Universität Wien

Bachelor Oriental Studies (600 [3] - Version 2017) - discontinued

Weiterführende Informationen zu den Studien (z.B. Curricula (Studienpläne) für BA (Informationen zur STEOP für ERSTSEMESTRIGE), MA und EC und vieles Mehr siehe http://orientalistik.univie.ac.at/studium/

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Die An- und Abmeldefristen siehe direkt in den angebotenen Lehrveranstaltungen.

141022 VO (STEOPON-SITE) STEOP Introduction to Babylonian I
141270 VO (STEOP) STEOP: Arabic Language I
141304 VO (STEOP) STEOP: Turkish Grammar I
141136 VO Introduction to Sumerian - To be completed together with UE 141048
140226 SE Mesopotamian Literature (Reading of Literary Texts) - Philological Seminar on Akkadian Studies (Literature)
140228 SE Archaeological seminar with BA thesis - The diversity of the Assyrian world
140227 SE Philological Seminar - Babylonian prayers and wisdom texts
140227 SE Philological Seminar - Babylonian prayers and wisdom texts
140228 SE Archaeological seminar with BA thesis - The diversity of the Assyrian world
140227 SE Philological Seminar - Babylonian prayers and wisdom texts
140228 SE Archaeological seminar with BA thesis - The diversity of the Assyrian world
140231 UE Arabic Language C - Only possible in combination with 141426!
141074 UE Arabic Language C - Only possible in combination with 141426!
141426 VO+UE Arabic Language B
141066 VO+UE Arabic Language F
141000 UE [ar de] Conversations in Arabic K
141040 PS Proseminar I
141030 UE Ottoman II
141034 SE Historical-Cultural Seminar (and Bachelor's Paper) - Eating and drinking culture in the capital of the Ottoman Empire (18th-20th century - Excursion seminar

Last modified: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44