Elective Modules (30 ECTS)
M-07 Philosophy of Media, Philosophy of Technology (10 ECTS)
M-07 non-continuous assessment
- 010116 VO Communication and Media Ethics
M-07 continuous assessment
- 010119 SE Artificial intelligence and democracy - ethical perspectives
- 051993 VU ( KPH Krems ) Ethics in Information Technology
- 180044 SE [ en ] AI and democracy
- 180045 SE Media workshop
- 180106 SE Science-technology communication
- 180199 SE [ en ] Introduction to Applied Ethics
M-08 Intercultural Philosophy, Non-European Philosophy (10 ECTS)
M-08 non-continuous assessment
- 142201 VO [ en ] Paths of Salvation in South Asian Philosophies and Religions
- 180048 VO-L Contemporary Chinese Political Philosophy
- 180051 VO-L Philosophical foundations of yoga practice - The Philosophical Foundation of Yoga Practice (Patañjali,Abhinavagupta, Aurobindo)
- 180061 VO-L Philosophy of mind
M-08 continuous assessment
- 010076 SE "God of the Poor": Philosophy of Religion from the sources of Judaism - From Herman Cohen to Emmanuel Lévinas to Liberation Thinking of Latin America
- 144025 VU Islamic Philosophy (falsafa)
- 180047 SE The philosophical foundations of civilizational analysis
- 180049 SE Daoism versus Confucianism - Ein chinesischer Antagonismus -mit den Texten Zhunangzi und Xunzi
M-09 Epistemology, Logic, Philosophy of Language (10 ECTS)
M-09 non-continuous assessment
- 010096 VO Philosophy of Language
- 180197 VO-L Singular Terms and Proper Names
- 180210 VO-L Philosophie as actus intellectualis - Dimensionen der Philosophie bei Robert REININGER und bei NISHIDA Kitaro
M-09 continuous assessment
- 180052 SE Ways of Knowledge - Roger Bacon, William of Ockham, Hildegard of Bingen
- 180057 SE [ en ] Higher-Order Logic
- 180059 SE [ en ] Gillian Russell: Truth in Virtue of Meaning
- 180077 KU [ en ] Queer Phenomenology
- 180079 SE Language and power at Butler
- 180080 SE Theories of the Performative
- 180225 SE [ en ] Epistemology and Logic - Introduction to Epistemic Logic
M-10 Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Ontology (10 ECTS)
- 180059 SE [ en ] Gillian Russell: Truth in Virtue of Meaning
M-10 non-continuous assessment
- 010016 VO Basic Course Philosophical Anthropology
- 090017 VO Outlines of the Byzantine Theory of Soul
- 180061 VO-L Philosophy of mind
- 180197 VO-L Singular Terms and Proper Names
- 180210 VO-L Philosophie as actus intellectualis - Dimensionen der Philosophie bei Robert REININGER und bei NISHIDA Kitaro
M-10 continuous assessment
- 180057 SE [ en ] Higher-Order Logic
- 180058 SE [ en ] Topics in Metaphysics
- 180212 SE Platon: Philebos
- 180225 SE [ en ] Epistemology and Logic - Introduction to Epistemic Logic
M-11 Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Culture, Aesthetics (10 ECTS)
M-11 non-continuous assessment
- 010051 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics I (Fundamental Moral Theology)
- 010116 VO Communication and Media Ethics
- 090017 VO Outlines of the Byzantine Theory of Soul
- 180051 VO-L Philosophical foundations of yoga practice - The Philosophical Foundation of Yoga Practice (Patañjali,Abhinavagupta, Aurobindo)
- 180062 VO-L Questions of Aesthetics 2: What is the Sublime?
M-11 continuous assessment
- 010064 SE ( MIXED ) Aesthetics and exodus: "Theory of liberation" (Christoph Menke)
- 010076 SE "God of the Poor": Philosophy of Religion from the sources of Judaism - From Herman Cohen to Emmanuel Lévinas to Liberation Thinking of Latin America
- 090095 SE Punishment of Sins and Reward for Good Deeds - The Significance of the Particular Judgement for Byzantine Ethics and Theology
- 180047 SE The philosophical foundations of civilizational analysis
- 180049 SE Daoism versus Confucianism - Ein chinesischer Antagonismus -mit den Texten Zhunangzi und Xunzi
- 180063 KU Philosophy of Film Noir
- 180066 SE Leviathan, the giants and a throne chariot - Biblische Wesen und die Philosophie
- 180219 SE Ghazali & the foundation of ethics
M-12 Ethics, Applied Ethics (10 ECTS)
M-12 non-continuous assessment
- 010051 VO Advanced Course Theological Ethics I (Fundamental Moral Theology)
- 010116 VO Communication and Media Ethics
- 180069 VO-L John Stuart Mill
- 180107 VO-L Questions of economic and social ethics - Gerechtigkeit, Nachhaltigkeit, globale Entwicklung
- 180210 VO-L Philosophie as actus intellectualis - Dimensionen der Philosophie bei Robert REININGER und bei NISHIDA Kitaro
M-12 continuous assessment
- 180044 SE [ en ] AI and democracy
- 180045 SE Media workshop
- 180067 KU Hume's ethics
- 180070 SE Basics and fields of application of environmental ethics
- 180071 SE [ en ] On Games
- 180072 SE Area ethics: approaches, objects and methods
- 180073 SE [ en ] Foucault and the analytics of power
- 180076 SE Hannah Arendt and the Abyss of Power
- 180099 SE Legality and morality
- 180100 SE Questions of legal philosophy - Menschenrechte und Menschenpflichten
- 180104 SE Medical ethical case discussion in theory and practice
- 180106 SE Science-technology communication
- 180199 SE [ en ] Introduction to Applied Ethics
- 180219 SE Ghazali & the foundation of ethics
- 180229 SE Legality and morality
M-13 Social Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Gender Theory (10 ECTS)
M-13 non-continuous assessment
- 180048 VO-L Contemporary Chinese Political Philosophy
- 180074 VO-L Introduction to the thought of anarchism
- 180101 VO-L Introduction to political philosophy
- 180107 VO-L Questions of economic and social ethics - Gerechtigkeit, Nachhaltigkeit, globale Entwicklung
- 180206 VO Political theories of antiquity
M-13 continuous assessment
- 010119 SE Artificial intelligence and democracy - ethical perspectives
- 180073 SE [ en ] Foucault and the analytics of power
- 180075 SE Social theories from a phenomenological and discourse analytical perspective
- 180076 SE Hannah Arendt and the Abyss of Power
- 180077 KU [ en ] Queer Phenomenology
- 180079 SE Language and power at Butler
- 180099 SE Legality and morality
- 180100 SE Questions of legal philosophy - Menschenrechte und Menschenpflichten
- 180224 SE Classics of modern legal philosophy - Schwerpunkt Völkerrecht
- 180229 SE Legality and morality
M-14 Contemporary Philosophy (10 ECTS)
M-14 non-continuous assessment
M-14 continuous assessment
- 180063 KU Philosophy of Film Noir
- 180073 SE [ en ] Foucault and the analytics of power
- 180075 SE Social theories from a phenomenological and discourse analytical perspective
- 180076 SE Hannah Arendt and the Abyss of Power
- 180079 SE Language and power at Butler
- 180080 SE Theories of the Performative
M-15 Philosophy of Science (10 ECTS)
M-15 non-continuous assessment
M-15 continuous assessment
- 180052 SE Ways of Knowledge - Roger Bacon, William of Ockham, Hildegard of Bingen
- 180086 SE [ en ] Philosophy of Biology
- 180104 SE Medical ethical case discussion in theory and practice
- 180106 SE Science-technology communication
Last modified: Fr 10.01.2025 00:43
02 eine Teilnahmevoraussetzung dar. Aus den Wahlmodulen M-07 bis M-15 sind 3 Module
im Ausmaß von je 10 ECTS verpflichtend zu absolvieren.