6.03. Jewish Studies
Die Lehrveranstaltungen finden in den Hörsälen (HS 1 und HS 2 im Erdgeschoß) des Instituts für Judaistik statt (Wien IX., Spitalgasse 2, Hof 7.3 des Universitätscampus).
- 060045 VO+UE Modern Hebrew 2 - Modern Hebrew 2
- 060136 VO+UE Modern Hebrew 4 - Modern Hebrew 4
- 060145 VO Hebrew Grammar - Hebrew Grammar (Prerequisites: Modern Hebrew 1-3, Hebrew Grammar 1)
- 060146 UE Exercises to Hebrew Grammar 2 - Exercises to Hebrew Grammar 2 (only in combination with "Hebrew Grammar 2")
- 060144 SE Colloquial Modern Hebrew - Colloquial Modern Hebrew (Prerequisites: Modern Hebrew 1-4, Hebrew Grammar 1-2)
- 060143 SE Practicum 2: Modern Hebrew for advanced learners - Practicum 2: Modern Hebrew for advanced learners (Prerequisites: Modern Hebrew 1-4, Hebrew Grammar 1-2)
- 060038 SE Wordformation in Hebrew - Wordformation in Hebrew (Prerequisites: Modern Hebrew 1-4, Hebrew Grammar 1-2, Biblical Hebrew)
- 060042 SE Biblical Hebrew 2 - Biblical Hebrew 2 (Prerequisites: Modern Hebrew 1-4, Hebrew Grammar 1-2, Biblical Hebrew 1)
- 060032 SE Jewish Diaspora in the Roman Empire - Jewish Diaspora in the Roman Empire
- 060138 PV Talmud - Talmud
- 060140 SE Midrash - Midrash
- 060034 PS Proseminar 2 - Proseminar 2 (Prerequisite: Proseminar 1)
- 060035 VO Introduction to Medieval Jewish Literature - Introduction to Medieval Jewish Literature
- 060037 SE Reading Medieval Jewish Texts - Reading Medieval Jewish Texts (Prerequisite: at least 2 sem. Modern Hebrew)
- 060041 VO Introduction to Second Temple Jewish Literature - Introduction to Second Temple Jewish Literature
- 060043 UE Source Studies "Second Temple Jewish Literature" - Source Studies Accompanying the Class "Introduction to Second Temple Jewish Literature"
- 060044 SE Ancient Jewish Interpretations of Scriptures - Ancient Jewish Interpretations of Scriptures
- 060049 PV Jewish Politeuma of Heracleopolis - The Documents from the Jewish Politeuma of Heracleopolis and Other Ancient Texts
- 060116 VO History of the Jews in the Modern Period - History of the Jews in the Modern Period
- 060123 VO+UE Kabbalah and Magic - Kabbalah and Magic
- 060125 SE Gershom Scholem - his life and his work - Gershom Scholem - his life and his work
- 060126 VO Jiddish culture in the 20th century - Jiddish culture in the 20th century
- 060130 UE Source Studies: Jiddish culture in the 20th cent. - Source Studies: Jiddish culture in the 20th century
- 060132 UE Reading Jiddish Texts - Reading Jiddish Texts
- 060133 UE Language Course: Jiddish for Advanced Learners - Language Course: Jiddish for Advanced Learners
- 060012 VO Targums - The Targums as part of the antique tradition of Bible interpretation
Last modified: Sa 21.05.2022 00:59