Master Physics (876 [2] - Version 2018)
Group of elective modules Core (30 ECTS)
M-CORE 1 Advanced Computational Physics (10 ECTS)
- EXAM M-CORE 1 Written Module Exam Advanced Computational Physics
- 260007 VO [ en ] Advanced Computational Physics
- 260038 PUE [ en ] Advanced Computational Physics
M-CORE 2 Advanced Electronic Structure (10 ECTS)
M-CORE 3 Advanced Particle Physics (10 ECTS)
- EXAM M-CORE 3 Written Module Exam Advanced Particle Physics
- 260057 VO [ en ] Advanced Particle Physics
- 260059 PUE [ en ] Advanced Particle Physics
M-CORE 4 Advanced Physics of Nuclei and Isotopes (10 ECTS)
- EXAM M-CORE 4 Written Module Exam Advanced Physics of Nuclei and Isotopes
- 260005 VO [ en ] Advanced Physics of Nuclei and Isotopes
- 260086 PUE [ en ] Advanced Physics of Nuclei and Isotopes
M-CORE 5 Advanced Quantum Mechanics (10 ECTS)
M-CORE 6 Advanced Statistical Physics and Soft Matter Physics (10 ECTS)
M-CORE 7 General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology (10 ECTS)
- EXAM M-CORE 7 Written Module Exam General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology
- 260023 VO [ en ] General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology
- 260025 PUE [ en ] General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology
M-CORE 8 Atmospheric Aerosol Physics (10 ECTS)
M-CORE 9 Experiments in Quantum Optics & Quantum Information (10 ECTS)
M-CORE 10 Condensed Matter Physics (10 ECTS)
M-CORE 11 Dispersion, Microscopy and Spectroscopy (10 ECTS)
- EXAM M-CORE 11 Written Module Exam Dispersion, Microscopy and Spectroscopy
- 260067 VO [ en ] Scattering, Microscopy and Spectroscopy
- 260073 PUE [ en ] Scattering, Microscopy and Spectroscopy
M-CORE 12 Theory of Quantum Optics & Quantum Information (10 ECTS)
- EXAM M-CORE 12 Written Module Exam Theory of Quantum Optics & Quantum Information
- 260003 VO [ en ] Theory in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
- 260004 PUE [ en ] Theory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
Alternative compulsory modul Specialization in current research topics A (10 ECTS)
M-VAF A1 Specialization in current research topics A 1 (10 ECTS)
- EXAM M-CORE 12 Written Module Exam Theory of Quantum Optics & Quantum Information
- EXAM M-CORE 1 Written Module Exam Advanced Computational Physics
- EXAM M-CORE 5 Written Module Exam Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- EXAM M-CORE 9 Written Module Exam Experiments in Quantum Optics & Quantum Information
- EXAM M-CORE 8 Written Module Exam Atmospheric Aerosol Physics
- EXAM M-CORE 10 Written Module Exam Condensed Matter Physics
- EXAM M-CORE 4 Written Module Exam Advanced Physics of Nuclei and Isotopes
- EXAM M-CORE 2 Written Module Exam Advanced Electronic Structure
- EXAM M-CORE 3 Written Module Exam Advanced Particle Physics
- EXAM M-CORE 7 Written Module Exam General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology
- EXAM M-CORE 6 Written Module Exam Advanced Statistical Physics and Soft Matter Physics
- EXAM M-CORE 11 Written Module Exam Dispersion, Microscopy and Spectroscopy
- 260003 VO [ en ] Theory in Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
- 260004 PUE [ en ] Theory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information
- 260005 VO [ en ] Advanced Physics of Nuclei and Isotopes
- 260007 VO [ en ] Advanced Computational Physics
- 260023 VO [ en ] General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology
- 260025 PUE [ en ] General Theory of Relativity and Cosmology
- 260038 PUE [ en ] Advanced Computational Physics
- 260057 VO [ en ] Advanced Particle Physics
- 260059 PUE [ en ] Advanced Particle Physics
- 260067 VO [ en ] Scattering, Microscopy and Spectroscopy
- 260073 PUE [ en ] Scattering, Microscopy and Spectroscopy
- 260086 PUE [ en ] Advanced Physics of Nuclei and Isotopes
M-VAF A 2 Specialization in current research topics A 2 (10 ECTS)
- 260006 VO [ en ] Practical optics for physicists - Practical design of laboratory setups - lenses, instruments and detectors
- 260009 LP [ en ] Laboratory: Computational Materials Physics
- 260010 VU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Low-level programming in C and C++ (Part 1)
- 260014 VO [ en ] Colloidal Soft Matter
- 260020 VU [ en ] Biological Physics
- 260027 VU [ en ] Testing Gravity in Experiments: from classical to quantum relativity - Part II
- 260030 VU [ en ] Topological quantum field theory
- 260031 LP [ en ] Laboratory: Modern methods in materials physics
- 260035 LP [ en ] Laboratory: Computational Statistical Mechanics
- 260042 VO [ en ] Applied semiconductor physics - photovoltaics
- 260046 VU [ en ] Surface Science
- 260047 VU [ en ] Matter-Waves
- 260050 VO [ en ] Entanglement in quantum many-body systems
- 260052 VU [ en ] Engineered quantum many-body systems
- 260054 SE [ en ] Climate change - The physical science basis
- 260056 SE [ en ] Current Research in Experimental Materials Physics
- 260063 SE [ en ] Concepts, phenomena & paradoxes at the interface betw. quantum physics & general relativity-Part VII
- 260068 VU [ en ] Modern Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
- 260069 SE [ en ] Quantum-computing enhanced measurements
- 260070 VU [ en ] TURIS/VCQ Summer School "Interfacing Gravity and Quantum Physics"
- 260076 VU [ en ] Solid-State Quantum Optics: Exploring Light-Matter Quasiparticles
- 260078 SE [ en ] Seminar on Computational Materials Physics
- 260084 VU Introduction to Supersymmetry
- 260087 SE [ en ] Semiconductor optics for precision spectroscopy
- 260101 SE [ en ] Classical-, quantum- and thermodynamics of (non-)linear oscillators
- 260103 VU [ en ] Advanced Methods in quantum optomechanics: from atoms to solids
- 260114 SE [ en ] Seminar Applied isotope physics
- 260118 VU [ en ] Advanced solid state physics: superconductivity
- 260119 VU [ en ] Electron and ion irradiation effects on materials
- 260135 SE [ en ] Seminar on experimental particle physics II
- 260211 LP [ en ] Laboratory: Quantum Optics
- 260300 VO [ en ] Experimental Particle Physics II: Accelerators and Detectors
- 520002 VU [ en ] Micromagnetics and Spintronics: Models and Simulation
- 520004 SE [ en ] Seminar on mathematical physics
- 520011 SE [ en ] Magnetism and Spintronics
- 520012 SE [ en ] Seminar in particle physics
- 520018 SE [ en ] Literature seminar complex materials and hybrid systems II
- 520023 SE [ en ] Photonic Quantum Information Processing
- 520028 VU [ en ] Advanced molecular simulation: free energies, enhanced sampling and rare events
- 520030 SE [ en ] Current research in the dynamics of condensed systems
Compulsory module Specialization in current research topics B (20 ECTS)
M-VAF B Specialization in current research topics B (20 ECTS)
- 260006 VO [ en ] Practical optics for physicists - Practical design of laboratory setups - lenses, instruments and detectors
- 260009 LP [ en ] Laboratory: Computational Materials Physics
- 260010 VU [ en ] ( REMOTE ) Low-level programming in C and C++ (Part 1)
- 260014 VO [ en ] Colloidal Soft Matter
- 260020 VU [ en ] Biological Physics
- 260027 VU [ en ] Testing Gravity in Experiments: from classical to quantum relativity - Part II
- 260030 VU [ en ] Topological quantum field theory
- 260031 LP [ en ] Laboratory: Modern methods in materials physics
- 260035 LP [ en ] Laboratory: Computational Statistical Mechanics
- 260042 VO [ en ] Applied semiconductor physics - photovoltaics
- 260046 VU [ en ] Surface Science
- 260047 VU [ en ] Matter-Waves
- 260050 VO [ en ] Entanglement in quantum many-body systems
- 260052 VU [ en ] Engineered quantum many-body systems
- 260054 SE [ en ] Climate change - The physical science basis
- 260056 SE [ en ] Current Research in Experimental Materials Physics
- 260063 SE [ en ] Concepts, phenomena & paradoxes at the interface betw. quantum physics & general relativity-Part VII
- 260068 VU [ en ] Modern Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
- 260069 SE [ en ] Quantum-computing enhanced measurements
- 260070 VU [ en ] TURIS/VCQ Summer School "Interfacing Gravity and Quantum Physics"
- 260076 VU [ en ] Solid-State Quantum Optics: Exploring Light-Matter Quasiparticles
- 260078 SE [ en ] Seminar on Computational Materials Physics
- 260084 VU Introduction to Supersymmetry
- 260087 SE [ en ] Semiconductor optics for precision spectroscopy
- 260101 SE [ en ] Classical-, quantum- and thermodynamics of (non-)linear oscillators
- 260103 VU [ en ] Advanced Methods in quantum optomechanics: from atoms to solids
- 260114 SE [ en ] Seminar Applied isotope physics
- 260118 VU [ en ] Advanced solid state physics: superconductivity
- 260119 VU [ en ] Electron and ion irradiation effects on materials
- 260135 SE [ en ] Seminar on experimental particle physics II
- 260211 LP [ en ] Laboratory: Quantum Optics
- 260300 VO [ en ] Experimental Particle Physics II: Accelerators and Detectors
- 520002 VU [ en ] Micromagnetics and Spintronics: Models and Simulation
- 520004 SE [ en ] Seminar on mathematical physics
- 520011 SE [ en ] Magnetism and Spintronics
- 520012 SE [ en ] Seminar in particle physics
- 520018 SE [ en ] Literature seminar complex materials and hybrid systems II
- 520023 SE [ en ] Photonic Quantum Information Processing
- 520028 VU [ en ] Advanced molecular simulation: free energies, enhanced sampling and rare events
- 520030 SE [ en ] Current research in the dynamics of condensed systems
Compulsory module Supplementation (20 ECTS)
M-ERG Supplementation (20 ECTS)
- 059912 VU [ en ] Digital Innovation Lab
- 060021 VO Storytelling
- 250068 VO [ en ] Entanglement in quantum many-body systems: Mathematical results
- 250084 SE [ en ] Mathematical/Computational Astro/Quantum Physics
- 250155 VU [ en ] Cosmic Structures: Theory, Numerics, and Statistics
- 260033 KU [ en ] Characterization techniques in Materials Physics
- 260088 VU [ en ] A guided tour through cirrus clouds
- 260089 VU [ en ] Modelling of acid-base equilibria in polymeric and colloidal systems
- 260097 VU [ en ] Photonics: Linear and nonlinear optics of nanostructured materials and their applications
- 260138 SE Supplementary Seminar: Introductory and Orientation Period, M II (SoSe) - for sophomores of problem-solving courses accompanying Experimental Physics II
- 260183 VO [ en ] Tensors, Spinors, Twistors and all that
- 262009 VO [ en ] Computational Concepts in Statistical Physics
- 270136 VO Femto- and Nano-Technologies at Interfaces
- 270177 SE Ethics in Natural Sciences
- 280354 PR [ en ] Gliding-meteorological and Aerosol-physical Field Course
- 280547 SE [ en ] Current topics in cosmology and astroparticle physics
- 520009 SE [ en ] Telling your story - science communication of research projects
- 520017 VO [ en ] Magnonics
Compulsory module Specialization (10 ECTS)
M-SPEZ Specialization (10 ECTS)
- 260032 KU [ en ] Specialization
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2024 00:39