M4 Individual Specialization (15 ECTS)
- 040049 SE [ en ] Philosophy and Economics (MA) - Social Sciences and the Philosophy of the Vienna Circle: Selected Readings
- 180131 SE Michel Foucault: the discourse of philosophy
- 180132 SE [ en ] The Integration Problem
- 180134 SE Philosophy of logic
- 180136 SE Introduction of a Ministry of Happiness is a sensible measure
- 180137 SE [ en ] Friedrich Nietzsche on Taste, the Heart and the conceptual personae of the Artist-Philosophe
- 180166 KU Philosophy of Evil
- 180167 KU [ en ] Reasons
- 180173 KU [ en ] KU New Directions in Epistemology
- 180177 KU Truth-Telling, Dissent, Differend
- 180179 KU Truth-telling, dissent, contradiction
- 180181 KU [ en ] Political Philosophy of Al
- 180185 KU Philosophy of religion
- 180196 SE Transcendental Logic
- 180217 SE [ en ] Cognitive Science Peer Teaching Course
- 180218 VO-L [ en ] Cognitive Science - Introduction and Basic Concepts
- 180226 SE [ en ] Philosophy of Logic - Logical Consequence
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2025 00:43
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ist nur nach Vorabgenehmigung durch die Studienprogrammleitung möglich.