Universität Wien

Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.

Master Sociology (905 [3] - Version 2024)

Detailinformationen zum Studiengang finden Sie auf der Website der Studienprogrammleitung Soziologie: https://soziologie.univie.ac.at/ma/master-2024/

M1 Introduction to the Master’s Programme in Sociology (11 ECTS)

M2 Professionalisation of Research in the Social Sciences (10 ECTS)

M3 Sociological Theories (10 ECTS)

M4 Methods in Empirical Social Research (20 ECTS)

M5 Sociological Specialisation (21 ECTS)

M5 Sociological Specialisation: Recommended Lectures of other Departments

M6 Sociological Specialisation of Choice (10 ECTS)

M6 Sociological Specialisation of Choice: Recommended Lectures of other Departments

M7 Master’s Thesis Project (8 ECTS)

M7 Master’s Thesis Project: Recommended Lectures of other Departments

Last modified: Fr 28.06.2024 00:39