MA SE - Advanced Sociology Module (Theories, Methods, Research Specialisation (12 ECTS)
- 230135 UE M4 Discourse Analysis - Selected Qualitative Methods of Data Analysis
- 230136 UE M4 Applied Multivariate Data Analysis in R - Selected Quantitative Methods
- 230140 VO M5 Visual sociology: Gender order of film and filmmaking - Sociological Specialisation (Lecture)
- 230141 VO M5 Sociological Research on Health and Medicine - An Overview - Sociological Specialisation (Lecture)
- 230142 VO M5 Racism in contemporary society as social problem and research field - Sociological Specialisation (Lecture)
- 230150 UE [ en ] M6 Data analysis using Stata - Sociological Specialisation of Choice
- 230151 SE M6 Digital Methods and their Integration with Qualitative Approaches - Sociological Specialisation of Choice
- 230152 SE M6 Populism, radicalism and exclusive solidarity - Sociological Specialisation of Choice
- 230153 SE M6 Vienna postcolonial? Decolonial explorations in the city and on campus - Sociological Specialisation of Choice
- 230509 SE Reading Seminar: Foundations of Political Sociology - (Version 2014 - Auslaufender Studienplan)
- 230512 SE Border as Method, or, the Multiplication of Labor - (Version 2014 - Auslaufender Studienplan)
MA SE - Advanced Sociology Module (Theories, Methods, Research) Specialisation): Recommended Lectures of other Departments
- 010049 VO Introduction to Medical Ethics
- 010067 FS [ en ] ( MIXED ) Ethics in an Era of Emergencies
- 010072 SE ( MIXED ) Departures and Resistances: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Feminism and Religion
- 010118 SE Where love falls? - Love, partnership and sexuality between social and ecclesial models
- 010119 SE Artificial intelligence and democracy - ethical perspectives
- 010128 SE Equal opportunities or equity? Education and labor in the modern meritocracy
- 040048 KU Sociology of Labor Markets (MA)
- 040175 KU Solidary Economic (MA) - Cooperative economy and Cooperatives
- 040519 KU [ en ] Sociology of Organizations (MA)
- 040577 KU Industrial Sociology (MA)
- 040707 SE International Cooperative Management (MA)
- 160136 PS 60 years of the Austrian-Turkish labor recruitment agreement - interdisciplinary perspectives
- 233030 VO [ en ] Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions: Central Issues, Questions and Concepts - Central Issues, Questions and Concepts
- 233031 KO [ en ] Discussion Class Politics of Innovation and its Institutional Dimensions
- 233041 SE [ en ] Contextualizing and Addressing Existential Risks/Threats: AI, ENVIRO and BIO Risks
- 233042 SE [ en ] Microbes on the Mind: Studying and intervening in the promises of microbiome research
- 233043 SE [ en ] Visual ethnographies of science: Investigating knowledge production through media practice
- 233044 SE [ en ] Technoborders, mobility, and othering: insights from STS
- 233045 SE [ en ] Multispecies Justice in Urban Ecosystems - Is There Such a Thing as a Multispecies Right to the City? Exploring Its Articulation and Implications
- 240107 VO+UE VM7 - One out of Five
- 240118 VO VM4 / VM7 - Gender Mainstreaming: Neoliberalism, Empowerment, and postcolonial criticism
- 400012 SE [ en ] Introduction to research design from a quantitative perspective - Methods seminar
- 400014 SE [ en ] Quantitative Data: Research Models and Causality - Methods seminar
Last modified: Fr 24.01.2025 08:10