Universität Wien

Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.

Group of Compulsory Modules B - Basic Modules I (24 ECTS)

B1 General Psychology (8 ECTS)

B2 Biological Psychology and Cognitive-Affective Neurosciences (8 ECTS)

B3 Alternative Compulsory Modules (6 ECTS)

B3a Advanced Module in General Psychology (6 ECTS)

B3b Advanced Module in Biological Psychology and Cognitive-Affective Neurosciences (6 ECTS)

B3c Research-Oriented Internship (6 ECTS)

B4 Experiencing and Reflecting on Psychological Research (2 ECTS)

Last modified: Mo 26.08.2024 13:50