Master Gender Studies (808 [4] - Version 2020)
- 240068 UE Guided Reading - Inter*Studies kontroverse interdisziplinäre Diskurse
Compulsory Modules
CM1 Central Topics and Issues (30 ECTS)
- 240071 UE Central Topics and Issues of the Gender Studies
- 240072 VU Actual Debates and Interventions
- 240098 UE Guided Reading - Donna Haraways Gefährt*innen Leben und Denken im Chtulucene
- 240134 SE Critical Scientific Practice
- 240136 UE Central Topics and Issues of the Gender Studies
- 240199 VO Central Topics and Issues of the Gender Studies
- 240236 VU Actual Debates and Interventions - Kulturelle Pluralität in Feminismus Sichtbar Machen
CM2 Theoretical Perspectives and Methodological Approaches (20 ECTS)
- 240114 SE SE/PR (research-) project development - Activism in/and Care
- 240209 VO Methodological Approaches
CM3 Individual Specialisation (35 ECTS)
Seminars in Master's Programme Gender Studies (16 ECTS)
- 240023 SE Seminar Individual Specialisation I - Gesellschaft und Geschlecht: Neoliberalismus, Autoritarismus, Militarisierung
- 240096 SE Seminar Individual Specialisation II - Queer (in) Form: Examining In_Visibility through Theory and Art production
Elective Subjects in Master's Programme Gender Studies (19 ECTS)
- 010085 SE Gender and Christian Ethics
- 010128 SE Body - Power - Gender : Butler and Merleau-Ponty
- 020023 VO-L Cultural History of Christianity - Frauen in der Geschichte des Christentums
- 020030 SE [ en ] Deepening Seminar on Systematic-Theological Research - God Beyond Theism: Reimagining God in a Post-Modern World
- 060002 VO Women and their Environments in the Hebrew Bible and Qumran
- 060005 SE Gender(s) and Sexuality(ies) in Judaism
- 060021 VO Storytelling
- 070022 SE [ en ] MATILDA Summer Intensive Programme "Gender and Work in History"
- 070246 SE Research Seminar - Situated Disciplines. Gender and Women's Studies in Archives - (USA and Austria since 1970) Part II: Writing History
- 141058 VO Identity, Sexuality, and Positionality in African Literatures
- 142265 UE [ en ] LGBTQIA+ in South Asian Press and Literature
- 210135 VO [ en ] M8: SpezialVO Gender and Politics - Gender, Illiberalism, Neoliberalism
- 240034 PS ,
- 240051 KU Seminar Individual Specialisation I - Wahllehrveranstaltung
- 240064 GR x - x
- 240108 SE Individual Focus Modul - Wahllehrveranstaltung
- 280425 VU Academia and In/Equality
CM4 Master's Module (10 ECTS)
- 240035 UE Proposal Workshop
- 240097 SE Masters's Seminar
- 240101 SE Masters's Seminar - Betreuungswerkstatt
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2024 00:39