B. Masterstudium Informatikmanagement
1. Fachdidaktik der Informatik
- 050005 VU Selected Topics from Computer Science Didactics
- 050065 VU Didactics of Computer Science for Higher Vocational Schools - Fachdidaktik Informatik für Berufsbildende mittlere und höhere Schulen
- 050071 PR Laboratory for Specialized Didactics
- 050096 VU Planning of Interdisciplinary Teaching
- 050128 PR Interdisciplinary Didactics Laboratory
- 050167 VU Computersupported Teaching and Learning Organisation
2. Betriebliche Informationssysteme
- 050011 PR WI/PPR PR - Practical Course in Business Informatics
- 050030 VO PI.DBS.DB.VO Database Systems
- 050031 UE PI.DBS.DB.UE Database Systems
3. e-Business und e-Government
- 050016 VO KFK EC/1 VO - Electronic Commerce 1
- 050017 UE KFK EC/1 UE - Electronic Commerce 1
- 050018 VU KFK EC/3 VU - Secure Electronic Commerce
- 050019 SE KFK EC/3 SE - Electronic Commerce 3
4. Logistik
5. Multimedia
- 050210 VO WK.MS.MS2.MS.VO Multimedia Systems 2
- 050211 UE WK.MS.MS2.MS.UE Multimedia Systems 2
- 050212 PR WK.MS.PMS.PM.PR Multimedia Systems
6. Netzwerke
- 050034 VO PI.SWA.SA.VO Software Architectures and Web-Technologies
- 050035 PR PI.SWA.SA.PR Software Architectures and Web-Technologies
- 050208 VU WK.VS.NPE.NP.VU Network Performance Evaluation
- 050209 PR WK.VS.PVS.PV.PR Laboratory for Networked Systems
7. Software Engineering
8. Prozesssteuerung und Simulation
9. Wirtschaft und Recht
- 040012 EK Principles of Accounting
- 040062 VK Production and Logistics
- 040063 EK Production and Logistics
- 040181 FK [ en ] Marketing (E)
- 040296 EK Introduction to Business Administration
- 040597 EK Accounting: Cost Accounting for Advanced Students
10. DiplomandInnenseminar
- 050133 SE Seminar for Master Students
Last modified: We 13.06.2018 00:34