [ en ] Selections from Audre Lorde
UF PP 07 History of Philosophy - For the Teaching Post
UF PP 07.1 Lecture Course: History of Philosophy I (Antiquity) (3 ECTS)
- 010132 VO Ancient Philosophy
- 180010 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
- 180219 VO-L M-04 Lecture with reading on history of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
UF PP 07.2 Lecture Course: History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modern Period) (3 ECTS)
- 010028 VO Medieval philosophy
- 180011 VO-L History of Philosophy II
UF PP 07.3 Lecture Course: History of Philosophy III (Modern Period) (3 ECTS)
UF PP 08 Theoretical Philosophy (8 ECTS)
UF PP 08.1 Lecture Course: Epistemology or Philosophy of Science
- 180016 VO Introduction to Epistemology
- 180021 VO Introduction to Philosophy of Science
- 180218 VO Introduction to Epistemology
UF PP 08.2 SE Metaphysics/Ontology, Philosophy of Media or Technology, Philosophy of Science
- 180030 SE Media philosophy by Günther Anders and Marshall McLuhan on the chat - Bedeutsame Ideen einer Philosophie der Medien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.
- 180037 KU queer animals
- 180043 SE Basic texts d. Phenomenology: Merleau-Ponty PdW
- 180044 SE [ en ] Against Hume: Mary Shepherd's Philosophy of Causation
- 180071 KU [ en ] Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Mathematics
- 180186 SE [ en ] Philosophy of the Historical Sciences
- 180211 SE Media Workshop: Fake News
- 180223 SE [ en ] Philosophical Puzzles and Paradoxes
- 180224 SE Aristoteles De Anima
- 180225 SE [ en ] The Field of Between - At the Limits of Cognitive Science and Philosophy
UF PP 09 Practical Philosophy (8 ECTS)
UF PP 09.1 Lecture Course in Ethics
- 010021 VO Ethics I -Introduction into ethics
UF PP 09.2 SE Ethics, Applied Ethics, Anthropology, Social/Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law
- 180030 SE Media philosophy by Günther Anders and Marshall McLuhan on the chat - Bedeutsame Ideen einer Philosophie der Medien im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.
- 180033 SE Introduction to Confucianism
- 180035 KU language and discrimination
- 180048 KU Cavell/Thoreau: Around Walden
- 180052 SE [ en ] Ethics of Blame
- 180058 SE Lecture with reading on Social Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Gender Theory
- 180059 SE Biopolitics, Life and Gender
- 180060 SE political phenomenology
- 180061 SE [ en ] Leslie Feinberg - Intersectional Approaches towards Transgender Liberation, Class, Race and Colonialism
- 180137 SE Ghazali & the foundation of ethics
- 180138 SE SE on intercultural philosophy and ethics - Interkulturelle Philosophie und Ethik im Judentum und abrahamitischen Religionen
- 180139 SE Ethical challenges at the beginning and end of life
- 180183 SE Control
Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44