Mandatory Modules in Philosophy (35 ECTS)
UF PP 06 Learning Philosophy
UF PP 06.1 Lecture Course: Intro to Academic Writing for Teachers (2 ECTS)
UF PP 06.2 Exercise Course: Rhetoric and Argumentation-Theory
- 180095 UE UE Theory of Argumentation
- 180190 UE Introduction to Research Methods and Statistics
UF PP 06.3 Introductory Seminar with Close Readings
- 180005 LPS Kierkegaard's Either - Or
- 180006 LPS Introduction to critical political epistemology
- 180097 LPS ( KPH Krems ) Aristotle's politics
- 180098 LPS Fight for recognition
- 180099 LPS Happiness- the ultimate goal of existence. Eudaemonistic concepts from antiquity.
- 180100 LPS Selected milestones in practical philosophy
- 180154 LPS Hannah Arendt: Vita Activa
UF PP 07 History of Philosophy - For the Teaching Post
UF PP 07.1 Lecture Course: History of Philosophy I (Antiquity) (3 ECTS)
- 180014 VO-L History of Philosophy I (Antiquity)
UF PP 07.2 Lecture Course: History of Philosophy II (Middle Ages and Early Modern Period) (3 ECTS)
- 180015 VO-L History of Philosophy II
UF PP 07.3 Lecture Course: History of Philosophy III (Modern Period) (3 ECTS)
- 010290 VO Modern Philosophy
- 180016 VO-L History of Philosophy III: Modern Period Until the End of the 19th Century
UF PP 08 Theoretical Philosophy (8 ECTS)
UF PP 08.1 Lecture Course: Epistemology or Philosophy of Science
- 180021 VO Introduction to Epistemology
- 180022 VO Introduction to Philosophy of Science
- 180023 VO Introduction to Philosophy of Science
UF PP 08.2 SE Metaphysics/Ontology, Philosophy of Media or Technology, Philosophy of Science
- 180033 KU Innovation Lab: from idea to prototype - (summer course)
- 180034 VO-L [ en ] The lodestone between medium and technology - the changing conceptual functions of magnetism from Plato to Mesmer
- 180038 SE Indirect communication in Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein
- 180040 SE Formal theories of truth
- 180042 SE Where does the epistemic end?
- 180043 KU [ en ] Conceptions of Truth
- 180050 SE Evidence of God and logic
- 180066 SE [ en ] Introduction to the philosophy of mathematics
- 180067 SE [ en ] Philosophy of Pain Science
- 180183 SE Aristotle: metaphysics
UF PP 09 Practical Philosophy (8 ECTS)
UF PP 09.1 Lecture Course in Ethics
UF PP 09.2 SE Ethics, Applied Ethics, Anthropology, Social/Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law
- 180036 KU Introduction to Buddhist philosophy
- 180041 SE [ en ] Testimony and the Criminal Justice System
- 180054 SE [ en ] Collective Responsibility
- 180055 SE [ en ] Virtue Ethics
- 180056 SE Exclusion, racism, violence
- 180063 SE Foucault: Power and Subject
- 180064 SE Merleau-Ponty and Bourdieu: Phenomenology and Sociology of the Body
- 180065 SE Critical hermeneutics
- 180103 SE ( KPH Krems ) Ethics in religions - Current ethical issues in Islamic theological discourse
- 180106 SE ( KPH Krems ) Ethical challenges of the Anthropocene - Ökologische Ethik
- 180142 SE [ en ] Normative Democratic Theory
- 180165 SE Ethics in natural aesthetics and garden philosophy
Last modified: Fr 28.06.2024 00:39